
IMDb member since July 2009
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    14 years


Last Chance Harvey

I wasn't real impressed with this film. . .
I bought the film because two of my favorite actors are in it - Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. I could sit and listen to her recite The Bible - her enunciation is impeccable and well, she's beautiful to boot. Dustin Hoffman is an extremely talented actor but in this movie he was just so-so. It didn't help that I hated his daughter and his ex-wife and his boss and even the woman on the plane - what a snob! It's no wonder he was annoying - no one ever took him seriously. Only Kate Walker. Harvey Shine was a nice man who was just misunderstood. I didn't care for the movie or any of the characters. I'm passing this DVD right onto someone who might want to watch it. I hope the bride and groom are happy people. Oh, the only good thing about it was Harvey's toast at the reception. Very classy. His ex-wife was a bitch.

The Last Word

Hated this film
I love Ray Romano but this movie was way too dark for me and there was too much swearing in it. I'm not usually one for censorship but I find that this movie was odd. I had never heard of Wes Bentley before - even though it says he was in American Beauty - but he isn't an actor I'd search out again. Winona is usually very polished and maybe it was her character. I hadn't seen it advertised anywhere either. Maybe it is an independent film. The music was great. I enjoyed the "music" Abel created in his studio and the compositions were nice - even after I realized what the movie was about. I have seen Gina Hecht in other pieces and she does a nice job. The rest of the family was dysfunctional and maybe that is why I didn't like this movie. Very odd film.


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