
IMDb member since December 2002
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Jason of Star Command

Star Command and Space Academy Disappointing
After watching all the tapes of Space Academy and the spin-off from the series, Jason of Star Command, I had some sad feelings. The idea that a 'secret' base (that all the bad guys KNEW was on the Space Academy asteroid) could have made this show truly unique as opposed to a predictable adventure show with hairy aliens and monsters. I realize that corporate backing and intent was more serialized-similar to the old cliff-hanger type shows, but either the writing did not allow for expansion or the 15 minute time factor stifled this series' growth. If FILMATION's idea was to copy the 1950's style of show, they accomplished their mission-perhaps, a little too well.

Unfortunately, with the real space program expanding along side while this show aired, there was no way it could live past the short time it was broadcast. There were one or two gadgets but none of the futuristic thinking that had made science fiction shows, even for the younger viewers, interesting. Dragos, the bad guy, had a ship that was hard to believe but, an energy-dragon from another dimension is just too ridiculous for me to accept. Let's not even talk about the reused sets from Space Academy series.

Even the name factor of James Doohan could not save it. With the talented Doohan and Mr. Russell, this was a valiant attempt on their part to raise the show to acceptable standards. Other than the lovely Samantha and the odd, Professor Parsafoot, (Charlie Dell is also a wonderful actor), the only other interesting 'person' was the "WIKI" robot. Lady, gentlemen, robot-you tried. Thank you.

Keeping Samantha, the only person of color on the show was noteworthy. Coloring Commander Stone in blue was another. There were some quirky twists that made it tolerable.

I do like this show. But I cannot take it seriously-and I wanted to! I shake my head because I liked the Jason character-to a point. Some of the space ships and fight scenes were the only interesting props we, as viewers, saw.

But the actors and technological attempts were not enough to save the show from being relegated as a 'campy' show. Two shows with the potential for excellence (think Star Trek: The Academy Years married to Mission Impossible) are now listed in media history books and in all likelihood will be forgotten.

Space Academy

Potential Undiscovered
Space Academy could have surpassed expectations IF it had been allowed more air-time to develop the plots and characters. The potential for this show is astounding. With the ensemble cast and the 'name' value for Mr. Harris, this show could have taken many directions. As a soap opera, a thriller, focus on science/education or pure science fiction/Tom Corbett style galactic-good-guy-show, this series is now seen as 'campy'. Why? Financial backing was limited; vision was short sighted. Pity. This show made its mark in several areas with their special effects and live-action spin-off to name a few.

If this show had been suggested today, I do not think it would have been made. This is sad; special effects technology alone would make this series outstanding. Space Academy was cut short in its prime; the actors and writers relegated to public obscurity unless supporters, the viewers, keep it alive. Thankfully, the decision to re-run the first year and allowing it to air in England, gave the few who did see it a good show that was just not allowed to live up to it's potential.

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