
IMDb member since October 2009
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Unique and very interesting and it left a permanent impression in a positive way.
The movie kept my interest the whole time, that is nice to me.

I am not sure how to explain the movie to another person.

It's been stuck in my head for a few days now, i've finished watching it two days ago.

There was no "happily ever after" to this movie that's for sure.

The world, these humans live in, feels incredibly big. This never ending chain of constructions, very unfriendly to humans in all ways and im not even talking about the safeguard.

I think the story was very good, but also feel a bit unsatisfied because i felt they could have given the dialogue a more realistic approach. And Killy clearly is a weird guy (not in a hateful way) who, luckily, eventually helps the humans again, against this infiltrated robot that is out to destroy them all.

Cibo was a nice change, to me it felt that the humans finally made some connection and interaction with someone their generation had never seen.

In this dire world, that was a heartwarming experience.

I was hoping for a good ending, which never came. But the humans were still surviving, albeit still in a very uncertain position and possibly even more dangerous.

After all, the protective barrier was out of action. Yet they had some food for a while, that was a plus.

There was a huge open ending to this movie.

There was one thing that i did not like very much and that is the framerate of the movie. I watched it on Netflix and i i've never had this before and i somehow guess it's the movie itself.

This caused my eyes to feel uncomfortable in some scenes.

Overall a positive experience and i was happy i clicked on it in my Netflix recommended.


I did like it, but there are some things that could have been better
Seeing the movie when it came out, i did already appreciate the different style and setting in the alien series. The thought of having to fight the alien without weapons, and in an environment where the people could be your enemy too, was very interesting to me. Very original indeed.

Now it sure was a change from Alien and Aliens, but if they had made a movie in the same style as any of those two movies, it would not have been cool i think.

What i did not like though was the fact that a lot of the prisoners in the movie were portrayed as quite daft/ dumb.

All in all i think it is definitely worth a 7. If they had made a bit more interesting characters in the movie, this could have been an 8 or even a 9 in my opinion.

The acting of the main actors was credible for me.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Entertaining movie, would recommend
Very entertaining movie to me. I wasn't in the right mood to watch a movie. I generally do not have the patience to sit a movie through, but this one went down easy.

I like sci-fi and i can handle fantasy in some cases. The movie itself may not have been a classic, but i found cast and acting very interesting. Lots of famous actors, but also a couple of new to me.

The effects are incredible, something that would fit a movie like this. Now i said earlier i can handle fantasy in some cases. GoG2 does have a few "over the top" graphic sides to it, but hey that's me. I found some scenes a bit too "dreamlike", if that makes sense, the shiny blurriness was all over the place at times.

The story was easy to follow and to see through, that is a bit of a letdown for me. I would like to be a bit challenged, although i do admit that is hard nowadays in movies.

Overall i found it to be interesting and entertaining, keeping my attention the whole time. Oh, this is the first Guardians of the galaxy movie i see and i didn't know it was from Marvel.

Mortal Kombat

Not bad at all, considering it's based on a game
I look at this movie as it is, based on a film. The story is fake, of course, but entertaining.

The special effects are impressive, as is the whole setting. I liked the acting, it seemed so suit the story.

This is definitely a classic, whether people like it or not.

I think it is not fair to judge this movie like it's a romantic story or whatever. Just like comedy, it belongs in it's own categorie.

If you like an entertaining action movie, see Mortal Kombat. It looks like some of the old martial art movies where a tournament is central, but there is more "phantasy" involved.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Very entertaining movie and i say that as a star wars fan
This movie was very entertaining to me. It looked great, it sounded great. The story was a bit childish considering the baby they had to retrieve. But apart from that i loved it.

Suitable for a wide audience.

The star wars concept has been squeezed to the point where it starts to get ridiculous in many movies, games and such. However, this particular movie fits in just fine if i can say it. Not a waste of time at all!

I feel that the negative comments from other viewers are a bit unfair. Now a review is always subjective, but giving fair points should be no problem.

Op hoop van zegen

Good movie, good view into the old days of the dutch fisherman culture
It has been a while since i have seen this one. But anyone with a healthy interest in history and drama can appreciate this.

I grew up in a dutch coastal village and i recognized so much in this movie that i value it highly as a view into history.

Even if you are not a fan of the sea or the likes, this movie is still good because of the drama. Everything is in it, love, hate, the lot.

I do not know if there are translated versions of this movie, so it might be just a typical dutch speaking movie.

Great atmosphere, the acting is also very good. Famous dutch actors, but quality is there for sure.

Star Trek

Not bad, but no star trek.
The concept of star trek kinda died with this movie. Maybe the US public likes a testosterone movie like this, but i sure don't.

The scene where young Kirk drives a convertible of a cliff, just managing to save himself is just sad. This is just one example of where it went wrong. The actor playing Kirk does his job well though, no discredit to him.

Im no Trekkie, but i have seen most (if not all) of the star trek series and movies, i love the concept very very much.

Fun movie if you have time to kill, but they should have given it another name like "space conflict" or whatever simple.

Im sorry, this movie was only nice on the part of acting, effects and some other things, but the plot was not great.

Don't spend your money on an expensive cinema ticket, buy it on discount (5 bucks max) one day and you will notice.

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