
IMDb member since February 2009
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The Riddle of the Sands

Beautiful motion picture
The Riddle of the sands is an espionage thriller, but it is also a coming of age story. Carruthers begins as a prat and little by little under Davies' gentle tutelage, he becomes a great human being and a man. The film draws this beautifully, and the three leads are adorable together. For people who like boats, it's a feast, and major actors of the film are the boats... Dulcibella is a great fictional heroine and she (and the others) are beautifully rendered here.

The music is haunting. Yes it doesn't move fast, but that's what sailing's about. It's a pleasure in a fast-moving world to imagine a time when things happened at sailboat speed.

The DVD print is crisp and clear, and there are no format problems A joy to watch!

He Walked by Night

LA Noire
Fascinating film. It surely inspired the video game LA Noire.

Many of the sights in the game are seen in this film, eg the library. There are several shots of Hollywood police station, well known to LAN gamers. The intrigue would fit well into LA's case book. I swear some of the louche fish the cops pick up in their dragnet also act in LAN! I'm sure you get to drive some of the cars too! The end is fabulous to watch, as the killer is surrounded and the noose is pulled tight. He has no chance, the manpower deployed is overwhelming. And that's reassuring, because he's the scariest type of all, a total socio-path who will kill anyone at all.

Great acting all round, with beautiful noire photography. A great shot shows you exactly why they call them "slugs". Do watch the beautiful copy at the Internet Archive. It's crisp and clear and does justice to this absorbing film.

The Mosquito Coast

Noah's Ark
This is an amazing, thought provoking film. Allie is like Noah building his ark, to save civilisation (surely people thought Noah was as crazy as he is?) To what extent is he right? To never give up. It must have been like this for the pioneers who created the US and Australia. They truly cannot go back. Here, the locals watch with tolerant amusement. Charlie hints that he will continue in his father's footsteps the end, yes, he is liberated by the departure of his father, but liberated to do what? Carry on in fact. What is the solution, a hut in a town on Mosquito coast? I don't know. It's hard to imagine what will happen next.

Geronimo is like the garden of Eden, there's a snake. There's always a snake. Maybe the parable of the film is that Eden doesn't, can't exist, yet we must, should take ourselves to the limits to try to make it?

Hawaii Five-0: Kai e' e (Tidal Wave)
Episode 15, Season 1

Best so far
I really like the way the show is shaping up. After initial doubts about Alex, I'm with him all the way.

This is the best episode so far in my opinion. I love the way the meta plot about the missing 10 million dollars is shaping up. You really want to know what happens next.

I love the chemistry between the characters, Steven, Danno. There are beginning to be some really good secondary characters we really want to see coming back. Why not some interaction (jealousy maybe?) from HPD.

But, like the original, the real star is Oahu itself: it's so beautiful, and I really, really want to go there! Bring H50 back next season please!

Star Trek: The Doomsday Machine
Episode 6, Season 2

Bogart and Commodore Decker
I love the way the Commodore channels Queeg in the Mutiny on the Caine. He plays around with the memory cards, just like Queeg plays with his objects. Although that makes for uncomfortable viewing, since I agree with José Ferrer's character that the Caine crew behaved badly. Though I don't see what else Spock and McCoy could have done. They tried to get him medical help, and contrary to Queeg, the Commodore doesn't ask for help.

Great episode, fabulous acting all round. I love Shatner's constipated expression when they "won't" beam him aboard.

Nimoy is first class too. I love it when he gets all steely (like in Mirror, Mirror as the "bad" Spock.

Shame about the robot, was it papier mâché? Definitely a reason to buy the re-mastered season 2!

Bitka na Neretvi

Through a Glass Darkly
An amazing film. I have seen a 1h24 version, which is cut (you might say shot)to pieces, and it is like a Western European person's understanding of that part of the war - seen as though far away. You can't even tell the uniforms apart, which makes it all the more moving. You have no idea who is friend or foe. This is Europe tearing itself apart. And it's incomprehensible. All that's left is the terrible human (and equine - they did this on foot and on horseback) cost.

Knowing that Yougoslavia recently went through all this again makes it even more tragic.

The music is fabulous too.

I think I shall try to find a full 2 hour Yougoslave version.

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