
IMDb member since January 2010
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Dicks: The Musical

Life's too short to waste watching this crap
I've sat through all kinds of movies over the years, some great, some poor. Some bizarre, some more mainstream. I can handle weird, I actually enjoy it. I can handle crass, it doesn't bother me. But THIS???? I just can't fathom how anybody actually wrote, sold, cast, acted, directed and produced this mess. It's absolute diarrhea. There's no point to it whatsoever. Any of it. It's desperate to be funny and shocking, but it just fails 100%. I gave it one star because IMDb won't let me give it zero. Seriously, go outside and watch the grass grow instead. It'll be a much better use of your time. And it would be way funnier too.

SAS: Red Notice

The others are wrong!
So first off, the casting of three non-Americans as an American family was just bizarre, but other than that, this movie is great! I really don't get why the other reviewers are panning it! I admit, I haven't read this book, so maybe it's just the book vs movie comparison that disappointed. Sam plays his character perfectly. Ruby is developing as an actress, and I actually think she was very good in this. Great plot, some good humor in there too. It's well worth an evening on the sofa!

Station 19: Get Up, Stand Up
Episode 12, Season 4

Excellent handling of such an important topic!
I love this show, and I'm really glad the writers were brave enough to take on some of these issues. Using the therapist as a guide to allow the characters to express their feelings and share their personal experiences was a clever move. This was a really excellent episode!

37 Seconds

A real gem
I had just finished a hectic shift at 1am and needed something to fall asleep to. I don't watch a lot of Japanese cinema so I figured this would be a good choice. Bad choice! It was so good, I stayed awake and watched the whole thing! Mei Kayama in the main role is SUPERB, as is her mother. The other actors play their respective parts very well too, but the relationship between Yuma (Mei) and her mother (Misuzu Takada) is just sensational. The movie is about a young woman with cerebral palsy who is told to get some life experience in order to strengthen her art. She accepts the challenge with both hands and tries to do the things any 23 year old woman would do, but it sometimes doesn't work out for her the way she would like due to her disability. Mei is a super cute actress and very talented. This really was a very unique and insightful film. Very touching, very innocent, very inspiring. Definitely worth a watch. It's currently on Netflix in the USA and Canada if you have a a subscription.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

Absolutely superb!
I don't know what the critics are all smoking, because this film is SUPERB!! It was the perfect way to end the trilogy, full of great humor, high-octane adventure and some very touching farewells. I'll go and see it again on the big screen if I get chance, it was just that good. A huge well done - and thank you! - to everyone involved with it.

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

Very carefully done!
I resisted watching this because I thought it would glamorize an extremely sick and depraved man, but it actually doesn't at all. The casting is superb all round, not just because of the considerable talent on display, but also because of uncanny resemblance. It tells the story without showing any of the details of the horrific crimes, and showcases how difficult people found it to believe that Bundy could possibly be guilty of these crimes. It's a psychological study, and it certainly doesn't glamorize or excuse anything he did. It's a difficult one to review due to the nature of the movie, but well worth watching and superbly - and very carefully - done!


Sheer perfection!
One of the best film's ever made. The incredible story of one of the greatest talents ever to walk the earth

Mary Poppins Returns

Superb!! The perfect sequel
I honestly don't know what's wrong with some of the people reviewing this. Emily Blunt is magnificent, and spookily like the original Mary actually. The music feels very true to the first movie. The story, animations, dance numbers, family crises, the imagination and whimsy - everything about it is a perfect sequel.

Moulin Rouge!

Sheer perfection!
Baz Luhrmann's masterpiece, without a doubt. This is an absolute treat for the senses. Sure, it kind of feels like you're on drugs, but it's SO worth the effort. The music is woven gloriously into the storyline, and the color, camerawork, movement and production are all groundbreaking. I really wish they'd make more films like this, but I guess it wouldn't stand out as tall as it does.

Bird Box

A master class in tense storytelling
No wonder everyone is talking about this, it has everything. Great cast, excellent performances, and superb weaving of past and present. Really really good film!

The Princess Bride

Sheer perfection!
It's old and a bit cheesey compared to today's special effects, but by golly, this is the greatest film ever made!!

Mauvaises herbes

A real hidden gem
This is a really beautiful, human film about connection. Catherine Deneuve is spectacular as always, it's just a real treat of a film!


Absolute drivel!!
Lucy Boynton was great and that's the film's only redeeming feature. Boring, doesn't go anywhere, a master class in overacting from Dan Stevens. The so-called plot twist is a joke. Seriously, it's two hours of your life you'll never get back, avoid like the plague.


Crude and disappointing copy
In 2006, National Geographic produced a fantastic speculative piece called American Blackout. Very insightful, very realistic and it raised a lot of questions most viewers had never thought of. This is almost exactly the same, except the British writers throw in the f bomb every other word. What dies it add to the story, guys? Absolutely nothing. Instead, the constant crudeness detracts from the messages of the film. Very very disappointing.

6 Days

Very true to the story
Not Hollywoodized at all, this was a very realistic account of the story. Very enjoyable film!

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