
IMDb member since December 2009
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Broken Memories

An enjoyable experience
Sweet little film about repairing an already broken relationship with a father who is losing his memory. Yet, there are some things that the forgetful father remembers and the son has forgotten. It can be a bit slow moving at times, but let's you sit back and enjoy watching the process and the scenery and the acting. Rance does an amazing job of portraying just what it's like for a person of certain age losing his memory. His interaction with the other characters is very fun to watch. There are a few really thought provoking nuggets scattered throughout as well, such as do our memories make us who we are, do we lose our identity if we lose our memories? Although there is a love interest on the side of the film, it doesn't take the limelight away from the true story of repairing broken relationships. I think this was a great film and appropriate for the whole family.

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