
IMDb member since January 2003
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Not worth the time to watch.
I don't write many reviews on here - I just don't have the time. What time I do have I like to fill watching films. This one is a short film about... well, nothing really. Some sqeaking perhaps?

I may be short, so you won't be wasting a lot of your time - but I just hope I save some of your time by dissuading you from this one.

Taken 2

Great action, standard story told poorly!
I missed this at the cinema, but didn't feel too bad about it as I heard it was just an awful cash-in. Regardless, I awaited the DVD.

I have to say I enjoyed this film, but I feel for those who paid around the £15 mark including popcorn, etc to see it at the cinema. However, I've rated it 5/10 simply because of the superb action only. Without that it would probably be a 3 I'm afraid.

The first half hour was very good and setting up for a great action ride. A few little quirks here and there, but I passed these off as Bryan (Liam Neeson) is clearly very good at 'what he does best'.

The last hour of the movie; whilst good, to me it was entirely unbelievable for a number of reasons. I won't divulge too many details as this is a review, but the last hour could have almost been in real time. He manages to contrive his escape, save both his wife and daughter independently and kill all and sundry in an hour. We've all seen this before in 24, but I was expecting better for the sequel of a great movie.

I know, I know, sequels are invariably worse than their predecessors. But I live in hope! My recommendation: Watch the first 30 minutes, then read this (warning, this DOES contain spoilers)...

Bryan wakes up and calls his daughter. He gives her instructions on how to find him 4.5km away. She's there in 10 minutes and Bryan escapes. He gets to the roof to save Kim before she is killed, but is unable to save his wife from being taken away in a black van. So he takes Kim to a safe place, then returns for a good portion of gunfire and a nice fisticuffs, kills their leader and returns home with all his family intact.

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