
IMDb member since March 2009
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    15 years


Bollywood Hero

Great. Subtle and moderate, but tasteful.
I really enjoyed this comedy. Chris does a great job being what seems to be a similar-to-life character for him. This has some hints of Curb Your Enthusiasm-style; someone more mature humor than your average slapstick, one liners-based mega budget.

It was great to see Indian culture as well. I'd say definitely check out Bollywood Hero. It's not over the top; it's just....cool!

For some stupid reason you have to make 10 lines to write a comment so I'm just writing this sentence to fill that gap.

I like this film. I liked Night at the Roxbury a lot; it was quite funny and over the top of course. This is a totally different type of comedy, but it's good too.

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