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Rated the movie an 8
This movie is better than some are saying. I enjoyed it because it had me sitting on the edge of my seat. Those who like action will find plenty of it here. Claiming that it does not, is not the way many will see it. I will not give details, just go for it and make your own decision.

Just Mercy

It is crying time again!
2019 was a good year for good movies. Jamie Foxx made this movie the classic that it is to become. What made it better is to know it is a true story. Bryan Stevenson brought back emotions with this story. Whether you are African American, Latino, White, American Indian. or Asian, this is a story that will touch your heart and make us all want to have the America that we love. When the tears began to fall, you will understand why. The last time I felt like crying after a movie was" Imitation of life. "I recommend this movie with a 10. This is definitely worth the watch.

The Banker

Great Movie and Great Story
I gave this movie a 9 because there are not enough movies about minorities and the successes made in America. This was very well put together and Oscar worthy for the portrayal of the main characters. Both should be nominated for this movie. I am hoping there are more of this type to come


This movie is definitely not "STAYING ALIVE"
I ask myself and the producer of this "CRAP", who's idea, was it to throw away some money. Well they did a great job of wasting my time. I tried to watch this piece of junk, but at episode three, "Staying Alive", I knew I was going brain dead. Al Pacino was one of my favorite actors, but this changed things all the way to the bottom. I guess getting old causes us all to do anything. All I have to say is this movie is pathetic. It is not going to stay alive long. ...This movie is definitely not "STAYING ALIVE". I hope Al reads this and realize he has a legacy to live up to. I hope he does a movie that will give him back his class.

After the Fall

This film should not have been made
This film should not have been made. The only thing I like about was the concept and the title. I have seen some bad movies but this is in the top two. Anybody who has an hour and three quarter to waist, have at it. But if your time means anything to you, do not take this time out of your life for this junk. It is a minus one on any scale of measurement.

Madame X

Madame X. This is one of the best movies in the era of the 60'
Madame X. This is one of the best movies in the era of the 60's and Lana Turner's best. It is pictures like this that made us want to go to the movies. Movies made by directors and producers who had class. If you are interested in seeing a drama without seeing a lot of naked people and foul language, you will love this movie. But if you want to see and hear some filth, do not waste your time. This movie is for people who have a clean mind and want to see a clean mystery story.

Hold the Sunset

Hold the Sunset is good for laughter.
John Cleese still makes for good laughter. This TV series is very funny. Those who did not enjoy it must not have a funny bone in the body. I enjoyed it immensely and laughed out loud. Every since Fawlty Towers Cleese has just gotten better and better.. I wish he had another weekly show now.


I hate this movie!!!!!Terrible" Garbage in Garbage out"
It is sad to try to watch great actors make a fool of their talent just to pay the bills. Anthony Hopkins and Ben Kingsley are two of my favorites, and I can guarantee it is not because of movies like this one. I had to watch it because of what they use to be. Getting old can be a handicap if you have to work because you need the money, when yesterday you worked because of the demand for your talent. It may not be their entire fault, it may be the directors or there is not creative talent out there who could write a good script. I know now, they are not as great as they were. I will stick to the oldies but goodies and leave this new garbage alone. I gave it a (1) because it ended right and was over


Pacino or Hopkins could not save this piece of garbage
I have watched a lot of movies in my day, and this goes at the top of the list for being a piece of trash. If you take Pacino and Hopkins out, you have a door stopper. Go ahead and leave the room. As I stated, I have watched a lot of movies in my day, but I have never seen one as bad as this one. If you like to waste time, watch it. If your time is valuable, don't. I am in the don't category. If you finish it, go get a drink and find a good movie to watch. Happy Days are not in this terrible, terrible, terrible trash.

Jack Ryan

This was a pretty good show
I watched Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan series and I had to watch it all on one sitting. Each episode made me want to see what was coming next, and I could not wait. It had plenty of action and was not a dull moment in each episode. Now I am waiting for season 2and I am as anxious about seeing it as I was about seeing season 1, This is the type of TV that make me think of the old days. I give it an 8 because it needed at least two more episodes in the season. And yes, all the loose ends were tied up.


Exciting and easy to follow; need Sequels
Exciting and easy to follow: I found this movie to be a very good thriller. It was not dull and even though the actors are not well known, the performances were believable. It is a fast paced movie and if you do not pay attention you might lose your way. It was worth the viewing. I do not understand the low box office; it must to have been because it was not advertised very well. That is an indication that tricky advertising pays off. I am hoping for a sequel with many more serials to this. It is better than "The Bourne" stuff. Olga Kurylenko was great and I hope to see more of her in many movies. Stephen Campanelli did a great job for his directorial debut. Here's hoping he makes a lot of films. The addition of Morgan Freeman was also a great addition.

The Enemy Within

What a great way to start a new TV Series Thriller!
I have watched some of the best TV Series in the last decade and this is the first one that made me want to watch it because of the first 10 minutes of the show. If the rest of the series is anything like the beginning, this one will be at the top of the list of all the rest. I gave it a nine because the balance of the suspense is unknown. I barely can wait for the additional episodes.

Criminal Minds: Last Gasp
Episode 16, Season 13

I loved this episode
Season 13 Episode 16 " Last Gasp", is the best of the series I have seen. There is humor, seriousness, and plenty of drama. Kim Rhodes, who portrayed Assistant Director Linda Barnes, makes you want to hate her, down to the last bone. Thanks to the writers and the director for bringing one of the best scripts to light. I have been binging and now I will go back for more enjoyment.


This is a well developed story line, and makes you want more.
This has been enjoyable and exciting. This is a story line that I watched and wanted to see more. It is clean enough to be appetizing to the public, and just dirty enough to make you feel that it is real. The actors are fantastic and everything is so realistic that it could be a newspaper headliner for today. I do hope the creators keep it running for many season to come.


Jon Hamm and Shea Whigham are great in this movie
Beirut, now this is the way to make a great movie. Action suspense, great actors and extremely good storyline make this one of the best this year. I have been looking for a movie like this that would keep my interest and not bore me with a terrible or worst direction. This movie seems to follow a direction that was easy to follow and keep my interest. I really like it. Hollywood should use this kind of movie as an example of good taste. Jon Hamm and Shea Whigham (He portrayed Elias "Eli" Thompson in the HBO drama series Boardwalk Empire), just to name two were great. I hope they get more movies where they can show their great talent.


Great story line and interesting to watch
This is one of the better miniseries. It tells the story in a fashion that is easy to follow, and interesting to tell. There is just enough violence without making the audience sick to the stomach. When things need to be demonstrated, the audience is given enough without being distasteful. I am looking forward to the second season because I enjoyed season 1 very much.

Prison Break

I must give this a "10"
Prison Break is one of the best miniseries since "Breaking Bad". I must give it a "10". The story line is just fantastic. Acting is superb, especially by Wentworth Miller. Where has he been? I look forward to watching all 91 episodes on a binge because I cannot wait to see what is going to happen. The writers know what buttons to push and make the audience want more. I hope it runs for another season or two. I must give it a 10.


Toss this show in the trash were it belongs
This is the worst TV show I have ever seen. There is no way that the show had 18 million viewers of a sane mind. I could not watch this show without throwing up. I did not like it before when it was on, and I do not plan to watch it for it useless entertainment. Only someone with a lobotomy would consider this as good TV. Thank goodness for the internet where you can stream some worthwhile shows. I hope they toss this show in the trash where it belongs.

Taken: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

9 Worth the watch
This starts out as a pretty good series. It catches your attention from the start and keeps you there for the entire episode of the pilot. I liked it a lot and I am happy to see the major networks getting some better shows instead of all the really mess the dumb the brain. I will stay with it as long as it has the attention getting power of keeping my interest. I rated it a nine because there is no way to find a ten on network TV these days. If you like action, intrigue, and a good story it is worth the watch.


Great movie. It is worth the watch
This movie is surprisingly good. It is the type of movie you think is going to be boring until you stay with it because of the main Character played by James Woods and you will find out why you want to see it again and again to answer all the questions you develop while watching it. Leslie Ann Warren is another nugget to keep your eyes on because of her soft spoken addition to the film. I will just say watch it and watch it again for a good experience of enjoying a good movie.

Sneaky Pete

Double Masterpiece
This is a double masterpiece. It took me quite a while to decide to watch this series because I could not believe anything could be as good as "Breaking Bad". But once I got into it, I was very happy that I took the time to test it. This is a master master piece and put together fantastically. All the characters and actors will get you more excited in the plot. I am anxiously waiting season 2. I cannot imagine how season 2 can be as good as or better than season 1, but I will give it a shot. You can believe it when I say you are going to have an enjoyable entertaining time watching this show. So go for it. There are not many 9's or 10's out there anymore. The only reason I did not give it a 10 is because I wanted it to go on with more episodes.

True Romance

One of the best crime movies to be seen!
I hesitated to watch this movie because I could not vision it being a crime movie with the name of "True Romance." I am so glad I decided to watch it through to the end. It had enough switches and surprises to make you want it not to end. Once you get hooked, you cannot let it go. I really liked it because the way it developed and did not make you want to stop watching. Great flick and you can tell it is a Quentin Tarantino movie. With the touch of Tony Scott it is a perfect 10.

The Bank Job

Excellent Film
This is one of Jason Statham's best films. When watching this film, you will really enjoy it. There was not a dull moment from start to finish. Staham is highly underrated and should be in the top ten of male actors. The fact that the movie was based on factual events makes it the more enjoyable. After watching this movie you will want to go back and follow his career movies and wonder why he has not received more credit for being such a great actor. Put this in your movies to watch at least once a year and you will really enjoy it each time. The British really know how to make moving pictures, in my opinion they really out rank the American ones, and I am an American.


Exciting and easy to follow; need Sequels
Exciting and easy to follow: I found this movie to be a very good thriller. It was not dull and even though the actors are not well known, the performances were believable. It is a fast paced movie and if you do not pay attention you might lose your way. It was worth the viewing. I do not understand the low box office; it must to have been because it was not advertised very well. That is an indication that tricky advertising pays off. I am hoping for a sequel with many more serials to this. It is better than "The Bourne" stuff. Olga Kurylenko was great and I hope to see more of her in many movies. Stephen Campanelli did a great job for his directorial debut. Here's hoping he makes a lot of films. The addition of Morgan Freeman was also a great addition.

Taken 3

Wow! This movie is full of action
If you like a good action movie and a great story line, you will love this movie. I love the way the answers to the details were summed up before the movie ended. It came from out of left field, which I love for a movie to surprise me. It is no fun going to a movie and being able to guess the plot. The audience will not be bored but want a Taken 4. Too bad not everyone enjoys a good movie, but that is what makes the world better. I loved it and I am going to watch it again and again. Liam Neeson and Forest Whitaker are great! They keep the movie flowing. The box office proves this is one of the best of the Taken Movies. So I suggest you go see it and you will enjoy it because it gives you more for your money.

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