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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Explorers
Episode 22, Season 3

One of most ridiculous DS9 episodes ever.
It was really painfull to watch. Besides all the countless ret*rded 'science' they come up with about the ancient ship from the first 'til the last minute, the fact that everyone let a spacestation commander indulge in his middle life crisis by building weeks on end an entire Bajoran 800 year old ship (seemingly on his own?!) and taking it out on an extreme dangerous voyage with his son whilst there is an imminent Dominion threat to the whole bloody region and even towards the Federation itself, is beyond words. W. T. F.?!

Such a missed opportunity when tackling themes like pioneer space travelling...

I give 3 stars only for the long awaited quality time between goatee Sisko and Jake.

Superman & Lois: All Is Lost
Episode 13, Season 2

How much family drama can one sci-fi episode contain?
Half way in in this episode, and I already got a headache of watching this soap.

The first season was pretty great with a nice balance between family and work/sci-fi (read: being Superman) but the latter now gotten totally moved to the background after a decent Bizarro start of the 2nd season.... Teenagers acting like adults 24/7 is btw always a great way to show on tv!

Time to wrap this stuff up, please.

Lost in Space: Three Little Birds
Episode 1, Season 3

How bad is thissss????!
How bad can this whiny BS even get?!!! The ridiculous social and internal drama is beyond believe, and they are on another planet!! In another solar ffff system!!!! WHAT THE F......!!!!

Seriously, if any braindead person find this show great, please go to space yourself and stay there....

3 points for CGI, nothing more!!!

Smallville: Fortune
Episode 15, Season 10

Smallville's 'Hangover' - loved it!
Probably the best 'The Hangover'-parody I saw encountered in movie or tv! Many copied scenes, from the beginning to the casino (and the monkey instead of the tiger), but especially the hilarious recorded ending was a big giveaway :) Quite enjoyed it, I can't remember I ever laughed this much on any Smallville episode...

And there is so much melodrama and seriousness in this show already and mostly, in this dark(seid) season, that a light hearted episode like this, the greatest superhero bachelor party ever for the greatest superhero, was quite welcoming! It was a risk, but it paid off - thanks to priceless scenes and a total funny, unexpected plot (Oliver as draq queen must be the best)...! Now it's a full countdown towards the big finale!

Smallville: Homecoming
Episode 4, Season 10

Yesss, wow! The 9,5 score is MORE than deserved!
This is plain amazing. Not only the best episode of the freakin' show, but probably also the most emotional...and that says a lot when there is over 200 episodes! The trip to memory lane with a happily reunion, most notably with a (friendly) Brainiac (James Marsters, best actor of them all, in my opinion), and ending with a taste of the thrillinggg Superman near future, was a to-tal dream! And that last part....wow. The writers really outdone themselves! To be honest, I haven't seen the rest of the season yet, but I feel if this would have been like the second-last episode, it would have been even more perfect... :) Thank you, Smallville! Brilliant episodes like this makes it all worthwhile!

Smallville: Kandor
Episode 7, Season 9

Wow. Just wow.
By far one of Smallville's greatest episodes, thrilling and moving from start til finish, with never a dull moment! Felt almost like a full movie, with all the amazing scenes from Krypton and its winks to the original Superman movies, and the revelations about Jor-El on Earth... Weirdly enough, the few seconds, that Clark held his dying father in his arms, are really the most emotional moments of ALL of this show in my opinion - éven slighty more than Jonathan Kent's heart breaking passing... Because Clark not only wanted to meet him face to face his whole bloody life, but he had sooo many questions left. Also, Julian Sands did an SUPERB job! Way to go, Smallville! This makes watching this show ALL worthwhile!

Smallville: Eternal
Episode 18, Season 8

One of my alltime favorite Smallville episodes!
A trip to memory lane thanks to great flashbacks, massive revelations both on the meteor showers as on the future, another take on the myth and drawings in the cave, well build up story with never a dull moment, good performances....all in one episode! LOVE IT!

Smallville: Requiem
Episode 14, Season 8

Mixed feelings....but damn important episode, nonetheless!
Yeah, it is a quite important episode, THAT's for sure. Two BIG things, that were the core for this show since the very first episode, are finished; the Lana & Clark romance that dragged (yes, DRAGGED) on for 7,5 seasons, and Lex Luther's arc, Clark's greatest nemesis, but started as his best friend. I can't believe they actually killed off the character. A Superman/boy story without Lex is like a bar without beer... Yes, I know, Rosenbaum, who did a greattt Lex Luthor job, decided to leave the show (whyyy!) - but they could have easily worked it out other ways. For example, just keeping the Lex myth going on, like they did so far in season 8, and let the viewers believe he's still the one behind the scenes, pulling the strings. If they dragged the love story about Lana & Clark for sooo freakin' long up until she get superpowered herself so she can finally bang Clark again and help him in the saving, I'm pretty sure they can pull this off for just 3 seasons... Haven't seen the next 2 seasons yet, but they could have connected the story about the Prometheus suit until the show's final, where Rosenbaum returns, and building it up that Lex finally gets a hold of the kryptonite powered suit from Lana and using it against Clark in a final battle... OR, just get a real good lookalike decent actor for some episodes, which would be believable with a story about Lex massive plastic surgery due to his injuries... Just ANYTHING but NOT kill him off, with him sitting trapped and injured in a truck (and by Green latex Arrow, of all people, wtf?!)...

Okay, but then again, it wás kinda a good way to end the Lana arc, with one last victory from Lex.... I felt so bad for Lois, everyone, both the plot and one creating it, just ignores like she doesn't exist anymore since a couple of episodes....while that build up towards that almost kiss in 'Bride', was great. But BAM! Gone... And not a word about Davis and Doomsday for some time...weird. Only Lana was clearly important here. Also, it seems they didn't really look into working another way around to diffuse the bomb (as there álways is one!)...for a love that lasted 7,5 years, they decide a bit too fast in my opinion. But hey yeah, it is and always will be, a teen SHOW lol...

But this episode, cause of the above, somehow sorta feels then like the show's final...or ar least a Smallville 'before' this, and the Smallville 'after' this episode. Still can't wait to watch Rosenbaum's final appearance - glad he at least did that for the fans!

Smallville: Legion
Episode 11, Season 8

Luvvv it! A DC fanboy's dream!
Well, this episode is just one of those that makes this show sooo much worthwhile! Three of the Legion from the 31st century, just like in Adventure Comics #247, comin' to Clark's aid! While giving him a glimpse of his immense future and destiny ahead, and even returning with new beliefs thanks to the ever compelling vision and hope from Clark (and Lana)! I can't wait for him to use that ring when needed! :)

The actor portraying Lightning Boy/Lad, was kinda annoying, but I still give this episode a big 10!

Smallville: Justice
Episode 11, Season 6

Pretty awesome indeed! #JLA
I guess all the other superhero cameos and storylines all led to this amazing episode, and damn, it was worth it! A dream for ANY real DC fan! The explosion scene was a bit cheesy and bit over the top haha, but can't wait for more Justice team-ups like this one - like they said, this is only the beginning and when Clark is gonna be ready to join...hell yeah! 😁

Smallville: Reckoning
Episode 12, Season 5

Wow...just wow!
Yep, if this 100th episode isn't one of the show's best, than I don't know what is! It got it all!

The way that Clark's father left us, was like John Schneider said himself, in John Wayne-style like in The Cowboys... Though, I'm quite depressed and sceptical about the rest of the show that I am seeing just now for this first time (and 20y too late, I know), as since episode 1, I know that Schneider was clearly the heart of this show. Quite ending emotional indeed, and even more for those out there who lost their father in a similar way... As is the next episode, where you can see how difficult it is for Clark to cope with his loss.

Oh, and for the whiners and so called 'fans' who argued that they can't understand Clark somehow 'choose' his father over Lana, clearly should bloody start paying attention... Jor-el said cloud and clear that he only had ONE chance to change time, and his actions, and there would be a price for it....how on EARTH could Clark know this would be his father?! As he had only one chance, so he couldn't undo this anyway! And besides, from a logical, neutral perspective, I would use the words of John Hartigan in Sin City; "An old man dies. A young woman lives. A fair trade." Even Jonathan Kent agrees with this and looked back full of pride on his lived life, as we see in some episodes later...

Sad to see him go, but bold move from the creators! Looking forward for the rest!

Smallville: Blank
Episode 19, Season 4

Great episode!
Chloe has Clark's back, lovely how she helped him out in his amnesia 2.0 and to see him explore his abilities again like it's his firs time! Lex, on the other hand, good ol' dubious Lex... And Lana is back in the game (for Clark) :)

Smallville: Spell
Episode 8, Season 4

Worst episode of the season
This was so dumb, complete useless and a waste of time it really hurt my eyes and my brain. Ancient witchcraft? Wtf... If you first wanted to introduce magic to Superman's story, as one of his biggest weakness, at least do a better job than this. They should have made a limit of 20 episodes a season, which would have maybe at least risen the quality or something, and would have written off utter lame episodes like this one.

Smallville: Gone
Episode 2, Season 4

Clark doesn't kill? Well, he does in this episode
By using his heat vision after Lois used that Ghostbuster weapon she picked up out of nowhere, he killed off that angry metallic T-1000 guy by blowing him up....way to go, Clark! Still great episode!

Smallville: Crusade
Episode 1, Season 4

Probably my #1 favorite of the show
All the 66 episodes before was more than worth it to come to this amazingggg episode, it got EVERYTHING!! Love it, love it, loveeeeeee ittt!!!

Smallville: Exile
Episode 1, Season 3

Pure awesomeness
Clark in exile, with or without red kryptonite, was awesome. One of the most emotional episodes of the show, and by far one of the best! Loved it!

Smallville: Ryan
Episode 8, Season 2

By far one of Smallville's best
This episode, together with the first one where Ryan shows up (s1e16), is definitely one of the show's best episodes! Ryan is the closest that Clark ever comes to a younger brother, who connects with him and understand him, and you can see how Clark enjoys his company. And actually, we as a viewer, do too. And then showing him to deal with such a loss, even after trying everything and not giving up hope while everyone else did... Sad and great at the same time.

Looking forward to more of this!

Smallville: Leech
Episode 12, Season 1

Stupidest episode of the season
Seriously, how lame and unoriginal can you get, Clark tranferring his powers to some random kid? The whole point that he GOT his "powers" is cause he IS the Son of Krypton, the Man of Steel due to our yellow sun, no one else is!! You can't just create a Kryptonian out of human out of nowhere!

Yeah, you see him adapting to his normal human life for a first and he's happy the kryptonite doesn't affect him, and yes, he still managed to be the hero, but on the other hand, the idiotic kid doesn't deserve those powers at all. Clearly.

Ugh, lame, lamer, lamest writing....just started to watch this show, almost 20 years too late, but I sure hope it gets somewhat better after this! And please, cut down on the emo-teen songs. At least A BIT.

Chicago Fire: 51's Original Bell
Episode 20, Season 8

Wow, crazy! Finally Capp gets some well deserved attention!
I can't believe it...after no less than 179 episodes (!) - that I have gladly all watched, enjoyed, and finished in one month - Capp finally gets an episode of his own! One of my biggest frustration of this great firefighters show (which just has a bit too much drama from time to time), is the completeee lack of any attention, background story ánd character development that someehow has been utterly absent for Capp, ever since the very first pilot... unbelievable. Like the writers did this on purpose somehow somewhy, which is just the opposite of what this whole show is all about; the humans and stories behinddd the brave firemen, and this has been so hypocrite for too damn long, 8 bloody seasons... Now, we finally got a glimpse of the human that Capp ALSO is, and nót just a character that has only one goal in this show; to make fun of! Who knows, maybe some weirdo at NBC will get the idea to finally do the same for Tony next season #sarcasm

But I'll keep watchin' anyway!

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