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Castaway Diva

Great show. The triangle that wasn't a triangle is a blow to it though.
Lets just say first and foremost. Had Kiho or the family been honest with WooHak all along I'd have zero issue with the show. That dishonesty causes such a compound issue that it drove me nuts watching just waiting for it to be addressed in a satisfying way only for that to NEVER happen. What feels like a main component of the show. Never even gets touched except for tiny little teases. Or people rationalizing their emotions unrealistically fast. It started to stop me from enjoying the show.

The final 5 or 6 eps of the show really started to get on my nerves. Lets start with the "real" Kiho. He is a terrible brother lol. The family is also really clueless except for a single scene where they ask Woohak if he has feelings for Mokha, he angrily makes it clear he does and it might as well never come up again even though Woohaks entire presense in the show after the halfway point might as well be to "look devastated Mokha is with his brother" LOL. They all just let Woohak get his heart broken for no good reason. What makes it so annoying is how long the show then teases this problem boiling over without it ever actually happening. Worse is they make Mokha also act clueless as well when it sure initially seemed as though she admired him. It's just annoying to watch. I kept wondering, is Woohak going to confront Kiho now? No? How about now? No? Okay Mokha? Nope. Is Kiho really not going to mention how awkward it is he is now essentially together with the girl his own brother that he sleeps in the same room with, was hoping to be with? Lol such a weird situation. He goes from potential boyfriend to pathetic little brother....worse is Mokha literally "brother zones" him at the end again seemingly clueless of his feelings as if that was some sort of consolation prize. I know I am in the minority here but I don't enjoy romance stories that come at an innocent characters expense. Reminds me of this awful rom com I had to watch around Christmas time where the woman is cheating on her fiance the whole time and we are meant to root for her. Really? Castaway Divas "love story" didn't have a happy ending for me. It had a an awkward sad ending.

So to put this in perspective. The family including the mother and both sons escaped their abusive father and changed their names and are now hiding from him. The mother has a new husband and Woohak has no memories prior to high school so he doesn't rememeber the abuse and believes the new man to be his father. Even though both boys are now adults literally 30 years old. The show gives a very poor excuse for why they still need to keep this a secret and oh boy look what happens later. The law was understanding of their situation because of COURSE they would be. Even if they do still keep it a secret, there is absolutely no reason to not tell the brother who isn't Kiho, (Woohak) who doesn't rememeber any of it from memory loss. To make this even more absurd, once Mokha enters the picture they now have a need to tell him and STILL opt not to. Worse, is they all allow him to gather feelings for her as he thinks he could part of this romantic story of hers as Mokha lets him know he seems to have much in common with Kiho. Kiho is right here all along knowing his brother is being set up for failure when he could've just been told the truth right from the start. If one tries to argue well Kiho told Woohak it wasn't true. No, they do it in this gas ligthing type way where he still felt there was more to the story and of course there is. They've all been lying to him. Worse is Kiho at one point lies to Woohak and claims he is only involved in all of this because he's interested in "Ranju". Clearly implying the brothers are interested in each girl. If not, why wouldn't Kiho say he is interested in Mokha? Because his brother obviously is and that would be weird, right? The show will then completely ignore all of this later on while Kiho moves in on Mokha. It's such a weird frustrating dynamic to watch unfold lol.

Once Woohak is on screen less doing the investigation into the abusive father and around Mokha much less. We see the "real" kiho seemingly moving in on her and being weird. I initially thought, do not tell me this guy is going to be a low life and is now after the girl his brother is clearly falling in love with? This is while the viewer still thinks Woohak is Kiho especially after they flat out show him regaining memories. But now the show is tricking us.

Then all of a sudden at complete random. Kiho decides to do a full 180 and not only let everyone know the truth but to put Mokha on national TV. In what world does that make sense? Let's forget the ridiculous plot points that also seemingly give Kiho all this power out of nowhere to basically be running everything and pulling all the strings. How convenient his boss got sick. At one point I started to wonder if Kiho was going to be a lunatic like his real father and then Mokha would end up with Woohak afterall. That would've been better than what actually happens. I was not a fan of Kiho throughout the show. He comes across as arogant, manipulative, selfish, and is obviously a terrible brother. Notice every time Kiho is "helping" Mokha or doing something in regards to her he always makes sure she knows about it. As if its all just to make himself look good or gain sympathy. Meanwhile Woohak is always helping Mokha without a chance to "score points". Like when they drove up on Mokha taking the selfie with the fans. Heres Kiho being the usual liar he is pretending to be drunk and steps in the way like some body guard. Lying seems to come so naturally to Kiho. Woo-hak goes and gets them to delete the photo with no one there to witness his deed. Kiho then gets a bunch of sympathy and care from Mok-ha afterwards. Is there ever going to come a part where Kiho acknowledges he is flaunting his relationship with the girl he knows his brother has fallen for? Right in his face? Once he's revealed to be Kiho I kept expecting the very next scene to be Woohak confronting him about how could you allow this to happen? I would not have guessed in a million years that in the entire remaining 5-6 hours of show left that it never even ONCE gets brought up between the two. Not even with Mokha. Just awkward uncomfortable scenes.

That part of the show just really drove me crazy. It's very obvious Woohak likes Mokha and Kiho just sits there allowing his feelings to blossom into more and more when he could've stopped it at any time. Now for the most obnoxious part of this all and my inspiration for even writing this. Once hes revealed to be Kiho. Everyone acts completely oblivious to the fact the Woohak obviously liked her all along while Kiho just flaunts their connection in Woohaks face. When this entire time he'd been building a relationship with he thought. Here comes brother ruining it all! Then there is not a SINGLE conversation between the brothers about this. It's as if the writers knew there was no way to do this would highlighting how lame Kiho really is. Oh uh, sorry bro I couldn't tell my grown adult brother a story he absolutely would've kept a secret and already has the right to know anyways. They act ike keeping this secret somehow protected Woohak when it makde things so much worse. Imagine your family lies to you about who your father is. Doesn't tell you a potentially dangerous man is out there who may want to do you harm. Then allows you to fall in love with a woman you can't have. All the while acting totally oblivious to all of this. Move out of that house ASAP lol. In episode 11 it also once again finally seems like something is going to happen. But no, it just seems like the interaction between Woohak and Mokha is just to establish that Woohak is totally fine with being made a fool of. Get real, here he is once again doing all this stuff for Mokha. Then Kiho who is supposed to want "no contact" rudely interupts their conversation and says he will drive her home. Mokha then tells Kioh she has feelings for him in the car. Does the show think we are this dense? Of course we knew she had feelings for him. Kiho acts so relieved as if he also wouldn't already know this. Not only does he know she has feelings for him. It's blatant your brother has feelings for HER too but you aren't even the tiniest bit bothered by this? Great brother...

How would you pull for Kiho after that? Right, I get it he is the "better looking" actor so naturally the target audience pulled for him. What a sad thought. Honestly, this show did not need to be a mini series. There was many subplots in there that could've made for more seasons. Kiho being a lunatic and Mokha eventually ending up with Woohak was a much happier idea in my mind. Kiho acts emotionless anyways and there is zero chemistry with Mokha other than the story forcing it to be and the fact he is the "better looking" guy. Does Kiho ever have a single conversation in the entire show that isn't like 3 words? The guy has nothing to say. He makes MAJOR decisions that affect the lives of everyone around him wtihout even consulting with any of them first. I mean seriously, Kiho was strongly considering murder when there was a million ways they could've exposed the father and gotten him in serious trouble. LOL! The guy had recorded all of the abuse apparently. The show acts like because the abusive father is a "cop" he might as well be the King of the country. He is a cop in some little island somewhere. Meanwhile this family is all intertwined with full on celebrities now and would easily be able to expose him. No common sense allowed. Then oh look. Once actually in court it goes exactly how it always would've Any half sane person would see how nuts their father was and people understood why they did this.

Lets not leave out the shows final tease about this situation boiling over. Woohak decides he is going to tell Mokha how he feels. She again is totally clueless and "brother" zones him ouch.


Weird slow start but decent second half.
As it stands now this has a 4.7. Usually IMDB gets it pretty right when a movie is under a 5.0 rating. It is a really bad movie not worth the watch. Not this one though. This deserves about a half a rank higher.

This one however caught my eye because it has the little girl from MEGAN in it as well as Madeline Brewer from Handmaidens tale. I decided to watch it anyways and wasn't beyond disappointed.

The start is weird. The mother just seems so awful that I kept expecting some cliche twist where the father must actually be awful and they keep it hidden from the audience. So this woman basically wants to take her daughter away from her loving at home father and take sole custody. All the while treating him like he is the worst guy in the world for literally NO reason at all. He is a struggling artist and thats it.

The movie has a weird vibe to it. Like they were gearing it up for a theatre run and then gave up. The "monsters" have this ridiculous look that makes them look super generic and childish. Almost like they were going for some comic book type feel with it? There are also some very weird transition sometimes where it feels like this was a TV movie. Big portions of scenes missing for no apparent reason at all.

The "twist" is also in a weird spot because I feel like it has potential to be really good. Normally movies make the mistake of making things overly obvious. This movie did absolutely ZERO hinting at it. Even the stuff that you could say in retrospect was a hint was done in such a way that they actually did just make it seem like an innocent mistake such as the kiss. The only reason I put it together is because it simply HAD to be her lol. There's no one else in this movie who could've been driving a car lol.

The main reason I left this here is because I feel like this at least deserves a 5.0. I've seen FAR worse movies with ratings like this.

The Surprise Visit

LOL! Acting so bad it HAS to be intentional.
Is this what Hallmark movies are like? It's what I imagine those to be like.

I would've never watched this movie. Yet somehow someway this ended up as the number 9 movie on Amazon Prime currently and I was fooled into thinking this was going to be halfway decent. Lol that alone makes no sense it's not a new movie and there's no big names in it. Something shady there if you ask me.

I ignored the signs until I was already 30 minutes in and by then I just usually let my completionist side take over. The hilariously terrible acting by everyone involved. Especially the crack head robber character and his "girlfriend" doing the whole "simple southern girl" thing so heavily that it's unbearably funny every time she speaks. I truly cannot tell if they're trying to say she is special needs or not because she absolutely comes across that way. I don't think it's intentional either.

The biggest sign was perhaps Eric should know to turn a movie that isn't 20 years or older off the moment you see Eric Roberts. He has long since become one of those "was in a few good older movies but now will join a highschool production if they give him 20 dollars" type actor. Seriously, this guy has EIGHTY FOUR upcoming projects. He just says yes to anything and everything and he is never a real character in any of the films. This guy was on a VH1 show lol.

The movie itself is so stupid. I am so tired of cell phones not having reception in movies for NO REASON at all. It's so lazy it's not even funny. This big old house and the land line is conveniently in one spot that they need to go to for them to be able to phone the police. If this house has bad cell signal wouldn't that landline be in every room? Yeah? No, not to mention this person is RICH.

How did everyone not burst out laughing during the scene where they're trying to decide what to do with the wife and the "southern girl" starts saying "please casey please over and over in the most obnoxious exaggerated southern accent you've ever heard.

The whole time this moron is looking for "jewels" instead of money like he might be a 9 year old who just watched a disney film. They show him rummaging through linen closets and bathroom towels as if expecting to find the motherload of "jewels" right next to the vaseline or something. Finally this clown finds the jewelry sitting in an open box next to the bed. So he couldn't even be bothered to check the very first place anyone with a single brain cell would've checked.

At this point I became convinced they know this movie is a joke and this is all on purpose. They figure there is possibly 10 thousand worth of jewelry in the box and act as if its the same as 10 million and start to consider murder to cover it up. 10 thousan dollars.....

HAHAHHA omg the scene where the methhead loser has to psych himself up before he "executes" the woman they have hostage. How did the camera man not DIE of laughter watching this guy sprint back to the house acting like a monkey or something.

Did these halfwit writers think anyone watching this movie wanted to see a single thing happen other than these two fools get blown in half by that shotgun? No, instead another obnoxious scene where the stupid girl pratically tells the woman he is off to the side about to ambush her. What does she do? Instead of instantly aiming the gun in his direction she abruptly DROPS the gun as if it was suddenly on fire. She dies for this mistake. Absolute stupidity.

A laughable twist ending. As if this woman would last 5 seconds on her own let alone make it to mexico with a kid? What would be the point of "no witnesses" if she's still going to go to mexico either way? It KINDA defeats the purpose when your BF is now dead and you're missing. Witnesses don't matter at that point.

Everyone involved in this movie should never be in a movie again. Rob Riordan and Regan Ferrier are the two worst actors I have ever watched in my entire life.

Hell Is Where the Home Is

The most illogical film ever created.
This movie is fun simply because of how terrible the writing is. I was enjoying seeing how dumb actions of the characters are.

First of all. The friend who they had portray the "toxic" man role. The hilarious thing is he was 100% in the right up until the moment he started getting all physical with his friends.

Who just lets a stranger who has red flag after red flag just roam around the house? The fact that once he told her off she STILL refuses to leave but opts to get a drink of water should've been a huge flag and instead they all act oblivious. Once again being the only one who up until this point in the movie seems to have any common sense he confronts her again and a minor scuffle happens. The "weak" man gets involved and because of this the woman falls and gets killed. It's ENTIRELY an accident lol. You can even say its the other guys fault. They all instantly decide they're going to blame him and start doing the whole sure bud whatever you say routine knowing they're going to snitch on him. This leads to him actually going nuts and forcing them to help cover up the death. NOW he's the role the movie was failing to say he was before. I can't stand when movies do things in sequences that don't make sense. This won't be the only time that happens either.

This is just the first of completely illogical events that take place in this movie. It's as if these people didn't go over their own film a single time. Earlier we learned the weaker man and the woman with the now crazy guy hooked up before and are keeping it a secret. While cleaning up blood with the man she cheated with she tries to use the threat of telling him this as a means to get him to help get them out of this situation. WHAT? LOL. The man rightfully responds with a "are you insane?!" type comment. In what world would it make sense to tell a man who is coked up with a gun and trying to cover up a killing that OH "btw we cheated together!" As if the man she cheated with isn't already as motivated as one could possibly be to get out of the situation already? It is one of the most nonsense points I have ever watched in a movie. Remember people if you're being held hostage by someone you've betrayed before. Make sure you consider telling them while they're being threatening to your life.

The above scene ends and you think that is the last of it even though we know it will come up again eventually. The other couple get into a fight and the man who rightfully did not want to reveal the cheating out of fear of ya know...DEATH. Decides to abruptly then confess it himself to his girlfriend! Lol you can't make this stuff up!! They even manage to top it! You were just threatened with this being revealed and then you decide to reveal it yourself at the ONLY point in time where the consequence of this may be death. Lol. They storm out of the room together to find that the girl who threatened to tell about the cheating has now done exactly that too! LOL! In what world does it make sense to tell a man you're terrified will kill you something that might make him kill you!? This is the silliest plot ever.

Onto a scene so stupid that it will make your head hurt. So "cops" show up and even though they decided they wanted out of this situation and were even trying to lie to the friend forcing them to go along with it. Now that he is incapacitated from the knife wound. They decide to lie to police about what happened and the other guy ACTUALLY kills the friend. What??!! In this situation if you thought the police were there you would've been screaming from the rooftops the full true story. To lie in this situations makes absolutely no sense. But now the one friend is killing the other friend to cover up a crime they initially wanted to snitch about? One they had nothing to do with? The stupidity is exhausting. But much like with the toxic guy at the start the movie has them lie for a convenient reason(one cop is bad) but it still just doesn't work because no one would be lying at that point and of course they have no way of knowing this. Even the girl who stabbed him initially. The guy was threatening you with a gun and its 3 peoples word against one. So silly.

The "police" actvity is also exhausting. Not only because it's stupid the friends are now going to lie. But that they are clueless to how off the cops are acting. They're responding to a home invasion and are totally unconcerned with the fact the house isn't secure. If this was real backup would've been called and the house secured. It couldn't be more obvious they're either hiding something or being threatened. These cops act like a pair of drunks at a bar! The group of clowns decide to lie and say the woman fled earlier in a brown car. The cops point out that the car is still there and laugh like the whole thing is a joke. Have the creators ever watched a single scene of acting with police before? This would INSTANTLY mean the person is still there if this was real.

I was totally convinced the police were actually going to be part of this invasion group. Well only the one was. Go figure how that makes sense with the one real one being totally oblivious to real police work. After learning this what does the one girl do? Locks the backseat of the police car. Again, logic.

Turns out this is just about "robbing" people. How does it help this crooked cops cause having his partner killed in this whole mess? Yeah dead partners. TOTALLY good for crooked cops wanting their crimes to go undetected.

This is just amateur hour all around. Even at the start of the film. So you're just a crime ring who steals for money. Yeah uhm, MURDER tends to raise suspicions and draw an infinite amount more heat. Yet they specifically make sure to kill everyone involved. It would be as stupid a being a car jacker who makes sure they kill everyone whos car they steal.

Prep for the escape sequence that is stereotypical and unbelievably convenient. A grown man losing track of where a small woman is in a room the size of a bathroom. Conveniently pulls his gun out and shoots his buddy right in the head while shooting blind. So so dumb. She then performs the done to death end girl kill scene where she bashes his head in. Thats totally never been done before.

The other boyfriend is still alive as shown in a few scenes. Were we supposed to pull for him? After he became a 1st degree murderer? Lol not to mention they showed this guy crawling flat on his stomach yet he still has a huge knife sticking right out of it. How would that work?

Zombie Town

This is a really bad movie. It's hilarious to me how unlikable the main character is. He is totally pretentious and thinks he's better than everyone around him. This movie did the whole "nerd" gets the girl routine except he's not a nerd hes a jerk. But I've never seen it done in such a poorly done way before. The person who is supposed to be the "jerk" is actually more likable than the so called protagonist.

The rest of the movie is a tax write off. I don't mind Goosebumps I remember those fondly from back in the day. I knew to expect a childish movie but this isn't a childish movie its just a horrible movie. I can't imagine what they paid the few big names actors who are in this movie.

Usually its a meme when they say highschoolers look 30. For some strange reason in the 90s they loved casting people way too old to play highschoolers. But this movie actually does that here in 2023. LOL both the leads are actually going to turn 30 next year and are playing kids in highschool. It makes it that much worse.

The absolute greatest part of this movie is in the post credits where Dan Aykroyd gives a little goodbye speech to the cast at the finish of production. It's funny because you can just tell he knows how cringe it is that he is giving props to the makers of this movie.

Night of the Hunted

Hate when a movie makes you dislike the protagonist.
I like to judge a movie on its own merits. But there are just things that get on my nerves especially when I see them repeated over and over again. There is just such a lack of originality these days combined with a basic DEMAND for everything to be some kind of social commentary as if every piece of media we consume these days isn't also one of those. All acting as if we've never heard these same issues before when we hear it daily.

What is it with movies similar to this one always wanting you to dislike the protagonist right from the start? Well unless you're "like" she appears to be. Terrifying thought, is she actually not intended to be this unlikable? These days you gotta wonder. So right away we learn she is cheating on her husband who is sending her supportive text messages. The guy she is cheating with clearly knows all about the situation. He makes a comment that has been universally used in discussion for as long as anyone can remember and she makes it into a "gender" thing. Oh great, 2 strikes THIS quickly? Seconds later a 3rd one when she rudely slams the car door in his face. What a catch.

Great, so we're supposed to pull for this really unlikable person the entire movie. Since we know the premise already. I know something very predictable like the man she is with getting killed instantly is coming. But while we're we it. Score one for the things that would NEVER happen in real life category. Imagine filling up your gas tank. Then the very next morning your gas light comes on. Then just simply start filling it again like maybe you somehow in your sleep went out to the car and burned an entire tank. It's just stupid. They flat out show the gas tank leaking. INSTANTLY you know the car is busted. Pretty sure you would even be able to hear that leak as it was very heavy.

Our protag is inside the gas station telling her husband through texts she wants to make things work. Even though she is having sex with another man. Can she just be shot please and the rest of the movie be about the guy? He's unlikable as well but her every action has been unlikable. Cashier is nowhere to be found as they are obviously dead. Oh look she actually left money!? I guess you gotta break the streak and she has to do one not trashy thing.

Lets start up the movie itself as its pretty ridiculous. So the sniper starts shooting. For some reason opts NOT to shoot the man who is sitting entirely still unaware of any of this so far. He manages to hit her while she is heading towards the exit. Then proceeds to miss 2 shots by a mile while she is down and not moving. Lol. Meanwhile this guy in the car is somehow not realizing GUN SHOTS are going off. Our protag is on the ground reaching for the phone. How much you bet this guy who missed her 2 times while she was sitting on the ground manages to directly shoot the phone. You guessed it! This is like a comedy at this point! She decides to do what they do in every sniper movie ever and use a lure. Even though the movie makes completely misuses the concept of this. Instead of poking something out of cover. She just throws a bad of chips up the ceiling and the guy of course with perfect accurate fire hits the bag of chips. LOL!!! If you've seen that type of scene before you know how silly it is. Why would a sniper fire at what is obviously not the person? Its not a box slowly coming into view out of cover that could be someones head. Its an entire bag of chips thrown to the CEILING. Did he think she somehow managed to jump onto the celing like spider man for a second?

This clown in the car only decides to come into the station once the ENTIRE tank of gas is drained for the second time in less than a day. Income the prediction I made earlier with him being shot instantly and killed.

Theres a guy on the radio. It's TOTALLY not going to be the shooter. Now conveniently when he knows EXACTLY where she is his aim becomes terrible again and misses like 5 shots.

LOL at the scene where the guy shows up and for some reason doesn't get shot. Then after finding out his love interest is dead he has a mini meltdown about racism. You can't write this stuff.....because THAT is what you would be thinking about in a moment like this.

Her nonsense speech about her affair. More "men bad" nonsense. Somehow her husband has too high of expectations for her? Yet shes the VP of one of the biggest drug companies in the country and she doesn't even look 30? Lol oh god it must be so hard!

After the old couple is shot and a kid is revealed to be in the car. The protagonist walks RIGHT OUTSIDE of the gas station in clear view of a shot and he doesn't take it. Only to then 2 minutes later demand she come out and give him a clear shot....good grief this horrible movie.

Super cliche time where the war veteran somehow gets upstaged by a random woman whos been shot 2 times and shows no issues from it. Somehow becomes a ninja and moves right in his field of view without being seen and stabs him

The movie THINKS its being clever by not showing his face. But its really just cringy nonsense. They have to come up with a completely random way for her to kill him and also destroy his face so he cant be seen because they think that is thought provoking. Even though the stupid fire extinguisher would've done the trick. They have her randomly use a machine she would have no way of knowing how to lower.

Horrible movie.

Into the Dark: Flesh & Blood
Episode 2, Season 1

Boring, just bad
I watched aa few of these Into The Dark movies before realizing they're all basically "episodes" of a movie series. The ones I watched were decent so I decided to watch the others in order. The first was The Body. That one wasn't so good and this one is worse.

First of all the insane dad is a decent actor I've seen him in enough movies before. Yet his acting seems terrible in this movie IDK whether its the script or the directing. The father obviously denies being the killer but his behavior outright leaves no room for doubt. It doesn't do what any half bad movie would do and leave some room for speculation or interesting theories. No it leaves ZERO room for that. He 100% did it and the whole movie is just nonsense.

They use the lead actress having agoraphobia as an excuse for her to make all these really stupid decisions. Right at the start she gets the police IN the house and due to her situation she decides to let them leave. Really? The movie was over right there.

She proceeds to get her therapist killed.

Even her confronting her dad makes no sense. You think your dad may be a killer and you have NOWHERE to go because you have a phobia. How many movies like this have we seen where they don't confront the person outright? Many even though they could. Then here in the onneeee movie where she should absolutely not do that, she does.

Overall the movie is just so boring. They never even really dig into the fact the father is a serial killer. HOW does that work exactly? The whole reason he "claimed" to kill the mom is she was never home. When did he have time to go off being a serial killer?


All okay except for plot and lead actress.
Movies like this are always ridiculous. I've seen probably half a dozen of these same movies. Child is sick with some weird disease. Mother then becomes a killer to feed them blood or flesh.

This one was especially ridiculous. First of all this is one movie where the mother didn't even need to HIDE this from anyone because it wouldn't have been difficult to connect the dots. He ate the blood and recovered. They would've thought he needed another transfusion and then given him one and once again he would've eaten it. The connection would've been made. They were in the hospital when this was figured out. So instead of just letting the rest of the hospital discover this and maybe get the best doctors in the WORLD on it. She decides to just take him home from the hospital and plans to just steal blood packs. Then become a serial killer. Totally logical conclusion.

How does the old women be come a good candidate? Her blood was filled with all kinds of drugs after trying to kill herself. So lets go feed this drug filled blood to my son. Then she plans to sedate this old woman over and over like that is also of no concern to the blood count. Oh, and people can't SIT in a chair let alone a junky little wheelchair for 24 hours a day. Pressure sores and then infection would come rather quickly. Same goes for the junky little bed the mother eventually brings out. The movie is absurd in this regard. It's as if the mother is acting upon information not revealed ahead of time. That he must be an actual vampire.

The movie gets even more absurd when it shows the characters act normal after huge events. Its as if all of them are psychopaths. The mom is able to play video games with her kid after kidnapping and draining the blood of an old woman? The daughter buys into it with just a single talking to? Are you serious? There is not the slightest chance in the WORLD 2 kids or even 1 of them would be able to keep this a secret. This makes it a frustrating watch.

Even more absurd is when the old woman who is a prisoner is then telling the mother she understands and says well "no one can question your love now". This isn't love she is a lunatic. People wouldn't ACTUALLY do anything for their kids. So if you had to blow up 100 kids to save your own. You would just do it? How could she say she loves her son when she would want him to exist in a world like that. What even IS her son.

Extra lol for the scene where the mother cuts her hand so bad the blood just POURS out and she feeds it to the son without a 2nd thought. Then later the old woman stabs her with these little clippers and she winces in pain like she just had her arm lobbed off.

Add in the incompetent police who don't even REQUEST to take a look in her house and the final half of this movie just because a frustration fest. I hate "annoying" horror. The kids manage to go through 2 visitds with their father where the son eats NOTHING and acts like a total weirdo the entire time and the father is totally oblivious to this. Even though the movie already established the father is their primary caretaker. CPS eventually gets involved and let the mother whom their investigating be alone with the daughter and even scold her. Lol.

The ending is absurd. She should and WOULD be in prison. The way they portray it is ridiculous. Are we really expected to pull for this woman to have FREEDOM let alone custody? Let her rot. The daughter doesn't hold a shred of ill will towards her either when this entire this is her fault to begin with lol. Sorry there is just too many things to list.


Would be great to see a movie that writers dont have to ruin.
I should've known better. It's like a disease in the last 5 years and no end in sight. With how movies and shows are essentially DEMANDED to always mix up their own plot in with all these same social issues over and over again. Then they do it in the same forced obnoxious ways over and over again.

Movie starts off GREAT and that is SUCH a shame. Starts off quick with great camera work and atmosphere. Totally sells the news years eve vibe of the night before during and after the attack. From there on out you are hooked on every word. Then at about 40 minutes into the film it's like someone reviewing the story was like wait a minute. Why no white supremacy, evil white people story!?!?

All of a sudden the lead man on the case has his "preference" revealed in a way that is meant to "shock" the viewer and for ZERO purpose other than that. I thought we were supposed to not be surprised anymore? Tell me again when we are supposed to just start considering everyones preferences normal? It might be after movies quit telling us NOT to. Like this movie does by making a big deal out of it, although I bet they think the exact opposite. Treat it normal and it will be normal. Quit sensationalizing it every chance you get and then being like SEE!? Anytime someone rolls their eyes at it.

After the search for the killer starts to go cold a 2nd attack happens. Then all of a sudden the plot side steers into this PURE CRINGE white supremacy plot that comes across as if it was written in later for the sole purpose of having the chance to talk about white supremacy. Characters like this are always just killed off quickly as possible with zero elaboration as to who they really are. Just always labeled as "evil nazis" or something without a shred of interest in depth of character or even redemption. It is so abrupt and silly. Mind you, the actual story has NOTHING to do with white supremacy and yet this had to be forced into the movie. God forbid you keep your movie flow good and just tell the actual story. No we MUST have these sub plots about social nonsense that is talked to death at every point of our lives and we can't escape hearing about 24 7. I guess now I know why this had to be a 2 hour movie.

Now lets see. We already did the "preference" thing. Then we did the white supremacy thing. Now onto the anti meat industry that we have been hinting at for a while! Oh, don't forget about the anti gun message even when it's responsible gun usage. Gotta love it a mass shooting plot that was set into motion because of guns in the first place. Double points for that?

Throw in a nonsensical ending that barely makes sense. Guy who pulls off 2 mass shooting and escapes without a trace decides to....hide at his moms house. The first place he would be searched for if his name even came up. Makes sense.

Nightmare Radio: The Night Stalker

Just awful. Just skip.
I have a soft spot for horror anthology films. Even though I saw this had a terrible rating going in. I expected it to at least somewhat be above what is claimed. After all, many of the films I've liked had not so good ratings. Not to many as low as this one though.

This movie takes place from the perspective of a radio station host having callers tell scary stories. I've even watched movies before with the exact same concept and they were okay. This one? Horrible. The stories are laughable and hardly make any sense. They come across more like concept playing or brainstorming than something that was intended for an actual movie.

The acting is so bad too. Just wow. I've been watching nearly a movie a night in 2023 and here in September this title has without question been the worst film yet.

Grand Isle

Everyone is right lol.
This movie starts out good. You know going in not to expect it to be amazing but it still does a decent job staying interesting.

The problem is the final third of the movie just goes to crazy town. The protagonist and his decisions are also really stupid and don't make a lot of sense. GEE, I am going to agree to kill your wife even though I am not really going to do it. Now instead of just bolting out the front door and running off to anywhere but here. I will go and have sex with that wife instead and that totally wont result in a huge flare up possibly getting me killed. LOL.

What is Kelsey Grammer doing in this? The final act even makes him out to be a tool as well. Throughout the movie when you see him interviewing our protagonist. It becomes very clear that obviously what must happen is somehow he is forced to kill either Nic Cage or the wife or both seeing as how they're implying the protagonist is now under arrest because of a murder. That IS the logical events you would conclude right? Except none of that happens lol.

So this guy escapes a house with god knows how many people drugged up on IVs being tortured. Then instead of just frantically screaming to go check out the house to prove this to the cops. He instead tells some long drawn out story that FINALLY leads to that? That makes absolutely no sense lol. It would be the first thing you said. Then of course the cop doesn't believe him when there would be no reason to not check this out seeing as what just happened. Instead they don't even investigate until later in the day.

It would be like 2 sex trade victims escaping the person holding them hostage and killing them in the process. Then to be picked up by police and accused of murder. Then instead of telling them there is a house with a bunch more victims to prove your story. You decide to waste a ton of time telling irrelevant details about your past LOL.

The Dead Don't Die

Very weird movie. Not sure why it exists.
Skip this movie the optimism you might've expressed upon realizing it exists will not pay off. It instead becomes a movie anomaly that I want the real story about the production.

I watched the classic Ghostbusters the other night and saw this in the recommended section due to Bill Murray. I see Bill Murray next to mr Kylo Ren. What!? A zombie movie with them? Iggy pop is in it? Selena Gomez? Tons of other stars? How have I never heard of this movie? Then I watched it. Then it made sense. This is a boring movie and that fact so many stars are in it makes that a very strange thing to me.

Like what happened? Were they all out at some fancy LA party sometime in 2018 or 2019 and somehow a dare got made that they couldn't make a movie with all of them rather quickly?

The total runtime is 1 hour and 44 minutes and yet 60 minutes into the movie we are still seeing very slow character introductions. Thats it. The first half of the movie is slowly appearing the "stars" in very uninteresting superficial boring ways. From time to time they switch back to the characters they've already introduced to see them in more pointless scenes that drag on far longer than they need to be. They don't even need to be there at all.

Bill Murray is Mill Murray. He is always like that. The problem is you need something ELSE in the movie for it to work. Its like everyone is trying to do the Bill Murray thing and absolutely no one can pull it off.

The first zombie kill happens exactly 61 minutes into the movie. STILL remains slow moving. Here is the problem. The movie NEVER takes off. I don't get what they were thinking with this one.

It could've been a big hit if you had this many names in one place. Assuming some of them didn't shoot their scenes in an afternoon at a motel and a hardware store.

This deserves a 1 simply because I just don't see any excuse for this movie to be so bad yet here it is. But I can't bring myself to go lower than 4 because of Bill Muray. Don't bother with this movie.

Self Defense

Very solid movie.
I really liked this movie. I have no idea what tier movie this was back in 83 when it was released but I can say it was very entertaining of a watch here 40 years later.

Usually combing through Shudder I watch a bunch of these 70s 80s movies and you can really see the age of them. It can be ridiculous plot elements, terrible effects, bad acting. This movie has none of that it is solid in every department.

This movie takes place during a real police strike of 1981. A group of lunatics start murdering people in a gay bar and then chase the lone survivor back to an apartment building.

I wouldn't read further until you've seen it. But the only silly part in my opinion was them assuming they had gotten all the bad guys. The movie had been surprisingly sensible up until that point. Nothing that happened seemed TOO out there.


Silliest, most unrealistic revenge movie ever
Why is this a problem you ask? Because it takes a lot out of what should be a very serious movie when the movie doesn't even take itself serious.

It doesn't help that almost right away the main character is made out to be unlikable because of what she is doing. Basically we find out she is the "other woman" as she is pouting in bed because this man isn't breaking up his childrens life for her. I am supposed to be riding for her now?

What follows is the most not believable nonsense I have ever seen in possibly ANY movie let alone a Revenge type movie which already has you suspend disbelief because obviously that is part of the gig.

This girl FALLS off of a cliff that is so high up it would instantly kill 95% of people and the 5% who didn't die would surely die later as in 2 minutes later. As if you needed worse odds she gets completely IMPALED on a tree that goes through her back and stomach then sticks out about a foot. She loses an insane amount of blood

What then follows is her magically healing the wound and not even being slightly hindered by it all within like a day LOL. She suddenly becomes impervious to all forms of harm including the hot desert sun and a combat expert as well. Seriously UFOs might as well show up in this movie. They just decided they weren't going to use logic at all or even try to make sense.

The movie is also 30 minutes longer than it needs to be. There is a very weird amount of just STANDING around doing nothing or people pacing back and forth. Honorable mention. There is a scene near the end of the movie when it should already be over where we watch the main baddie just WALK AROUND the house doing nothing for like 3 to 4 minutes. What are they thinking? He finally locks eyes with our "protagonist" and what takes place is a 30 seconds stare down because that is what is needed after watching a man walk around a house. When the action finally takes off this guy takes a shotgun blast loses what looks like an entire bodies worth of blood and just sodiers on as if the only issue this leads to is him SLIPPING on his own blood and having it give away his position. It would be comedy genius if this was intended. Meanwhile she takes cover behind patio furniture that is apparently bullet proof. It's as if they were going for this and wanted every single scene to seem ridiculous. All for the finish of the good ole bad guy gets the upper hand only to give it back in the goofiest of ways. Again they didn't even try. He basically lines up the shotgun for her to use against him.

I could go on and on. TBH they should've had an ending where you see this whole thing was just her final thoughts as she died. That would've at least been somewhat clever and would make the movie creators seem self aware. I actually expected it but no. Just ridiculous.


So tired of lazy movies.
Throughout the first half of this movie I felt like it was your average thriller. A 5 star one off as I like to call them. But no it commits too many movie sins IMO. The dirty cop and her behavior doesn't entirely make sense it's as if the plot was changed multiple times or something. She seems to despise Derrick for cheating yet at the same time gets a front row seat to the perfect explanation of why it happened in the first place. His wife was distant AND CHEATING ON HIM first. He felt so guilty about it and wanted to make things right. Point is he is clearly a decent guy..

First of all how in the world is Derrick an ideal person to frame? Wouldn't it be IDK...REALLY bad for her if he was to ever be implicated in the murder of her husband? Not to mention he could straight up call the FBI and flat out prove he met her at a club and had sex with her. It was Vegas there is cameras everywhere. It is WAY WAY too messy of a plan and yet its billed as if shes somehow thought this through and thinks shes smart.

The movie really got on my nerves with the cousin scene. The laziness in movies at scenes like this. These 2 guys go in and treat this dirty cop who they know murdered 2 people in cold blood and is framing someone for it. Treating the whole thing as if the've done this 5,000 times before and completely neglect that she is a threat. Then proceed to fall for the most goofy quick to the point ruse of please let me go to the other room where I can get a weapon and kill you! First guy goes down after taking his eyes off of her for the 10th time. The 2nd guy is even more absurd. She is ENTIRELY exposed and out of cover and he decides to instead of shoot a bunch of rounds from cover at her. To simply walk out in clear view of her gun and go down instantly. The absolute laziness of this scene.

Then the one with Derrick and the ex husband. Good god how many times have we seen that exact same scene in a movie before? The whole oh I am sent here to do something horrible but as I try to warn the person I get forced into ACTUALLY doing it. How does killing the ex husband even help her plan exactly? She lost custody due to the fact she was unfit and let her child get her service weapon and nearly kill herself with it. You want your child to go into the system without a father now? As if the murder somehow guarantees her custody or something.

Don't forget the laziest ending of all the time. The good ole I GOTCHA cause I RECORDED your totally pointless confession you made for no reason other than so I could record it Seriously, that is a weak scene thats been done a million times but for crying out loud after 2010 to even do that at all is criminal. EVERYONE has a phone and absolutely no criminal should ever not expect they're being recorded.


They had their chance.
This movie starts off very generic. It's a film you've seen before. The whole OH CRAZY HARDCORE artist person has to create something but is struggling with it. Is having all kinds of issues financially and personally. This will no doubt lead to horrible things. It doesn't help that no one comes across as likable. I liked the old guys in the one place you only see for 5 minutes more than anyone in the whole movie.

The movie won we back a little bit because of some of the crazy scenes. I was like well fair enough. This is your one time watch rated 5. But no, the ending came around and put me back on the no this is stupid side.

So she murders her friend because she cant help it anymore she needs to feed and he wont leave her because he thinks she is dying. He somehow got infected too though and he INSTANTLY recovers from his death including having his head nearly torn off. Not only that, he is wise to whats going on now all within seconds. How does that make any sense? The whole 2nd half of the movie is her struggling to figure out what is going on and this guy has it all figured out and is totally down in SECONDS ready to be "partners".

Incoming the dumbest part of the entire movie. The woman who turned the lead comes into the room and for NO REASON demonstrates how to actually kill off one of their kind by instantly killing the friend again this time for good. Not only does this make no sense in itself but then she attacks the lead. Could that possibly seem more convenient? Was this originally intended to be 2 hours? Immortal being comes in to attack someone but makes SURE to show them how they can kill them first. LOL. So of course the vampire who is supposed to be experienced is killed almost right away cause that makes sense too.

If that isn't silly enough the lead then does some weird blood dance and appears to...explode? Into the painting.

I could go on and on the movie is just so silly. Why did the dumb Courtney vampire turn her AT ALL? Not to mention she scolds her for killing too many people even though she is the one responsible for all of this.


You got me.
I at least gotta admit that.

I had originally been writing a review AS I was watching this because the lead woman was driving me insane. Her decision making was absolutely horrible. At every single turn she appeared to make the wrong decision. I had tons typed out I had to scrap it all.

But it was all some ruse to help her kill her ex lover? Honestly, it still feels poorly done because none of that makes any sense.

How did she plan that? Was she just going to pick up riders forever until HOPEFULLY one that was shady came along? I mean how frigging convenient that the guy in her car was a criminal who was laying a gun on the seat the moment of the accident. That is ridiculous. Oh and not only that but what would the odds be that the man would go to where she could run him over hence the middle of the road.... You'd have better luck finding a four leaf clover on the same day you spot a double rainbow and win the lottery.

She also says she just needed him to talk to the police and didn't expect an accomplice. Well what exactly was her original plan? To go to jail for manslaughter like the passenger said she would? It hardly makes sense in the end.

The movie ends on the biggest eye roll BS cliche of all time. Okay first, they flat out showed this woman over power this man twice. Are we just going to pretend that isn't the dumbest thing ever? Only to get toped by the ending. How many movies end like this where the main woman is a psycho!? Seriously, PSYCHO woman is trying to kill a man. Man saves himself. Other idiot men show up and INSTANTLY kill the man and the woman just acts like she was the victim. Have people who make these movies ever watched a movie before? I've seen like 15 movies where the very thing happens. I was going to give it a 2 but it deserves a 1 after that horrible HORRIBLE ending. Like she was some super genius or something? It all revolved around unbelievable coincidences and nonsense. It made zero sense that once he realized she was a psycho that he still trusted her. He should've KOed her the moment she got back into the car after the cop and just let the situation play out. SHE had fired the gun not him. Yeah he'd go to jail but better then...dying.

From Black

Poor decisions
Wow big sister wasn't lying. This is overall a pretty good movie it's watchable. It doesn't do what a lot of movies like this do and have nothing happening for the first 90 minutes followed by 20 minutes of "horror" or so. It's fair in that regard.

A little over half way through I started to really find the protagonist annoying. Once the guy helping her said do not under any circumstances leave the circle I knew she would. It's not like it was her first time seeing something happened either so IDK why at that point you would be so freaked out so and leave. I was actually wanting her to die lol.

So then when he reveals how things work this....drug addict who was shooting dope with men while her kid was unattended is suddenly morally outraged that the rule in this is she must then help someone ELSE after she is rewarded. Considering she was going to get her son back you would think she wouldn't be THAT upset over this. Her protest doesn't even make sense. Then even though she is standing in the middle of "demon land" she decides to throw it all in their face.....cause that is something one would do in this situation LOL. No biggie, you just cost this guy his life who is getting your son back and POed some otherwordly entity. Small stuff

This thing is for some reason willing to give her another chance. Anytime a movie has a character like the ex boyfriend who is so over the top a jerk. 90% of the time you can tell they're going to be "sacrificed" or something. It's a bit cliche. That part was also silly. However, it wasn't happy with him because hes tainted. So ONCE AGAIN this thing is like....okay for realzies this time lets make up. Why is it willing to let her mess up over and over?

Abrupt end. Could've used another 5 minutes.

Into the Dark: The Body
Episode 1, Season 1

Maggie Ruins the movie.
THe movie could be fairly decent if they could just remove the horrible character Maggie. She makes the movie annoying and obnoxious.

So the killer shows up in this party and she sees him for the first time. Is interested in him so she approaches him and instantly starts with some lame blah blah MEN BAD speech to a stranger she just met even though she is approaching him because shes interested in him. THEN she accuses him of "manspaining" for engaging this complete stranger who just approached him and keeps talking to him despite his obvious lack of interest. I never hear the term mansplain in a situation that doesn't sound ridiculous. It's usually, how dare you RESPOND to what I just said with your own thoughts.

She then proceeds to fawn all over him and act like a desperate school girl trying to impress him the entire movie. Again, this guy is a murderer. Could that part seem more absurd? I can never tell if these characters like her who always go on these rants about social issues are intended to be satire or not. Sadly, I doubt it. You're meant to take her nonsense seriously as if she isn't a complete joke.

Truly, had you simply removed every scene with her in it and the movie would become at least an average 5 star one off movie. Instead I had to force myself to finish it.

At one point I wanted to CHEER when he appeared to "kill" her but again her existence in the film makes it worse as they instantly make it super obvious she won't really be dead. Because this ASSASSIN would kill someone by barely giving them a little stab...mmhhm totally legit.

What was even the point of wrapping him up and dragging him to that dumpster? Even the ending makes zero sense.

Orphan: First Kill

How can people say this is bad?
I feel like the people talking trash on this didn't watch the 2009 movie or didn't follow this movie close enough. What I initially thought was bad acting on the Mother and sons part is explained in a clever way. The movie doesn't just BUY Esthers games at all points either as the therapist calls her out at one point.

This movie starts out in full swing we see the escape from the mental hospital we heard about in the 09 movie. Instantly its familiar as Esther is very criminal minded and intelligent. She manipulates her way out with ease.

She is then shown to be reunited with her "family" as she is posing as a girl who went missing from America. This is where I expected the movie to be more of the same as the first. But it wasn't. Immediately the viewer finds it so weird how 2 of the 3 family members don't seem to care at all that Esther is back. You later find out why and I thought it was a brilliant twist.

We find out that the mom is clearly a psycho in her own right along with the son. Suddenly I go from expecting what I saw in the first move into...PULLING FOR ESTHER LOL. They made her into a sympathetic character and we see more of her mindset and start to feel bad for her. She is still an absolute monster but you get incite into what causes her trauma. I really appreciated this idea because I thought it was very clever. The movies goes on with them not knowing who they're messing with.

The movie ends with a very cool nod to the alternate ending from the first movie. Honestly, they need to say that alternate ending IS the ending because it's much better and would leave the door open for a third movie as in an actual sequel to the 2009 film. Seeing as how they pulled off her being 2 years younger....12 years later...they could absolutely pull off an actual sequel.

Pretty much the one plothole I can truly say exists in this whole movie is one I can deal with not being explored. If real, why wouldn't the mother seeing as how she.... KNOWS her real daughter is dead. Why wouldn't she have a DNA test done right away to prove this person isn't related to her? This actually even could've been explained had they implied the mom WANTED to entertain Esthers game right from the start to get her husband to become profitable again. So in my head I will pretend that is what it was.


Generic, predictable cliche + COVID = Sick.
The MOMENT I read the title and realized the type of movie it was. I instantly predicted the movies entire plot outright. So yes, its what you're thinking.

Given all the seeming positive raitings I decided I would give this a shot. Early on I am like okay this is obviously going to be something to do with COVID whether someone spreading it or being upset ABOUT it being spread.

2 girls to to a secluded house and one of the girls "boyfriend" shows up. They all go to bed and cue the cliche of random loud music start playing in the house. I was already like here we go eye roll. Expecting to see another cliche of her randomly finding her BF dead downstairs when coming to investigate the music. I was slightly surprised when she finds him alive and aware someone is in the house. Okaaay, thats a little different. I was even more suprised when the boyfriend actually seemed like he was going to get the upper hand on the intruder and all 3 of them would initially escape. That's unusual. Where is this going? Only thing that followed...more cliches.

Instead they did the oh the BF is going to win the fight cliche only to get killed right when it seems he could win. The rest of the movie is cliche after cliche after cliche. See one of these trash movies you've seen them all.

Slashed tires followed by terrible driving so of course they get stuck cliche.

Theres the whole stumble upon a good guy who initially doubts the person then after begging and pleading with them finally accepts something is going on only to be INSTANTLY killed the moment they spring into action. Seriously, EVERY movie like this has that scene.

Theres the stumble upon another "good guy" who is actually a bad guy luring you into another trap cliche.

You have the phones or internet wont work to contact the police cliche.

Nevermind the fact the movie is just so poorly done. LOL!!! So the entire thing is this couple wanting revenge over their sons death. Yet their OTHER son gets killed during these scheme and they BARELY seem to care about that. LOL.

The guy who plays the father was JUST in a movie like this recently. That one while also simple and pretty cliche is lightyears ahead of this trash.

See for Me

It's not often Ifeel compelled to complain about a movie by actually putting a review somewhere.

Horrilbe unlikable protag. This is a movie that takes overlooking things because its a movie to an entirely different level. The movie flat out doesn't even try to explain many huge points that make absolutely no sense.

The robbers are ALL more likable than her and that says something. The most obnoxious part is when she deals with the guy and the drill. ESPECIALLY consdering what she does at the end....

The cops god awful rookie like behavior. The fact the girl on the computer is supposed to be so smart yet why isn;t she informing the police one of their officers is DEAD at this house? Then when she finally does inform the viewer the cops are the way. Wouldn't they be in a big hurry? LMAO it took them longer to answer the call with an officer down than it did to respond to a random 911 call.

Lets ignore the fact the girl basically executed people while they stood still like morons and allowed it to happen. Then in the end she somehow steals the money for herself and how exactly would that work?

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