
IMDb member since December 2009
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Deep Impact

One of the most underrated films ever.
As a kid i vaguely remember watching this. Small parts like the ending scene and the beach scene flickered through my head when i began watching it. My first thought was that if i didn't remember it all, it couldn't have been very good at all. I was so wrong.

The real gem in this movie is the multiple, only slightly related story lines. With many other disaster movies, i find myself looking forward to the doomsday event, or the huge E.L.E. In this i found myself actually worried for the characters. Its so easy to relate to them. If you try and put yourself in the situation, i found it difficult to think what i could do differently. The message behind the disaster is love for family, friends and for the people even closer than them and multiple touching scenes that almost bring a tear to the eye really make you care for what happens. By far the most emotional moment comes from Jenny Lerner and her father, but i'm not giving anything away.

Currently on IMDb this film has a 6.0/10 rating which, as the review title suggests, i think is ridiculous. This film has it all and simply put, deserves a hell of a lot better than its getting on here. Its an unmissable movie.

Youth in Revolt

Strange. Just....Strange.
Before i watched the movie i thought it was going to be a typical teenage comedy, the stuff Michael Cera normally acts in, which involved turning himself into the typical bad boy to get that girl the old him couldn't.

About half an hour into watching it, i absolutely hated it. Michael Cera's character was ridiculously creepy, desperate and obsessed. Again my opinion was just to wait for the inevitable change in character and hope it turned out a lot better.

Well i can neither say if i was right or wrong.

Some bits intrigued me. The introduction of the brother immediately made the movie a whole lot better, but for barely 10 or so minutes. What had started so pathetic and boring, turned into an interesting and weird second half. It just seems to get more strange as the film went on and on.

One thing that bothered me is the constant use and then dismissal of what you thought would be a main character. His best friend at the beginning, the guy that sounded like he came from here (England), the girl he met in the toilets. They were all used and then as soon as there miniature part was played, they were unheard of for the remainder of the film.

Overall, though, it's worth a watch. Definitely better than a lot of other coming of age teen comedies.

Toy Story 3

Just amazing
After seeing Toy Story 1 and 2, they quickly became my favourite set of films ever and just last year when i heard there was going to be a 3rd, my heart immediately sank. As with sequels before, i thought it was going to be aimed at an entirely new audience, for the sake of profit and would squeeze the love i had for the series right out of it.

Then i began to read about interviews and the plot line and how it continues from both previous films, with Andy just a child back then, he has now become a teenager ready for college. This got me a little excited and for the rest of the year building up to it i was looking more and more forward to it.

Usually, walking out of cinema doors, i have a feeling of disgust and disgrace having just watched an awful film for a high price. So, it would have been safe to say my expectations for this film were ridiculously high, i mean there is not many series' of films that keep followers for 15 years.

It felt like a mere 10 minutes that i had been in my seat when the film finished. I was on the verge of tears, had a huge smile on my face and almost felt the need to jump up and clap. There are few films like this out there, Toy Story 1 and 2 being the exceptions. It continued the story so well, you still had the same love for the main characters that you always did.

For a film aimed at children, it had an amazing plot, that never confused but always kept you guessing. It is perfect for all ages, whether old or young, it is a magical story.

My only criticism would be at the lack of characters from previous films. It was explained immediately whether they had been sold or lost but i really felt disappointed that some old favourites were missing.

Still apart from that, the film was faultless. I recommend going immediately and watching it in 3D. Nothing really pops out in your face, but it is made really well to fit 3d.

The Damned United

I never really considered watching the film before a got a recommendation from a friend. I'm 18 and a Wolves fan, so Brian Clough, Derby County and Leeds United are not the sort of things i ever kept track of or knew any sort of history about. Now, though i'm glad I took just 95 minutes out my life to uncover a truly amazing story.

The whole film is organised brilliantly. As soon as you wonder why a particular thing has happened or something unusual has been said, a flashback will tell the story. For instance, Clough begins the story with a strong hatred towards Leeds United's previous manager, Don Revie and but a few minutes later, we see exactly why.

You don't have to be interested in Football, management or indeed any of the clubs involved, because the story doesn't revolve particularly around that. Not a long while after the film has started, you fall in love with Clough and his arrogant, confident and positive vibe. I actually found myself hating Done Revie for no reason other than Brian Clough did. You want him to fail as England manager, just so Clough can laugh in his face finally.

Anyway, it's an 8 out of 10 from me which high above the sort of rating i give other films based on peoples lives. This, though, does Brian Clough justice, highlighting his weak points and very strong points and what made the man, the legend that he was.

Manos: The Hands of Fate

Oh dear.
My immediate thought after finishing this movie was, why oh why did i just not listen to the reviews on IMDb.

I have watched a few awful movies in my time but this...this really takes the cake.

I cannot name one thing I enjoyed about this movie. I mean, half of it was people standing and wobbling whilst it seemed they had forgotten there lines. But no, apparently that was acting. Then when they finally did speak, it was the same repetitive lines over and over. If I was held at gun point and told to make a good movie out of the script, I would have shot myself.

My recommendation: If you like movies, don't watch this.

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