
IMDb member since January 2010
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    14 years


Jurassic World

Painful. Had to pause it 10 times to recover from the cringe.
If you like clichés then you'll love this film. Or If you can also switch of all critical thought and logic then you might also enjoy this film.

The dino graphics are average. The acting is average. The shreds of a plot are strung together with duct tape. Characters are two dimensional with literally no backstory. clichés everywhere. The plot is catered specifically for young kids it seems, especially considering the very G-rated death scenes. There is not a single original idea in the entire film. Minority races fill up every side role apart from our heroes who are all Caucasians. The film felt almost like a dino version of Spy Kids.

The whole film is a sellout. I can just imagine the producers' meeting prior to filming: "Guys, this film literally sells itself. All we have to do is take no risks and fill it with a winning formula and we'll make a billion dollars."

Tell Spring Not to Come This Year

This film is not what I expected.
This film follows the soldiers in an Afghan national battalion as they live and fight amidst confusion in what seems like a futile environment.

This isn't about politics, religion, or action and melodrama. It is about the people fighting for what remains of their country. We see on the news chaotic scenes of gun fire in the middle east and its easy to forget that there are people behind those guns with family and friends.

After watching this film, I'm left wondering that if the same documentary could be made in the Taliban camp; would it really be that much different. In my opinion that's what makes this film powerful; strip away all the ideology and hate, and what's left is the same stuff me and you are made of.

Chroniques sexuelles d'une famille d'aujourd'hui

heartfelt story of a family dealing with sex
The story is simple, just a cross-section of an everyday family with very real sexual scenarios. I was stunned to see such great acting in a cast readily open to perform explicit sex acts. Romain's, the recently turned 18 male lead, very real awkwardness is cringe-worthy and forced out of me an embarrassed laugh. All the actor's chemistry with each other was perfect, I couldn't imagine it done better, because it didn't need to be done better.

The film is careful to steer clear of pornographic style and only shows a minimum of explicit acts while remaining so real you may as well be there with them.

I'm not giving it a ten only because I felt it didn't challenge me enough as a viewer. Although, If you're on the more reserved side towards sexual expression this may be a very challenging viewing indeed. *side note: Some characters aren't given much development though, but I think too much complexity might detract from the film's simple journey.

Highly recommended film

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