
IMDb member since June 2009
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    15 years


World's Greatest Dad

An Uncomfortable Comedy
This depressing movie was billed as a comedy but was far, far from amusing or even interesting. It was really too uncomfortable to watch. Whilst it's true that some of the acting was good, the subject matter was so distasteful it rendered enjoyment impossible. Robin Williams' enormous talent ranges from extremely funny, as in The Birdcage to extremely unfunny as in One Hour Photo. World's Greatest Dad well and truly sees him in the latter.

Williams plays a teacher and unsung poet who has been unsuccessful in his quest to become published, even though he has submitted quality work over many years.

As a single father he has an extremely difficult relationship with his utterly detestable teenage son. When tragedy strikes, Williams inadvertently realises his dream of fame but it comes at a cost.

I cannot recommend this movie to anyone who is looking to be entertained. Despite flashes of humour, it was very dark and very unpleasant. I won't be watching it again. There are simply too many excellent movies to waste viewing time on ones of this ilk.

This movie deserves 10 stars for Robin Williams' acting but 1 star or less for content and enjoyment. I'm absolutely no prude but the idea that anyone could find suicide and sexual deviancy in any way humorous or entertaining is as repugnant as was this movie. Not for me and, I suspect, not for many normal people either.

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