
IMDb member since November 2002
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    21 years


Mayor of the Sunset Strip

Fun and freaky, sad but not weepy
Nothing says more about LA or its much maligned Hit-Driven Radio than Rodney Bingenheimer.

He personally broadcast inspired musical choices on KROQ, his cutting edge decisions to play breakout bands, his warm dedication to Rock N' Roll in the face of fast cash that was always "within his grasp".

I think every young guy of 18-24 wants the "Rodney life". Babes, rock , free music, speedy lifestyle... wow--he had it all !!!

...but it all comes down to the thin brown ashes off the side of a boat in the English Channel. A rare naked moment for Rodney when he's finally "sending off" his Mother. All of a sudden, his edgy life feels empty.

In 1979, when I hit L.A. , Rodney on the ROCKS was the best Saturday night show on radio. What is really great, is that rare magic spikes comes through the classic Rock icon images like the pasty multiple facelifts of a monotone Nancy Sinatra, who can't move her lips.

In the '80's and 90's, his influence on generation(s) of young music fans was unparalleled. Mind you, he has the worst voice ever created for radio. Now, he's faded to a Doctor Demento cult figure that seems more tragic than I would like.

Rodney seems lost and now a little desperate around the edges.... (What does he do besides work 3 hours a week??)

The documentary is brilliant.... How many documentaries have a bad guy that you love to hate--- Kim Fowley-- the Human Canker Sore. (Mr. Fowley claims no drug use but keep inhaling and touching his nose?!? I suspect he might end up on a free guest spot for "Six Feet Under") I'm kinda glad to have NEVER met Kim Fowley in person. Even his video presence is a little freaky.

And... Rodney is never judgmental to anyone... probably a more human flaw when it comes to the Fowleys of this world.

Colorado Cowboy: The Bruce Ford Story

The lonely, raw life of a first man to bust bronco to a $1 million saga
This is a nice raw achievement by award-winning NY photography Arthur Elgort. This documentary was the Winner of Best Cinematography at the SUNDANCE FESTIVAL in 1994.

Don't let the word "documentary" rain on your viewing parade. The story is a slow as the Midwest drawl that Ford speaks in but don't let that hold you back. The panoramic West is beautifully shot and cared for in a manner rarely done today.

Bruce Ford was the first man to win 1 million over his lifetime, in the brutal sport of bronco busting... 8 seconds to fame and a shaky spine. Honored by the Cowboy Hall of Fame, his legend is pure Americana at its best.

Remember there are no bronco busters in France.

Bruce J. Ford (I was curious too, so I bought it and was greatly satisified.)


Ya' know -- it sneaks up on you--the best flick this year!
Being a ex-screenwriter , I have seen thousands of films --blockbusters- silents-foreign yawners - sub-titled sleepers--- this is one of the best of all time because it remains true to its characters--- however turning "teary" at the end-- you buy it the whole kit and kiboddle-- because these good actors and great writer Louis Sacher (spelling??) give 1000 percent ! Right on... it works. Good for them.

Jimmy Zip

Good filmmaking and great story telling
I read about this movie somewhere.... if fact, I read all the commments below too. I can verify Bruce Ford's comments that Jimmy Zip was Hollywood Film Festival award winner.... and it shows.

Face it, the video box sucks big time. It is not a horror flick. But really well done story of teen runaway who discover a cruel world with pimps and dopers and the like. The strange encounter with the artist in the junk yard is a nice turn. Discover some first class independent filmmakers. Hats off to Robert McGinley.

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