
IMDb member since June 2009
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    15 years


Obi-Wan Kenobi

Reva and Leia Make This Unwatchable
Reva can't act worth a damn, and while "child Leia" is a halfway decent actor, the horrible writing and directing makes her an annoying side plot. The first two episodes are a third of the entire series so I won't waste my time with the rest. Sad because Ewan McGregor is his usual quality self.

The Expanse: Hard Vacuum
Episode 8, Season 5

Stop With Naomi
I really loved this show's previous seasons but season 5 has turned into the Naomi show. They could have spent 10 minutes on her family drama and gotten the plot back to the other characters but instead we have to plod through scenes about her and her family. I really don't care what happens to her or them. I can't even finish the season. I really hope the writers come to their senses for season 6 (if there is one).


Queen is Horrible
The Queen sounds like she's channeling her inner Julia Child, it's so annoying. The show is ok other than that, except that everyone has to get two inches away from each other's face to have a conversation.

Amy Schumer Learns to Cook

What is Food Network thinking?
Amy Schumer? Seriously? Just... go away. That talentless dumpster fire doesn't need a damned cooking show, or any other kind of show for that matter.


Unrealistic At Best
The premise is good, as well as the acting and casting. After a few episodes, you have to wonder, aren't there a few straight people in Hollywood? Wouldn't those decadent parties probably include a troop of women as well as a troop of men to satisfy desires? I don't care what your preferences are, but let's keep it somewhat real.

The Stranger

Poor Casting
The show seems alright, but why did they cast a woman who looks like a grandmother to play Mrs. Price? So, she was just trying to have a baby a few years ago? Seems like that ship sailed in the 90s for the old bird.


Excellent, except for Enos
This is a well made show with a great cast and very good writing. My only problem with it is the casting of Mireille Enos, who plays Marissa Wiegler. Her only facial expression is to smile in a smarmy way for the entire season no matter what the circumstance. That appears to be the extent of her acting abilities. Other than that, there is good acting by the other players, and a strong storyline. I'm looking forward to the next season.


Subpar Acting Again
This show seemed like it could have been alright, but it's not. As has been the case for so many original series, it's derailed by shallow writing and abhorrent acting. Jacky Lai is especially awful. All she can do is put a smarmy smile on her her otherwise emotionless face and spit lines out with disdain for whichever character she is talking to. Her bit is tired, seen all over the low-budget sci-fi/horror world, and a refreshing take on the genre will just have to wait.

Two Sentence Horror Stories

Horrible Acting
The only scary thing about this show is the awful acting.

Another Life

Can't get 15 minutes in
While it's an interesting premise with a good lead actress, poor casting does this show in. Snotty millennials with nothing but snide comments are the last group of people who would be chosen to be on a mission to save the earth. What an annoying waste, I was hoping this would be good.

The Purge

Horrible acting
The acting is atrocious, especially Amanda Warren. Way too many commercials, just not worth it.


Predictable, and Beals is horrible
Smarmy soccer mom runs covert government agency unit. The end. Blah

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