
IMDb member since February 2003
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    21 years


Phoenix Five

A fleeting memory
Wow Leachy, I remember it from Tyne Tees Saturdays mornings too, introduced by Neville Wanless (remember him) and that woman with the dark haired bob who always wore slightly too much lipstick but was strangely attractive??? Can't remember too much about it other than the sets were very dark and the spaceships were very pointy and futuristic to an impressionable 7 year old. Like so many series it just seemed to "end" (presumably when the TV company lost interest and stopped importing it). This fate seem to befall a lot of TV from the colonies, do you remember the Lost Islands? Did they ever get off or are they still stuck there!?

I have looked on and off over the years for any mention of it but seems largely forgotten, at least in the UK, which is a shame. I wonder, does this have a cult following in Oz? Is there a fan site anywhere?

Past Caring

A forgotten gem
This drama lingers for some reason I can't put my finger on. Whether it is because of the much-missed Denholm Elliott's (usual) standout performance, or the surprisingly erotic sex scenes with the lovely Miss Booth, I'm not sure. Either way, it compels the viewer to look closer at the elderly and remember the spark of life that is still contained within. When Denholm's character reminisces of his sexual cavorting as a young man, and they are still so vivid, it reminds you how brief our time on earth really is. A great piece that deserves another airing, if only as a reminder of the great Mr Elliott

The Salton Sea

Videostore dimeshelf jewel.
This is one of those scarce, precious movies that stay with you long after they have gone back to the rental store. Something drew me to this title even though I had never heard of it, and I was not disappointed which is more than can be said of some "blockbusters" that make it to the big screen. Val is an underrated actor that is too often passed off as female eye-candy, and there were no duff performances from his peers either. Beautifully shot, carefully paced, and cleverly put together, you will be rivetted from start to finish. Yes, I have read all the comments and comparisons with Trainspotting and Memento, but this stands up well by itself, and is one of the very, very few films I have ever said to friends "you must see this" and shoved a copy under their nose (I can only think of Donny Darko and Best Laid Plans recently). The part where his drug-addled mates plot to steal Bob Hopes stool sample to sell on Ebay made me laugh till it hurt, which is a rare thing these days! There is nothing more anti-climactic than going to see a hyped-up film and finding it is actually crap (Matrix Reloaded, anyone?). Conversely, going in with no expectations and being blown away like this is one of the best natural highs you can experience.

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