
IMDb member since July 2009
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An Evening with Beverly Luff Linn

Napoleon Dynamite, this isn't.
With this title I was expecting off-beat humour, and that's what the film attempts largely unsuccessfully. I got the impression the creators are fond of Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre and Gentleman Broncos, but with David Lynch on synthesiser, for me, it feels like all the humour is missing. The film is full of abhorrent characters who you simply have no interest in, it all seems very self indulgent and immature. Jermain Clement manages to get a few laughs and Matt Berry just hasn't got the lines of the brilliantly self-penned Toast of London. I really wanted to like this film but felt it lacked anything interesting enough to merit my full attention.

The Hunter

The Hunter
Amazing, great acting, Willem Defoe is sublime, great cinematography, emotional story, this is a must see. There's a lot of rubbish films these days, I like to watch American TV series as they have huge budgets and have time to develop story lines so things are more satisfying. I think that film making is a saturated market, and most things have been done to death, but it's rare that I see a film that has a clear vision and aim and produces such fantastic results. Willem Defoe has to be one of the greatest American actors alive today, his performance in this film is understated and powerful. There is a sub narrative that is very touching and emotional and very powerful and had me close to tears. I think this is an enigmatic film and really enjoyed seeing Sam Neil playing a part which was so unexpected considering his past performances. A fantastic film for cinema buffs.

Fallout 3

Post apocalyptic mayhem
A lot has been written about this game and the fan-boys who rubbish it on the grounds it's a big departure from Fallout 1 and 2 are really missing the point. If you've never played the earlier games then what difference does consistency in the storyline matter if the game is this good? The first game I got when I purchased my Xbox a few years ago and I'm afraid with the exception of Oblivion, everything else has been a bit of a disappointment. It's difficult to decide where to start with this game, I fell in love with it after an hour of playing and still see it as the benchmark for engrossing, entertaining, satisfying, exciting game play.

This open-world RPG is set in Post-apocalyptic Washington D.C. and this dystopian vision is perfectly rendered. The level of detail is brilliant, from the choice of standard weapons such as the BB Gun, through to Plasma and Lazer pistols and rifles, to the ability to make your own weapons from junk. The interface (Pip-Boy) is a wonderful idea and well executed, with a huge range of options to level up, or just to decide which is the best outfit to wear. It's great to play a non-linear game, where you don't have to jump through the hoops, I think it shows a great use of imagination and ambition, and this game is certainly imaginative and ambitious.

Everything about Fallout 3 strikes me as a labour of love, the overall style of the period is impeccable, the design is Americana Science Fiction 40/50's inspired, on the one-hand the ruined buildings and vehicles are straight out of 40/50's America, and on the other, the weapons and suits of armour are from the future.

The graphics are great, and there's the option to have either first person, or variable distance third person, which is an option I've not encountered in any other game before. There are a wonderful array of weapons on offer, from small guns to big guns, melee weapons, energy weapons, custom made, missiles including mini nukes and plenty more to keep you satisfied. There are many enemies to either avoid or take on, Raiders, giant ants, mutants, different factions, some of these you can join by performing certain tasks and take advantage of their technology, weapons and armour.

There's a huge world to explore and plenty of items to scavenge, buy and steal in order to ensure your survival. Like Oblivion, there's a moral system in place, so your character is defined by their actions, do a good act and you get good karma, and options to have certain allies to accompany you, and access to different story lines, items and weapons, do a bad act and you'll miss out on certain story lines and items.

If you love detail in your games and a large element of freedom to do what you want, rather than a linear storyline, and if you're a fan of Oblivion, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect or Fable then I would heartily recommend this richly rewarding gem of a game.

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