Reviews (2)

  • This was a well made film It surprised me at just how good it really was. I have seen a film from this director before and like it so maybe it shouldn't have caught me off guard. Anyways I thought the acting was good all around. The cinematography was very good too. I love the scenes with Mary. They get real dark and take a turn that I wasn't expecting at all. That actor gave a strong performance. Delusion makes you think and it doesn't give you the answers right away but slowly reveals it's secrets. I loved the Neo noir feel it worked with this story and it's atmosphere. I'm a fan of surreal cinema and physiological films so this worked for me. I would recommend this film.
  • I was very surprised at how good this low budget film was. The first scene was brilliant. Actors where very professional. I thought the plot was very good. It kept my attention through the whole movie. The film opens up with amazing art work that captures your attention and helps bring you in to the world of these characters. The film plays as two parts. It starts off almost as a mob film. Then turns into a gritty fantasy with strange colors and other bizarre things that I don't want to give away. I thought the direction was great. The acting to the editing and the music was all very professional. I really loved the music in this film it is not your typical horror film score. One thing I would like to point out is I feel that Livestock is more of a dark drama then you typical horror film. It is definitely a horror film but to me it plays more like a dark drama and uses horror as the back drop for the story. Over all I thought Livestock was very interesting ( I mean that in a good way) and captivating. I highly recommend the film. If you want to see something new.