
IMDb member since June 2009
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The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe

Supporting Cast Makes it Worthwhile
I enjoyed this mostly for the stellar supporting performances by Jeffrey Dean Morgan as a much-sexier-than-real-life Joe DiMaggio, Stephen Bogaert as Arthur Miller, Tamara Hickey as Pat Kennedy Lawford and Susan Sarandon as Marilyn's mother, Gladys. They all made what is basically a run-of-the-mill Lifetime movie worthwhile.

Kelli Garner, in the main role as Marilyn Monroe, gives a breathy impression of Marilyn's famous speaking voice, but not much else. She never really conveys the conflict and pain of being Marilyn. It's like she's doing a celebrity impression instead of really becoming the character.

I know that it was made for basic cable and so they couldn't show much during the sex scenes, but it is particularly laughable when Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio are supposed to be having hot sex on a hotel bed but she leaves on her very visible granny panties and he doesn't even pull down his trousers, resulting in Morgan lying on top of Garner fully clothed while they grunt away. Surely the director could have found some way to make it look plausible that they might actually be having sex without offending the network censors.

Amber's Story

Important Story but Terrible Acting
silvergoddess, I have never laughed so hard reading a review as I laughed at yours. "U heartless bastards!" "Heartless s.o.b.s!" "You can all go to hell!" LOL, sweetie, these reviews are for the MOVIE, not for what happened to Amber. It's a bad movie with bad acting. Reviews of movies don't reflect the real-life events behind them, they just reflect whether or not the movie is good. It isn't, and it doesn't make anyone a "heartless bastard" to say so. Get a grip.

I reiterate my original review from 2009 (oh, and to the twit 'myspecialparadise' who thinks that I must be offended by Elizabeth Rohm's character in L&O being a lesbian, NOPE- I'm just offended by her lousy acting. I couldn't care less if anyone is gay or plays a gay character, LOL):

Elizabeth Rohm was the weakest actress of all the Law and Order ADA's and her acting is even worse here. Her attempts at a Texas accent are amateurish and unrealistic. Nor can she adequately summon the intense emotions needed to play the mother of a kidnapped child; at times while her daughter is missing she manages to sound only vaguely annoyed, as if she can't remember where she left her keys.

This is an important true story, so it's too bad that the awful acting of the lead actress distracts so much from the message. The rest of the cast is talented enough, but they just can't overcome Rohm's tendency to simply lay on a particularly thick imitation of a Southern drawl whenever actual acting is required.

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