
IMDb member since September 2009
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    14 years


For Better or for Worse

A fun movie not intended to be an Academy award winner
I think people were far too harsh on the reviews and I don't know what kind of expectations they have for a Hallmark movie but they need to lighten up. It's called entertainment. Yes the age differences between all the characters was not ideal but it worked. I'm not a hallmark movie fan by any means and would normally not watch this mush but Lisa caught my attention immediately in the first few minutes and I was curious. I think she was good and I would call it a cute but not Oscar worthy. I found it entertaining without blood guts and mayhem. I'm actually actually glad I don't pay that much attention to reviews because I would've missed a lot of of good movies over the years. Brings to mind a movie that I saw many years ago called the butcher's wife. Not so good reviews so I passed by it then finally watched it out of boredom. I loved that music at have watched it again a couple of times. Lesson learned... See for yourself.

The Greatest Showman

Great movie, ignore critics
I am so glad that I ignore critics as I would have missed many great movies this included! Great talent to include the actors, incredible music, costuming and choreography. Did it mirror PT Barnum's life? What musical, play or movie doesn't take liberties? If I want documentary, I watch PBS. Don't let this one pass you by. Honestly...think about where many critics are coming from...failed attempts at show business themselves...none of them ever having written or directed a movie...I had more confidence in Dear Abby than a movie critic.


thought provoking
I have to start by saying that if I bought into every negative review of a movie and didn't go based on that...I would have missed many good movies. If we all had the same taste, there would be nothing but re- runs.A bit slow at first but momentum picked up. I somewhat feel as though the writer came up with the ending and worked backwards to the start of the story. When I left the theater I thought about all the clues from the beginning. When I leave a movie and have forgotten about it by the time I get to my car...that's when I know it was bad. A bit "cliche" as someone else said, sure...most themes have already been played out at one time or another. Often in a theater you hear various background noise from patrons. Throughout many parts of this movie you could hear a pin drop so, don't let a few downers keep you from seeing this movie.

Open Range

One of the best
I never get tired of this movie and I don't even want to count the times that I have seen it. Beautifully written, great acting, costumes, scenery. I cannot think of anything I didn't like about it. Annette Bening is definitely one of my favorite actors right along up there with Robert Duvall. Costner was great in this too. I was drawn into this from the opening and maintained the same level of interest until the end credits. I think this is one of the must see westerns and rate it up there along with such classics as The Searchers, Shane and High Noon. I am a huge western fan and when I come across a great one, I can be entertained by watching again as though it were the first time because with great writing, there is always a small part you might pick up the next time you see it that you missed the first time.

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