
IMDb member since November 2009
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This is Entertainment
I titled the review because a prior reviewer seemed to think Dark/Web was a documentary. I, like the average non-tech person, found the premise both intriguing and scary - and yes, entertaining. The chapters contain stories within the overarching storyline of the missing Molly Solis. Molly is a computer analyst working for a quasi-government agency. Through her job, she comes too close to learning that a valuable AI tool is vulnerable. She disappears but finds a way to bring old friends to her aid by sending them stories that will guide them to her. These stories within the story are very Twilight Zone episodes on steroids; intense, creepy, thought provoking. Some could have been trimmed as they started to take me too far afield of the primary storyline. This was an indie production and I give props to all for their labor of love. I was pleasantly surprised by the production values. The casting was spot on. They were a believable ensemble of friends. I hope that Amazon may decide on additional episodes.

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