
IMDb member since March 2003
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    21 years


Toutes ces belles promesses

very good, but seen before
I saw Toutes ces belles promesses on the Filmfestival in Ghent, and it was a welcome surprise for starting the day with. French movies are very important for the European movie-scene and Toutes ces belles promesses is a movie to be captured. The story involves a young woman, traveling to an elder women and places from her (and her dead parent's) past, after breaking up with her friend and discovering that her father had an affair with that women. During these actions all kinds of memories come up and she talks about it. Females are the central figures in this picture, so we are constantly shown what kind of emotions the main characters go through, how they feel about their lives and relationships. The whole story has been told already for several times in other ways, but the acting en direction makes it all interesting and beautiful. I would have liked it to be more compelling, but the honesty of of tout ces belles promesses was more important to me. I gave it 8/10

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