
IMDb member since January 2003
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    IMDb Member
    21 years


Ying xiong

Airy Fairy piece of exaggerated artwork!
Despite not being a great fan of CTHD i went along to see HERO with reasonably high hopes but sadly i was left cold once again by another airy fairy piece of exaggerated artwork from the east which is lapped up by eager and easy to please audiences in the west.Sure the cinematography was beautiful and the fight scenes were well choreographed but this certainly does not equate to to a good film. I found it all quite uninvolving to be brutally honest DULL. The thing which really turned me off this movie though was the blatant propaganda.I had heard talk of this before id went along to see it but had dismissed it as the insane ramblings of the limp wristed "pc brigade". On this occasion though i'm afraid i'd have to agree with them. The "our land" message at the end was pretty damn scary.Basically if you don't love your government you will be crushed.I left feeling like id just watched a party political broadcast by the Chinese COMMUNIST PARTY.

Shaun of the Dead

one of the worst and most excruciatingly boring movies I've ever had the misfortune of sitting through
This truly is one of the worst and most excruciatingly boring movies I've ever had the misfortune of sitting through. If this is the "best of British" then we are in an even worse state than i thought. I cant believe this is being billed as refreshing and ground breaking comedy.Its about as funny as a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, it follows the trend of so many other brit comedies by going with crass toilet humour. Jokes about! how original...what a wheeze..i don't think!It was funny 20 years ago but it ain't bloody funny now.I can just picture the hordes of greasy, wacky students rolling in the ailes all over the country.The rest of you should know better.

Dog Soldiers

If you have more than two brain cells to rub together then heed my advice and stay well clear of this pile of crap.God awful acting.Terrible effects(Sean Pertwee lying on the ground with a string of sausages lying on top of him),cheesiest script and most uninvolving action sequences ive ever had the misfortune of seeing.The worrying thing is that so many people seem to soak up turkeys like this.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

I loved The Fellowship and was pretty disappointed in this having had such high hopes for it.I cant believe people are raving about the character bonding and development as high points.To me these aspects of the movie were on a par with the lacklustre performances in The Phantom Menace.Its funny that another reviewer also likened it to "The Never Ending Story" as that is exactly what came to my mind whilst my arse and brain were getting numbed simultaneously.I also felt that The Fellowship could be enjoyed as a separate entity but TTT felt like the middle bit in a really long and boring epic.All that may sound pretty harsh,don't get me wrong it was mildly entertaining but sadly still fell far short of the precedent set by The Fellowship.

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