
IMDb member since December 2009
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    IMDb Member
    14 years


Tuck Bushman and the Legend of Piddledown Dale

Great film, must watch again...
As a first feature length film this was stunning, hilarious from start to finish. If you haven't already then check out their short films (follow the links from Chris Lumb's page).

I haven't heard an audience laugh so much in years, hopefully they'll be able to sort out a few more screenings (this was a one off charity event) and everyone will get to see it. If any film festival researchers are looking for a brilliant British comedy then this would be it. It has everything: car chases, stunts, mad doctors, an evil mayor AND off colour sea shanties, what more does anyone need? A plot? Yep it has one of those too (and it isn't one of those tacked-on things neither). Someone needs to give these guys a budget, seriously.

Buy the DVD!

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