
IMDb member since December 2002
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    21 years


What Keeps You Alive

Absolute rubbish
I really wanted to like this. But the over-acting, terrible dialogue, and utter stupidity of all the characters made that impossible. The entire film's premise hinges on idiotic decisions. What an embarrassing mess. The ludicrous ending was mind-bogglingly bad. Just awful.

Unfriended: Dark Web

Preposterous garbage
What a waste of time. So ridiciculous it defies description but I will try. The premise makes no sense...that some dark web psychos "hope" someone takes the laptop left in lost and found at a cyber cafe? Then targets them? And elude every conceivable law enforcement method? No. Just no. And I have a massive HD screen...yet the "texts" etc were virtually unreadable - ludicrous from start to finish. Skip this mess.


Had potential but...nope
Was ok with some decent tension throughout but ridiculous "weaponry expertise" from the army brat" was farfetched, inaccurate, and ultimately dangerous. And the asinine ending ruined everything. What a waste of time.

I, Tonya

Couldn't decide what it want to be
I really did not enjoy this at all. It seemed it wanted to be a dramatic biopic but ended up more mockumentary than anything else. The individuals were portrayed as cartoonish versions that just didn't ring true for me. I thought Margot Robbie overacted all the way through and Alison Janney seemed to be going for an over the top caricature. I am baffled by the high scores in the other reviews.


Just total and utter crap
What a complete waste of time.

This drivel is an embarrassment to female directors. It is an embarrassment full stop.

Pointless, aimless,boring...

Please do yourself a favour and watch some paint dry instead. It will be inherently more satisfying, I promise.

Skip this. Trust me.


I really wanted to like this as I enjoy this type of animation.

I feel like the trailers and marketing for this movie were very misleading.

It wasn't at all what I was expecting. It didn't seem to be geared to either children or adults - it felt like it didn't know what sort of audience it wanted to target, and so it ended up missing the mark on all counts.

It was very slow and tedious...there were some amusing bits here and there mixed with a whole lot of depressing :(

Overall I couldn't wait for it to end.

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