
IMDb member since September 2009
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The Haunted World of El Superbeasto

A massive disappointment, a big waste of talent.
A big disappointment. There were so many things that this movie had going for it, but I can't help but feel that it was all wasted.

Starting with the voice talent, we have Paul Giamatti, Rosario Dawson, Danny Trejo and an assortment of very recognizable talent voicing the characters in this film. And then we have Sheri Moon Zombie. While all of the other voice actors did a fine job, her voice acting really ruined this movie for me. Her voice was so annoyingly high pitched, so unnecessarily awful. I likened it to a banshee hopped up on Ritalin, made even worse by the way she rushed through one-liner after the other; I wanted to turn off the TV on more than one occasion on account of her voice alone.

This brings up another big fault-- with the exception of Giamatti's Dr. Satan, all of the characters' dialog was just a series of trite one liners fired off in rapid succession. It was trying too hard to be crude, trying too hard to be funny, yet it barely registered a smirk on my Laugh-O-meter. I didn't feel appalled, I felt apathetic.

With a 10 million dollar budget, I expected so much more, yet the animation was sub par, the editing all over the place. It felt as if the editor just wanted to race to the finish as I did, 15 minutes into it. Rob Zombie has shown signs of creative genius, in his comics, music and some of his films, but to my dismay, it doesn't come out in his attempt at animation.

It reminded me all too much of the disappointment I felt with one of my other idols, John Kricfalusi, when he did the Ren & Stimpy Adult Cartoon Party, which abandoned everything that made his original series genius, in favor of completely mindless, low brow humor. At least with Kricfalusi, I can still appreciate his animation; I can't say the same for Zombie.

Mind numbingly pointless, hard to justify even paying for a rental.

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