
IMDb member since March 2003
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    IMDb Member
    21 years


Swing Kids

it is authentic enough
i have read the comment about SWING KIDS not being authentic. well, after doing a bit of research on this topic (swing scene in germany in the third reich) i have to say that there was quite a big scene there. yes, the film might have exaggerated a bit (the hair was not quite as long and they had to cut down on the way they dressed even though they tried as much as they could on the zoot suit front). but it is a fact that there were dances in different cafes and they didnt like the Nazi regime. so i would say give the film makers some slack and a bit of artistic freedom! they tried to portray a group of youngsters that found cure in music and stuck together in a difficult time. i really appreciated this film as normally you wouldnt know about them at all!!! two thumbs up from me as well!!!

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