
IMDb member since September 2009
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    14 years


The Colony

There might be a good show underneath all this garbage......
I agree that this is an interesting concept.

Yes this is obviously heavily scripted, and a lot of the situational stuff is incredibly stupid but if you can get past all the stupid stuff like marauders (one of the lamest things ever shown on TV) there's some potential here to create a good show and maybe give the viewers some useful survival information (which is why i tuned in - i've watched the first 2 episodes) As it stands this is a less believable version of the TV series Jericho gallivanting as a "reality show" So far most of the "characters" are uninteresting (with the possible exception of the engineer and mechanic who have built a few heavily scripted "devices" with a collection of materials 2 good to be true in an actual survival situation....

My advice is change the format of the show and give us some useful disaster survival information and cut out all the stupid garbage.

The Cleveland Show

Needs to be scrapped... A huge failure...
I can't find a single thing to say about this show that is remotely positive...

I'm a big fan of Family Guy and I occasionally like American Dad so I thought this would be my kind of humor.. Boy was I wrong..

For starters the rewrite of Cleveland Jr was a bad decision. The original concept would've been much better then what they created.

Secondly Cleveland's charter has been completely ruined. His appeal in Family Guy stems largely from from the abuse he takes from Loretta. The transition to and the new family dynamic the writers created is just plain idiotic.

Even worse the writers seem bent on making this a show entirely about race. Just about every "joke" in the pilot is racially charged and does nothing to add to the appeal whatsoever. This isn't Bernie Mac or the Cosby show . Unless your idea of comedy is listening to a black comic doing nothing but bash white people for a half hour my advice would be to look elsewhere.

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