
IMDb member since November 2002
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    21 years


El inmortal

Uneven but not terrible
I saw this movie recently and found it pretty interesting though not overwhelming good. It follows a family and community in Nicrauaga as they talk about the past war and there is a lot of focus on the Evangelical religious beliefs of some of the community, including talk about demons and ghosts.

I would have liked to have seen more focus on the misogynistic views of some of the men but that wasn't really investigated, and we didn't learn a lot about anyone except the elderly mother, the daughter and the twin brothers, and really only one brother of the twins. Cock fighting was presented as a 'normal' pastime. It did focus on an area of the world that not a lot of movies are made about, so it is fairly unique.

21 Grams

If only it wasn't non linear....
The story and acting of this movie is excellent. However, call me unsophisticated but the randomness of the scenes is a turn off for me. I would love to see a cut of the movie with all the scenes in chronological order. Penn, Watts, and Del Torro all are extraordinary. I just think the story could have held up on its own without the tricky flashbacks and foreshadowing. The movie has no real beginning, middle and end as you the scenes seem to be on 'shuffle' all the time. However I would recommend it to anyone that can handle something out of the ordinary with powerful acting. You really ended up caring about the characters. I give it 6 out of 10.

The Secret Lives of Dentists

Thought I would liked it but didn't
I thought I would like this movie since I like character study movies. It just harps on on the main theme of the movie, that Dave is a complete wimp who is deathly afraid of confrontation, almost every scene conveys this. We really don't end up learning much about the wife other than she likes being in the opera and she is having an affair. I would have liked to seen both characters developed not just the same basic same theme in every scene. I guess I learned that I don't like Campbell Scott as an actor or at least in this role he was very grating. Denis Leary is pretty good in the movie as the 'macho, typical guy' character. He is the exact opposite of Scott's character. There was some hinting of a flirtation with Scott and his dental assistant that really goes nowhere. Its worth watching if you like 'one note' character movies but not for me.

Il portiere di notte

worth seeing
This movie is worth seeing if you can handle anything a little out of the ordinary. The characters are very believable in their destiny of meeting each other again. Rampling is extremely beautiful in this I thought. Even though these two didn't meet in the ideal circumstances there is a unique and undeniable chemistry between them. If this were a true story it would be under the heading 'Truth is stranger than fiction'

Stranger Than Paradise

Different kind of movie
If you can handle something a little bit different than the usual Hollywood glitz, this movie will do. Its slow moving sometimes pointless but at the same time you want to know more about these characters, of course you never really do but maybe just once you don't get everything you want in life. I gave it a 6.

Bad Timing

This was erotic?
I didn't get this movie. 'Its a screwed up world and everybody has their problems' is the theme of the movie as far as I could tell. Garfunkel was extremely dull in the movie. Russell is better. Keitel isn't too convincing as the inspector. Also a 'cold war' vibe to the movie. Shown in flashbacks and sometimes confusing imagery. I wouldn't say don't watch it. I didn't like it but judge for yourself.


This movie was good
A good movie about a passionate, unexpected romance between the romantic taxi driver Michael and the jet-setting fashion model Sarah.

The actors do a really good job of conveying the passion of each other. I don't think this could happen in real life but it was definitely an interesting premise.

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