
IMDb member since January 2003
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    21 years


The Village

M. Night! You owe me $9.50!
Man, first off i must say that all of M. NIght's previous movies were great. Good, scary, fun. Hell, i'm easy to scare, Signs freaked me out. This one, yeah....not so scary...not so good...and not so fun. I guess in this sense it did have the unexpected, in the sense of i didn't expect this movie to totally suck.

The classic M. Night "twists" were almost non-existent, in fact if twists were there it became obvious within seconds. I saw this movie with the intent to be scared out of my mind, i even went to an outdoor theater to increase the spookiness factor. About half-way into the film you will realize this is a love story and not a horror flick.

(wassup m. night? you getting soft?) I almost wanted to leave, but held out hoping something terribly gruesome and or weird would happen. It didn't. Basically the tag line sucked...false advertising...i want my money back.

SOOOoo basically the movie is set in an amish-like secluded village surrounded by some woods and these creatures live in the woods and for some reason are not kosher with the color red.

Anyway, for some reason they end up coming into town and skinning random animals....blah blah. Sorry kids...there were no humans maned at all...nothing to give you nightmares( unless retards scare you), or make you afraid of the woods and or camping. By movies end i was hoping that all the "amish" were killed once Ivy returned to the village...just because i hated them. I hated the acting more though...i really did. If you're gonna make a sucky movie at least get some talent. Brody was okay and ron howards kid did nicely too...but everyone else...make like rocky horror and go get acting lessons.

Rainbow Brite

My best friend recently picked up this movie at a garage sale. I was so sprung, i hadn't seen any Rainbow Brite since i was little. This was one of the movies that I would watch repeatedly until my mom had to return it to the video store. Watching it now reminds me of how great a cartoon Rainbow Brite really was. This show taught me my colors, orange and yellow were hard to remember when i was a youngin'. They always had a little lesson in there too...about friendship, responsibility...whatever. I wanted to BE Rainbow for halloween until i was like 13.

Finally Rainbow Brite is back on TV, and it's about time. Now little kids all over can know the magic of color crystals, starlight, and the sprites.

if only they'd bring back fraggle rock, my little pony, and care bears.

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