
IMDb member since July 2009
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I've been actively watching this show for a few years now. There is no other show that even comes close (in this genre). I really hope this series gets 'big' and well-known. Justin and Scott are just a great match on screen, and a great traveling duo (along with their cameraman, Andre).

What really sets this show apart from other shows is the cinematography. Andre has a gift. Of course he has a nice camera, but the shots are so well-exposed and composed. I think the 'look' of a show is very important; I'm not sure what other productions are doing or using, but Andre is doing it right.

When you watch this show, you always feels as though you're with friends. If you want to travel, but don't have the means, this show is perfect. Personally, I would prefer if they went to more well-known areas... as that is equally interesting for me; I found the Japan trip to be one of the best episodes.

As well, I have to mention North Korea. This episode is educating... throw out everything you already know about this country.

Also it should be mentioned that their editing is really great too. The small and clean logos and animation work is quite good and well defined. Editing and synchronization with the music really sets the right mood.

To conclude, the photography/cinematography is well-above most television shows, and the content is extremely engaging. The most important thing though, is that when you watch this show, you feel a certain familiarity and begin to latch onto the characters.

I wish this show was on more often!

Pure Pwnage

Good laughs in first viewing
I honestly thought this would fail... internet sensations are usually just funny and "epic" on the internet... but surprisingly Pure Pwnage (television show) had me laughing out loud on just the first viewing.

Example: Jeremy and FPS_doug are at a job counselling office. The woman asks Jeremy where he sees himself in 10 years... his response (as I can remember): In a tube of liquid being fed and owning noobs, but he'd want his tube to be in Korea because they have the best internet connections.

That's hilarious... and there's so many more moments that anyone with a bit of computer & gaming background will love. At a job interview he tunes out and imagines himself being a Counter-Strike player inside the office, trying to lead his interviewer as a hostage safely out, whilst fighting terrorists haha.

There's some really good moments, too, that anyone can relate to. Jeremy sits in the long grocery-store lineup getting very fed up... what does he do? He angrily storms behind the counter, pushes the cashier aside, and begins scanning people through using his insanely fast "micro". Soon after he's approached for a job.

The only issue I'd say is that they're forcing an emotional storyline; some dialogue was a bit long for the actors to deliver (most notably fps_doug who is usually quick and loud). Also, Kenny from Kenny vs Spenny makes an appearance.

Altogether though, it's pretty good! I think this show is EXTREMELY unique: it's up to date with the computing/gaming/internet world... which is something to say about any television show (or movie even)...

I hope this show is successful, I love it.

Public Enemies

Enoyable film but just not there...
Public Enemies is a tremendously interesting film, holding your attention for the 140 minutes. In fact, when it ended, I was quite surprised... I expected at least another 30 minutes. It is likely that this is due to the script & character problems with the movie (I'll discuss this later).

Each scene is very captivating. The movie draws you in and keeps you invested, mostly because John Dillinger is such an interesting man. Every time he is on screen we desire to know what he will say, and how he will react. Johnny Depp (unsurprisingly) fits the role perfectly, and plays it perfectly too.

(SPOILERS BEGIN) But alas, he only has so much to work with; the same goes for Christian Bale. I believe it is because of their characters that we do not feel as satisfied as we could. It would have been much better to, perhaps, follow John as he begins his bank robbing, and then continue through his arc to the end. As it stands now, we just watch him rob banks, love a woman, and die. Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale) has the same sort of issue: he tries to catch John, argues with his boss a bit, has some conflict with his own doofus men, and then they finally get John.

The love between Billie (Marion Cotillard) and Johnny has its believable parts, and its unbelievable parts. He is captivated by her and pursues her. This is love... this makes sense. She, naturally, is a bit defensive, but does indeed fall for him. A great scene is where he just outright says to her (moments after meeting) that he robs banks and that he is John Dillinger. She's captivated and so begins their love story. The problem I had was how "easy" she was. Several times where conflict emerged between them, John would say a few convincing lines, and almost instantly she'd be swayed back to liking him. The love aspect of this movie could have been much more powerful if it had been more fully formed.

So many scenes are so amazing, and some lines are so good... if the script was just a bit better this film could have been truly amazing. The ending could have had a much greater impact (where John sends his last message to his lover, Billie).

As for the digital HD thing... it immerses you. The battle scenes were very exciting... very real. Personally though, I much prefer the look of film. HD/digital that isn't made to look like film (as in the case here) instantly puts you into the "television show" mindset. I understand what they were trying to do, and it succeeded, but I just didn't prefer it.

Overall: An intense movie that you won't forget, but a lot of missed potential. I give it an 8, simply because it's intense and enjoyable.

P.S. The sets and locations were amazing... stunningly beautiful.

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