Reviews (4)

  • It was a boring, cliched movie. The lead cannot act to save her life.

    The movie open with a promise, even though the lead's performance was less than promising. And then quickly dwindles into more bad acting from the main protagonist accompanied by horror cliches.

    Even cliches when made well can be thrilling and entertaining but this movie could not deliver that.

    After guessing who the antagonist is one wishes to be surprised with a hope of being proven wrong. But again, no such luck.

    The script has holes that cannot be explained.

    A below mediocre film that I wasted my time watching. A crime lover should stay away from this one.
  • Those who don't understand this genre have no business writing reviews for it. The story is beautifully crafted as a psychological revelation that presents itself to a young woman who has a traumatized childhood but does not remember it. Her mind helps heal itself by gifting her little pieces of repressed memories, one at a time. These pieces appear to us, and to her, in the form of tiny gift packages tied with a red ribbon. The people she lost, the same ones from her repressed memory present themselves to her as strangers and apparitions she chases to get to a complete recovery of her mind and memory. A literal translation of those memories would be ghosts but that depends on how you choose to see it. Right until the end it could very well just be a drama unfolding itself in her mind, right until her daughter seems to know things she has no business knowing about. That's when the ghosts become real. This movie has the perfect amount of spookiness and everything makes sense. By the end of the movie every bit falls together like a sweetly solved puzzle.
  • Beau Garret's performance is so bad that I could not even force myself to finish the film. Besides everyone else appears plain bored. Again, probably because of beau Garret's acting as one bad actor brings down the rest along with the whole film. She speaks a in monotonous drawl throughout the film and other than a shrug of shoulders of a tilt of head nothing shows a shift in her emotions. It looks like she is sleepwalking through the entire film. Either that or I accidentally watched it in slow motion. Probably not because the other actors were okay in comparison. There is zero chemistry between the lead actors and the film seems to be more about the lead's mother played by Brenda Strong as the meddling mother. I also did not understand why they made a romance on such similar lines as one previously made with a big star cast. They fell flat in whatever they attempted to achieve.

    The characters appeared unconvincing and juvenile. They came across as bad actors playing roles of responsible adults.

    And in future I am going to steer clear of any film that has beau garret as a part of cast.
  • It was a horror film. I get scared pretty easy but I did not get scared in this film. And I think that it was because the director made it in a way that the film carried the spook and yet was watchable so that viewers focused more on the story than the spook. Often horror film buffs watch horror films to get the kick out of it, of getting scared out of their wits. This film did not scare me out of my wits. It allowed me to watch, understand and absorb the story that was being narrated through the motion picture. And I liked it. A well made horror film in a while is what I would call it. It was not just sensational horror drama to give adrenaline the kick that a lot of horror film buffs want. The performance given by Rose Byrnes was outstanding. It absolutely was something that new actors should learn from. Overall I had a great time watching this film, it was far from disappointing for a horror film fan. And I hate gore horror films.