
IMDb member since October 2009
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All I Want for Christmas Is You

Toxic values
It has a concept I could have gotten behind but at the end of the day it missed the mark.

I understand where the parents were coming from with showing her how hard a dog can be to take care of. I'm not even mad about that. I'm flustered that when the story ends the dog wasn't bonded with her, she had already decided on a different puppy ergo pupster was used for a gaslighting purpose. Then when she learns she will be allowed her puppy of choice she is met by an adult who has allowed another child to get excited about the same dog with the statement, "oh! I didn't know if you were going to come back!" Like...woman! They left a deposit on this dog! Did it occur to you to check with them?!

Then two adults and a child lay a level of guilt on this little girl so if she takes the dog she wants she's a jerk. Teaching kids, "it doesn't matter if you want something, if someone else wants it you need to give it to them" woof! And she gives up what she wants and songs about how all she wants is this other dog which... she has expressed through the whole movie she doesn't like.

She apologizes to the dog for being obsessed with the other dog....the other dog she had been promised! "I'm sorry for treating you like a temporary dog, even though that is exactly how you were presented to me!"

Had the movie never included the other dog and instead she fell in love with this pain in the butt mutt then it could have had something. Instead it just teaches toxic principles to kids.

Gave it 3 stars only cause my kids were shocked I didn't like it so... as long as you let your kids know she didn't have to give up her desired dog just because of the guilt trip she didn't pack for... then it's a fine fluffy movie.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Hate it, but it is accurate to the novel.
I was so conflicted on how to properly rate this movie. You see it is extremely accurate to the book....however I HATED the book! So what then do I do as far as rating it is concerned? I pondered for a while and then decided I would average it out. A 1 out of 10 for the story itself and how much I didn't enjoy it. However a 10 for consistency with the novel. Divide that into two and arrive with my rating a 5.5 rounded up to a 6.

In short, if you enjoyed the novel, the movie is perfect. If you enjoy the movie you'll enjoy the novel. However, if you dislike ether one, don't waste your time with the other, it doesn't get better.

The Secret Life of the American Teenager

Sex, Marriage, Cheating, Pregnant
I could not watch any more of this drivel! I made it to the 19th episode of the 2nd season before I could not stomach another drop of this crap. The first season was manageable although the acting was terrible. But the rest of it was worse than your mother's old soap operas. A gets together with B. B sleeps with C so A sleeps with C's partner D and then D and C fall in love with E who is secretly crushing on OH MY GOD MAKE IT STOP! Here's a good drinking game. Take a shot every time someone says the word "Sex" I was a teenager throughout my entire teen years and yes we did have sex, some of us a lot more than others. Yes it was a topic of conversation. Sure it was an enjoyed topic of conversation. However, and this is important to know apparently, there were MANY MORE TOPICS OF CONVERSATIONS. I don't think the show EVER discusses concerns about exams, homework, passing or failing grades or classes. I never once heard someone discuss whether they should be taking chemistry or biology for the science credit. This show was crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. Not worth watching and I will not continue forward. I'm not even curious what happens to the characters because they are idiotic and completely undeveloped. Sex-addicted teens. Lame. Don't waste your time....unless you have a bottle of vodka and want to turn the show into a foolish drinking game. In which case... Take a shot every time: Someone cheats on someone Someone has sex Someone says the word "Sex" (fyi, teens are creative we use other words for sex not just the proper one!) Someone (human or animal) gets pregnant Every time there is an excruciatingly poorly played line by a character Every time a female has dramatic freak out over ...NOTHING Every time Ricky simply HAS to have sex Every time a boy begs for oral sex (again...pretty sure most guys call them something OTHER than oral sex) You will be loaded before the first 15 minutes!

Garden State

Skip the beginning...slow
if you have a player that permits watching the movie in high speed then I would recommend doing that until you reach the tub scene following the visit inside a landed boat. Anything before that, although some crucial moments for the plot, are so incredibly slow your eyes might fall out just to see something interesting. It picks up after the boat scene but is still a pretty empty plot. The idea behind it is nice, simply a movie about a man who has lived his life numb on prescription meds and finally decides to live his life and experience pain, anxiety, sorrow, anger because these are human things. He no longer wants to travel through life numb with medication.

I follow the basis, but ... it just seems like a super long movie for such a simple point that you don't even realize they are making until the very end. Not a great movie. Not terrible, just not great.

He's Just Not That Into You

Better than expected
I think this was a better movie than I thought it was going to be. WARNING though, if you DID NOT like Love Actually, chances are you will not like this one as the style is quite similar. Obviously not identical but definitely similar. That said if I were to choose favorite characters/relationships they would be as follows: (SPOILER WARNING)

1) Gigi, I just loved her approach to life, she was oh so chipper and happy even when things didn't work out. She was also well balanced between Reality and Idealization. 2) Beth, I felt she was the most sane of the ENTIRE bunch. She knew what she wanted and when it was clear she wasn't going to get it from that guy she left. THAT is woman! 3) Connelly's character was weak for the most part but at the very ending she did exactly what I wanted her to do. Atta girl! I just wish she hadn't become so desperate before she did what was right.

Over all good movie, I'd watch again :)

Little Women

Choppy and forced
As a movie I find it to be sub-par as compared to the 1949 version. I'm torn, I do not want to rate it purely as a comparison but having been so familiar with the second version I can't entirely help it. Being honest with myself, were this the first time I was watching "Little Women" and this was the first version to be introduced to it I'd have stopped watching or completely lost interest. It was choppy, the acting didn't carry through all too well and it just seemed to be trying too hard to stick to a novel. Because of this I suspect it may be closer in accuracy to the novel than the '49 version. For that reason I am now interested in reading the novel that much more. Ryder did not play as strong a Jo as I found June Allyson did. Claire Danes was not a very warm and loving Beth nor was she very memorable a character as the '49 carried. I now simply must see the '33 version to compare as it is considered even better than the '49 version.

Very Bad Things

So bad it's funny
I had watched a preview going in and thought I had a general idea of how things were going to go. I was, for the most part, wrong. I knew the first thing was an accident, I knew a lot more happened based on a shot where there were only x number of people in the vehicle covered in filth. What I did not realize, however, was that most of the events were not accidental. Take the hangover and turn it into a horror film and that is basically what you had.

I'd say the only parts I found enjoyable in the movie were the parts revolving around the bride-to-be. This was not because I too am a bride- to-be. This was instead because she was such a horrendous bridezilla that she was completely removed from the entire situation! Two severely handicapped children just suffered a rather large loss and slam something down in frustration thus throwing off her seating chart and her response is your classic "Why does all the bad stuff keep happening to me?!" Because of that role and the absolute, "I really hope there is no one out there actually like this." factor I did find her part slightly amusing. But the ending, although karmic in pay off, was so over the top and had no real point aside from Karma, that I was laughing not at the ending but at the fact that this was how it was ending. Not a great movie, not a movie I'll be re-watching and certainly nothing in comparison to others movies I've watched over the past few days.

But, perhaps a movie I can jokingly tell the Best Man is his "what-not- to-do" list movie. But then I would have to force him to watch it and that's just cold. Seriously though, if you're going to watch it, go in with low expectations and a large amount of some type of intoxicant!

Ghost Whisperer: Birthday Presence
Episode 1, Season 5

One big giant plot hole!
When the episode opened my husband and I made a bet that by the end of the episode she would have her old body back. We both nodded that it'd happen way before the halfway point. Sure enough we flash forward 5 years and she's a "hot mama". But before all that there is the huge plot hole that they created for this season. As they are rushing her into the operating room she hollers out for Jim. You think, "oh a slip of the tongue" No, the answer is no! She consistently calls Sam, "Jim". I then looked into Ken (the actor who played Sam) and evidently we are to forget that Sam ever existed. Assume that Sam had his name changed to Jim legally and Sam's family is okay with this and never visit. Inconsistent soap opera crap!

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