
IMDb member since December 2009
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    14 years


The Marine 4: Moving Target

It Offends Marines And Military In General ....
As an U.S. NAVY Sailor I shouldn't like Jar-heads (Stupid military tradition) but this movie is definitely an insult to Marines an all military in general. The poor acting can be questionable even by anyone who's never been in the military. Watching the first minutes of the movie let you see how predictable is going to be, and you wont be disappointed on that appreciation as you expect to be surprise thru the rest of the movie and it just keep getting more and more predictable. Hand-to-hand fights seen so fake that no even the drunkest highly trained marine would ever act like that. Mercenaries would even complained about this movie as they see how the ones in the movie hit the ground and trees 99% of the time while shooting. It just reminded me of the "The A-Team" TV Series. Any ex-military with no acting experience would have given this movie a way better "feeling."

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