
IMDb member since January 2003
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The Antics Roadshow

Excellent Overview - More Depth Needed
I stumbled on this film on Netflix Streaming. The punny title caught my attention; the plot summary inspired me to click "play." What resulted over the next 46 minutes was an entertaining mishmash of dozens of different bits of "anarchy," ranging from the modern and viral (the Improv Everywhere movement that has brought you such favorite YouTube videos as "No Pants Subway Ride" and "Frozen Grand Central") to the political and illegal (a group of women disarming a warplane in 1996 to protect the people of East Timor). Nearly every story and every "anarchist" was unknown to me, so I found the overview fascinating, but I was disappointed that the filmmakers attempted to cover so many different tales without fully presenting any of them. This seems more like a series (with perhaps 1-2 stories per half hour episode) than a short documentary. Nonetheless, a good watch - just be prepared to be left wanting more.


Charming Presentation of Fascinating Man
I stumbled on this film on Netflix streaming. I had never heard of Kevin Gant or his music but the plot summary was intriguing and the time commitment (36 minutes) seemed very manageable. Turns out, I would have watched something much longer. Kevin is clearly a poet - every part of the way he talks, sings, even exercises is poetry. He's got a magical mysterious presence, such that you don't want to take your eyes off him even when he's just chatting away behind the steering wheel. The director clearly admires and respects Kevin; the story is presented with loving care and empathy for the man's struggles. The only thing preventing me from giving this a full 10/10 is the somewhat "student film" quality of the movie: pretty scenes should have been prettier, scary scenes should have been scarier. But definitely, still worth a watch.

Sound of Noise

Brings new meaning to the term "Musical Comedy"
My husband and I saw this tonight at the Seattle International Film Festival and we can't wait to be able to share it with our friends. The story is simple but endlessly creative: a group of musicians attempt to bring music to a city while a police officer attempts to get some much-needed peace and quiet.

We enjoyed the touches of whimsy and magic and were increasingly impressed by each successive musical experiment. The dialogue, the visual cues, and, yes, the music itself kept us riveted to the screen. The movie was received well by the audience, who rewarded it with hearty laughter in many places and a long round of applause at the end.

This film can be appreciated by everyone, from the highly musical (myself) to the tone-deaf (my husband)!

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