
IMDb member since August 2009
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Vision Quest

Glorious !
It saddens me to see some of the poor reviews...in my opinion, those people are sadly unaware of the realities of this world. Modine plays such a real person, and some of the other characters are equally brilliant. The scene with "Elmo" ( JC Quinn) near the end of the film is simply masterful... absolute raw human emotion... Quinn's performance is exceptional as he describes the event of crying watching Pele...and telling Modine..."it is not the six minutes...it is what happens in those six minutes". Another profound performance is by Charles Hallahan, who, as the coach, helps to focus Lowden's vision.... Their scene together at the film's climax is superb... There are a number of other scenes that are equally powerful.... I absolutely LOVE this film !

The Conversation

Terrible - the Audience gets Cheated !
I could not be more disappointed ! The ending is terrible! Read the other 1 & 2 star reviews for more details... I watched this film because of the references to it from Enemy of the State. But, it was nothing at all like that film! Instead, it was two hours of complete nonsense. Boredom, boredom...wow, nothing happens! There is no character development and one feels nothing for any of the characters. The audience never learns anything about the Cindy Williams character, until the very end - the whole premise of the film is fake, and she is just a murderer and adulteress. There are so many parts that are just too unbelievable...absolutely infuriating to be cheated like this!

Top Gun: Maverick

Glorious! What a wonderful, uplifting film! Why does one go to the theater? Why is there theater? To escape the dreary world of reality and be uplifted - ideally by a story that is ultimately...human... Cruise is masterful in portraying an aging pilot (or, simply, an aging male human) who has witnessed much....enjoyed much...and suffered much.

He remembers his youth, and is mindful of the wisdom he has accumulated from his life experiences... His Life is based on principle...loyalty, honor, courage... and the three D's of Dedication, Determination, and Discipline... In this last hour...not of his Life, but of his career, where he has the most opportunity to pass his Wisdom on to the next generation, he seeks to impress upon the young ones his Life's meaning...


Classic Rodney !
I laughed so hard watching this film ! Yes, I am a Rodney fan, so I had an expectation of his humor. It worked! Rodney's facial expressions and one-liners are absolutely hilarious! The supporting cast was solid and played well off of Rodney's humor. Enjoy !

The Last Picture Show

Overrated garbage
I was so excited to finally watch this film - after years of hearing about it! What a let-down!!! I kept waiting and waiting for it to get good...but no luck. Complete garbage...nothing happens...NOTHING ! Please do NOT waste your time on this !!!

Let Him Go

A Complete Disaster !
My mistake was not reading all the horrible reviews here at IMDB, before I wasted hours of my life on this pitiful film. Like many others, I am a big fan of Diane Lane and Kevin Costner, so I wanted to see this film. This is one of the worst movies of their careers - just ridiculous. Nothing is believable in this script - nothing. Do NOT waste your life on this trash !

The Octagon

Chuck's WORST film
First off, I am a huge Chuck Norris fan, and have been for decades. Some of his early films, like Forced Vengeance, are among my favorite films. But, this film is just plain terrible! The plot is ridiculous - it is too far-fetched. I have made myself watch it from start to finish, but never again. Save yourself the agony of trying to watch this disaster...

The Mechanic

Worst Bronson movie I have ever seen
What a disappointment ! I love Charles Bronson, but this film is a complete disaster ! It starts off horrendously slow...then it is all downhill from there ! Save yourself and skip this one and watch "Telefon" instead !

Honeysuckle Rose

I Love Willie, but...
Wow, there are some REALLY slow parts...and some VERY predictable parts. A fair film, not great and not terrible. I really like Willie, but this film struggles...

Mary Poppins

Absolutely Lovely
Right off, this film gets a huge 10 because of Julie Andrews' voice. Never mind the script...her singing simply lifts the human spirit !!! I felt joyous and uplifted every time she sang ! I get it, this is a kids' movie...but if you are an adult, you will LOVE this movie, too. Thank you, Walt Disney, for your foresight ! ENJOY THIS FILM YOURSELF, OR WITH YOUR FAMILY !!!

Major Dundee

Not good, but not horrible...
I watched Major Dundee for the first time, and uninterrupted. I would not recommend it,nor will I ever watch it again. There are some fine performances, but the script is haphazard and just not believable. Not good, but not horrible...


Don't waste your time on this claptrap
I am stunned by the rave reviews of this nightmare. It is complete garbage. I cannot fathom how so many renowned actors signed up for this drivel. I was going out of my mind - I had to DNF after about 1/3 to 1/2 of the film, because it was SO MINDLESSLY BORING !!!



A Huge Disappointment
Wow...I could not be more disappointed. A great cast combines to create... a complete waste of time. Just terrible - don't waste your time.


A solid film
I enjoyed Midway- it is a solid film. Historically accurate.

Ad Astra

Read all the other 1-star reviews
Do yourself a favor - read all the other 1-star reviews. They are true ! All this movie is is one completely ridiculous plot line after another. I am embarrassed for Donald Sutherland, Liv Tyler, and Tommy Lee Jones for doing this film - they must have been in desperate need of a paycheck. No excuse or pity for Pitt.

She Wore a Yellow Ribbon

A solid, entertaining film !
A solid, entertaining film !

I really enjoyed the realistic portrayal of a true leader of men, who realizes his own mortality .

A lot of subtleties...very enjoyable to watch.

No Country for Old Men

More garbage from the Coens
What a complete disaster ! One of the worst movies in human history! The Coens have proved (yet again) that they are nothing but hacks who should never be allowed to make another film !

Coogan's Bluff

One of Clint's absolute worst !!!
I am a huge Clint fan. That being said, he has been in a few stinkers.

Coogan's Bluff is one of the worst. Just horrible in every way.

Do NOT waste your time on this...

Death Proof

A complete abomination
Tarantino is the most overrated director in the world. Almost all of his films are complete garbage, but this disaster of a film (if you can call it that) is probably his worst. I feel entirely cheated by spending my time and money on this atrocious, wretched film. Tarantino is a complete hack, and has no business making movies - ever.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

An absolute classic film of the macabre !
If you like horror, you will love this classic film.

Macabre, to say the least.

The Doors

A complete disaster - do NOT waste your time !
I just tried, for the LAST time, to get through this stinker. Alas, I had to DNF this garbage. Do not waste your evening with this garbage...

Major Movie Star

A fun flick !
Yes, a tad predictable, but still a lot of fun ! Jessica plays the lead role well.

Don't Say a Word

OK, but too many hard-to-believe parts
OK, but too many hard-to-believe parts. How did these hacks get the high-end audio and video into the state hospital? WTF ?


By FAR the best horror movie ever !
This film is a classic !

If like horror movies, you will enjoy this immensely !

Trouble with the Curve

Another solid performance by Clint
If you are a Clint fan, you will enjoy this film. Not his best, and not his worst. Solid performances by a great cast.

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