
IMDb member since March 2009
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    15 years


When Trumpets Fade

Film Review
This entire film is one that should not be forgotten for its historical and psychological relevance. What I liked the most is how it shows how late in the second world war, US soldiers were often, if they had not done so already, their breaking points. The film displayed what war can turn someone into, where fear can cause valor, as is the case with the character Sanderson. The character of Manning was fascinating because he had only been in the conflict for a few days and he had already made his own opinions and options on the battlefield, and how he starts in the woods as a caring fellow, trying to save a wounded comrade, to being the instant battle hardened warrior he was when his squad was sent to take out the Flak 88 guns. I liked how this film gave an insight into what war does to people, and how during conflict they can be changed from average people into hardened-heartless warriors.

Band of Brothers

Review of Series
I've seen almost the entire series, and I am always very impressed by it. I know that since it is a series that sometimes it can be hard to do some of the cinematic work that they have in films, but all in all it is still a masterpiece. I' not exactly call it a "miniseries" since it is very long, and some times there are parts that are a little boring, but the episodes that are actually displaying battles are very impressive. The acting was alright, and even though it is hard to understand the characters beyond their single episodes or maybe 2 to 3 episodes if they are more important like the commander. In general, I wish television had more series like this one, and showed more realism than random junk.


Film Review
I thought this was one of the more entertaining war movies. I liked the mix of the real footage from the war with the newer scenes from the film. The battle scenes were, even though over 30 years old if the filmed parts, or 60 years old from the war footage, very cool to watch, and very accurate in the planes and way they would engage in dogfights. I always find the Japanese military and navy specifically to be both intimidating and impressive, with their big red dots and suns on everything, to their extremely orderly uniforms they would wear. I like the acting even though it is a little lack luster with the pilots in the planes almost always looking overly confident in themselves, even as they would crash and things. I still think the historical point got through, and the film made a lot of sense to me for its affects on soldiers, sailors, and pilots of both sides of the conflict.

Saving Private Ryan

Film Review by Dan Morrison
The film was generally very impressive. I liked the accuracy of the weapons, vehicles, and uniforms. The sets were very impressive, and looked just like France did in 1944, even though things were all blown up and so on. The most impressive part to me was not the main actors like Tom Hanks, but the extra's, the random actors who played random soldiers, whether they be dying on the beaches or fighting in the battlefield, or even just laying on the ground, dead. I was impressed by the actors abilities to portray the soldiers "FUBAR" attitudes, and then, if needed, portray a death with great realism. The amazing scenes to me are the scenes with any speech, just pictures, like the images of the blood running down the beach, or the dead bodies laying in the bunkers and beachhead, or the scenes of the towns, blown apart and in ruins.

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