
IMDb member since January 2010
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    14 years


Acción mutante

Wow it is BAD
One of the worst films I saw. I don't know why I did as I already knew de la Iglesia's other "achievements" and the only film that saves itself is "La Comunidad". It is punk film for punk kids and let get it clear, I'm not an anarchist and I'm not that as young as I would like to be but you may like the flick if you are one. Also being Spanish can be helpful - I'm not. Anyway: if you dig this one, try also "Torrente" and "Airbag" - I hated those as much as I hated "Accion Mutante", but plenty of my Spanish mates were recommending all of those three films. I guess it's just a question of "gustos". Back to the review: acting is bad, so and storytelling, directing, and work of camera. The movie looks like it is done by a film school drop out on 2nd class ganja. Beware!!! Or enjoy!!! if you like this kind of films - I certainly don't...

The Passion of the Christ

I saw Black Mask II and I think it's the worst film ever. Passion of Mel G. is the second, though. Every second scene we see in slow motion, can anyone explain why? Is Mel G. actually less creative than Uwe Boll? I believe so. And why Jesus spoils more red liquid than bartenders during Wurstmarkt? Is he a whale or human for (nomen omen) God's sake? Acting's terrible, especially soldiers and women are laughable. Roman soldiers act like students after prom, laughing like idiots and Maria doesn't really care that her child is being slaughtered like swine (or whale considering amount of blood he loses). Satan looks like some being from tool videos and kids pursuing Judas are plain ridiculous. It's film for nobody. Made by nobody. Mel G. - stop making movies, focus on drinking booze and your career in Spice Girls, please.

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