
IMDb member since October 2009
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    14 years


Maria Full of Grace

Low key and compelling, this will transport you to a alternate reality many known nothing about. It is haunting in that Maria's fate remains mysterious. I would love to see a sequel.

Paper Moon

Poignant and expertly directed. The black and white look makes it gain credibility and distinction. Also did I mention it's hilarious?

Go with Me

An aura of foggy intrigue..
There is an aura of intrigue in the location shooting that captivated me. I live In a small mountain town with it's share of tragedy and moody fogginess. Hopkins is as elegant as ever, and a delight to behold, but the story itself could use more depth. I actually thought it was filmed near my present home until read it was set in Vancouver..the atmosphere, music and photography kept me in a certain spell despite the uneven script. Unusual. Very down-to-earth dialogue and setting.

Hyde Park on Hudson

If you like dreamy movies with atmosphere, this film is a sheer delight. The President emerges as a warm, immensely human persona, who urges his aids to spy on his somewhat controlling and volatile mother. The royal visit, though probably historically inaccurate, is displayed with tongue in cheek humor and excellent performances.

Laura Linney is understated and poignant, with a hint of bittersweet.I was also surprised to find a Cherokee Dance at the royal picnic--who could ask for more in a movie?

The British filming location adds a wistful and lovely atmosphere, intensifying the romantic and complex frolic of events.

Return from the Ashes

Fascinating, Well-crafted Thriller and Character Study
I first saw this film as a young girl. Even at the age of 13, the opening scene struck me with its stark depiction of numb survival. The game of chess comes to symbolize the crafting of a deception, and a murder attempt. A haunting mood permeates the simple, yet effective scenes--one can almost feel the sense of trauma and tragedy of Post War France.

The ending is wonderfully satisfying and even somewhat shocking. This film makes no apology for itself--it presents us with a concentration camp survivor who is still in love with a narcissistic user, and we go on from there, somehow suspending all sense of disbelief in the face of masterful acting.

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