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United 93

Yes, This Is A Reconstruction
British movie director Paul Greengrass, who had already done movies about subjects such as the Troubles in Northern Ireland, was given the job to reconstruct what had happened on United Flight 93, the fourth passenger airplane hijacked by Muslim terrorists on 9/11/2001. Three others had been hijacked and crashed into both towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and the news of this had somehow reached the passengers of United Flight 93, and they fought back against the hijackers and the plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, failing to crash into whatever its intended target was.

Purposely the movie was shot in England with little-known actors, to prevent people from bothering the production, and input from the families of the victims was brought in, and they approved the final movie, which was a critical and financial success. Also the movie avoids being rah-rah propaganda; the passengers fought because they had nothing to lose.

As for all the conspiracy theories of the passengers somehow being taken to safety, my response is Ha, and Double Ha!

All of Me

High Concept, Only Some Laughs
Steve Martin is lawyer Roger Cobb, hired by Edwina, a sickly rich woman, to change her will. The idea is that a mystic is supposed to be able to transfer human souls from one body to another, and the woman intends to have her soul transferred to a female stable hand who claims to be tired of life. The mystic is able to transfer Edwina's soul into a bowl, only for the bowl to hit Roger on the head so that Edwina and Roger end up with both their souls in Roger's body. And that is just the beginning of the complications of the story.

There are some very funny moments, such as Edwina trying to cope with being in a male body she only partly controls, and the stable hand not wanting to take in Edwina's soul after all. But this movie, while amusing, seems like it could and should have been funnier. Passable at best.

A Civil Action

Definitely Not Erin Brockovich
A legal firm is hired by several members of a small town whose children have gotten leukemia due to probable toxic waste from several large companies in their locale. Jan is a lawyer, a partner in a four-partner legal firm, who takes on the case with tenacity, running up huge expenses and threatening the existence of the firm. The dreary atmosphere shows how depressing the story really is.

Unfortunately, the firm has bitten off more than it can chew, and in the end the plaintiffs are forced to accept a settlement which displeases the families and puts the firm out of business. End credits reveal that one of the defendant companies would be closed down after having given false statements in court, but the damage was done.

Mystery Science Theater 3000

Mildly Amusing At Best
The scenario is about an evil scientist and his assistant having sent one of their workers into space onto an orbiting spaceship and forcing him to watch bad movies, and the worker has built several robots for company. Each episode the worker, Joel Robinson, and four robots are all watching a movie screen with a different movie, mostly old low-budget movies from the past, and they make snide remarks as they watch, as well as having interludes where they have comic interactions with each other.

But the problem is, the targets are too easy. Yes, watching bad movies for laughs is old hat, but these are mostly low budget movies that are meant to be silly entertainment rather than serious dramas. One is reminded of Dr. Demento and how he features some interesting or clever old songs and comedy recordings, but a lot of those that are simply stupid. And some of the show's jokes are clever, but plenty fall flat. The show only was successful as it was because of its novelty value, not because it was so tremendously witty.

One Hundred and One Dalmatians

Late Disney Movie That Works
The movie is about a 1920's British songwriter and his wife, female servant, and a male and female dalmatian who have just had a litter of puppies. A rich weird woman, Cruella de Vil, learns of this and tries to buy the puppies from the songwriter, but he refuses, to her displeasure. It turns out the woman has already bought a bunch of other puppies with the idea of making them all into a coat. So she has two thugs in her employ steal the puppies. But the dalmatians don't like what Cruella wants to do...

It works because the dogs are regular dogs, even if they can talk and do some humanlike things (like Sylvester the cat), and the villainess is bad enough to be scary but not overly frightening, and the kids in the theater all cheered at her comeuppance. Definitely a good movie for the kids.

The Four Feathers

The Case Against False Morality
Based on the 1902 novel of the same name, a man who is a British army officer like his father and grandfather is part of a military unit set to go to Africa to deal with a war there. The officer refuses to go, and is branded a coward by his three friends who go there, as well as by his girlfriend. He changes his mind and goes, but as an undercover commando pretending to be a mute outcast, with the idea of redeeming himself.

Basically an adventure for its time, not meant to be a morality play. Some critics say the officer was being brave for refusing to fight, but the movie fails to give the idea the man was acting out of principle-why would he be a military officer to begin with, if he were opposed to war? Also some people talk about British imperialism against poor natives. The poor natives were (and are) not all sympathetic-India with its caste system (mentioned in "Gunga Din") and many other nations with their slavery and tyranny and their own racism and subjugation of women.

But the story is really about a man who realizes he was being a coward, and has to redeem himself.

Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

One Vietnam Veteran I Knew Hated This Show
I don't know if he was in the USMC, but he did hate this show. And he was not a flag-waving patriot, he wished we never were in Vietnam to begin with. As for the show itself, it was a "fish-out-of- water" trope, namely a sweet bumpkin from Mayberry, originally an auto mechanic, somehow got into the United States Marines. (The real Jim Nabors was never in the military.) The humor of the show depended on his interaction mainly with his sergeant, though with other people as well. Though a bumbler, oftentimes he DID win out, such as using a captured skunk to punish another sergeant who did Carter wrong or winning an exercise maneuver contest by doing various crazy things.

The irony is that the basis for this show was the novel "No Time For Sergeants", about a bumpkin who has knowledge about the countryside which made him more knowledgeable about things than other military people, such as how to interpret an aerial photograph properly or how to survive in the wilderness. But the same principle alas is not part of this show.

Cast Away

Works For The Most Part
The story is basically simple: a FedEx executive whose job it is to travel to different locations is living with his girlfriend, with the idea they will marry, though his constant traveling puts a strain on their relationship. The jet plane he is on crashes as a result of a storm, and he ends up on an island, the sole survivor. Nobody knows he is alive and he has to ensure his survival on the island. But after several years of being there...

The story moves at a slow enough pace to show the man's uneventful life and how he goes through changes over the years. He does escape eventually and return to civilization. The problem is, the man seems awfully normal after his long isolation, and the very end is too "Hollywood", perhaps to offset any tragedy, but it really doesn't work. Fortunately the rest of the movie does.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Could Have Done Without The Profanity
Other than that, the movie works. Some space aliens are harvesting small plants in a wooded area. Some people arrive and they are scared off, flying back to their mothership. But one gets left behind and finds a boy who befriends him. The boy lives with an older brother and their mother, and the boy reveals his new friend first to his brother, then several other skeptical people. It turns out this alien can heal wounds and make bicycles fly. Two problems emerge-the alien's physiognomy isn't too suited for living on Earth and he wants to rejoin his own people, and Uncle Sam eventually finds out about the new arrival.

There are crass product placements for Reese's Pieces candy and the phone company, yet the movie is still amusing and charming, such as the scene where E. T. and the boy are mentally linked together and the embarrassing ways this results for him in school. Also, as humorist Dave Barry put it, he couldn't hold his beer. Still, this movie is more for older children than little ones.

Death Race 2000

This 1975 Period Piece Still Holds Up
I saw this movie on television where the blood and guts were censored, but the spirit of the movie remained intact. This is a deliberately campy movie about a dystopian future in the year 2000, where the dictatorial President holds an annual cross-country race of five cars travelling from one coast to another, the idea being that the cars not only have to complete the race but to run down pedestrians for points.

The contestants for 2000 include Calamity Jane, Matilda the Hun, Nero the Hero, Machine Gun Joe Viterbo (Sylvester Stallone) and Frankenstein (David Carradine), each with a navigator and decorated car with a theme, such as Nero's car decorated to look like a lion. Frankenstein is the favored contestant, having been the sole survivor of the previous years' races. But there is a resistance movement led by Thomasine Paine, descendant of Thomas Paine, whose intentions are to scuttle the race and discredit the President.

An all-around dark satire of politics, repression, revolution, violence, themed entertainment, and it does its job.

Ator 2: L'invincibile Orion

Perfect Mystery Science 3000 Theater Fodder
I never even heard of that show and turned it on by accident. My late father used to watch ridiculous old movies for laughs, and MST3K was a show with a human and three puppet characters doing the same thing, where they make snide comments about the stupid things in whatever movie they happen to be watching, usually cheap grade Z movies.

And this movie has plenty of ridiculousness. Ator, our barbarian hero, with several companions fight "invisible" enemies, somehow is able to make a hang glider from primitive materials and fly it, somehow can make hand grenades, and the big enemy somehow has nuclear weapons. (None of this I am making up.) And the puppet characters point out ridiculous elements that made it to the movie, such as one character caught wearing sunglasses, and tire tracks on one field. If you're into that sort of entertainment, you might enjoy it.

The Muppet Movie

They Got It Right
TV shows converted into movies, or vice versa, don't always work. The idea here is that now you see the various Muppet characters, instead of behind a stage as on the TV show, with whole bodies instead. This takes some special effects beyond what you saw every week on the small screen, but they got it right. I loved Kermit riding the bicycle at the beginning, for example.

But it takes more than special effects to make a good movie. The story is basically standard, Kermit singing and getting the idea he could make it in Hollywood. Then travelling there, meeting Fozzie Bear, Gonzo, Miss Piggy, and other Muppet characters along the way and having them join him on his journey. There is also a villainous restauranter who wants Kermit to do advertisements for his frog legs restaurant chain, which Kermit refuses on principle to do, but the restauranter doesn't give up easily.

The story itself is nothing special, but that is not the point. You enjoy seeing the Muppets doing their thing, all outside their traditional TV theater setting. Good family fun.

The Andromeda Strain

E. T. Has Arrived, But He Wasn't What We Anticipated
A military satellite has crashed in a small Arizona town, and of course the military goes to retrieve it. But when they arrive, they find the town intact, but most of its inhabitants dead, save a crying infant and an old souse. They determine an alien virus has infected the satellite, and it is brought to a top secret secure laboratory for some scientists to determine what this virus is and how to stop it from doing more harm.

Except for a disappointing silly ending, the movie shows a proper scientific procedural, following the Michael Crichton novel it was based on. The scientists are normal and not superhuman, nor do they have magic equipment besides the equipment and tools of the era. Certainly a lot better than other sci-fi movies of the era.

Air Bud

Air Dud
An awful professional clown has a pet golden retriever he treats cruelly and ends up losing. The dog meets a boy who has just moved into town and the boy fosters then keeps him, and it turns out that the dog is able to "play" basketball, or rather can knock basketballs into the basket utilizing his snout. (The credits for the movie say that the dog did it for real.) The boy joins his new school's basketball team, and so does the dog, first as a mascot, then he is called in to play when several human players are injured

Basically a cookie-cutter "boy and his dog triumphs" story, though suspension of disbelief is required, namely the fact that the dog can put basketballs into a basket but cannot genuinely play basketball, as he can only carry the basketball in his mouth rather than dribble it as basketball players are supposed to do during a game. One former basketball player in the movie gives a decent performance, but everyone else just goes through the motions. Even the villainous clown is so inept he isn't even minimally scary. Some more movies were made using a golden retriever playing various sports, but this movie failed to make me want to watch them.

The Muppet Show

An Unlikely Smashing Success
A scenario modelled on the variety shows of the era, with Kermit the Frog from "Sesame Street" hosting episodes with a group of other puppet/marionette characters (where the name "Muppet" came from), both human and animal, and a different human guest each week, major stars of the day such as Jim Nabors, Randy Newman, Diana Ross, Sylvester Stallone and others.

The idea was undoubtedly considered crazy when it was taken up, as this was a show more for older people rather than small children a la "Sesame Street". Yet all the guest actors worked well enough with the Muppet characters, and clever writing kept the show amusing without degenerating into ridiculousness. Perhaps a period piece, but it was fun when I and my family watched it.

Captains Courageous

The Book Was Reportedly Better, But The Movie Works Too
The movie was said to have been made on a Hollywood soundstage, but it is the performances that count. Using major stars of the day, the story is about a spoiled rich boy who is taken by his father from his boarding school onto an ocean liner where he is expected to learn more about life. But the boy sticks to his old mentality until he happens to fall off the liner into the ocean, then being picked up by a fishing trawler full of poor sailors. And the boy finally learns how he cannot compel people to obey him anymore but has to follow what the crew of the trawler tells him to do.

Basically predictable, but interesting for the kiddiewinks. Hopefully I can find the book someday.

The Shop Around the Corner

Problems In A Gift Shop
The basic plot is about a man and a woman who are fellow clerks in a gift shop who dislike each other when they are together in person but who are in love with each other as pen pals, and neither of whom who know who the other one is in person.

But there is more than that to the story. There are other clerks and a delivery boy, with conflicts among them, including one clerk who is unlikable and possibly worse. The proprietor of the store is friendly with the male pen pal, but there is something bothering him greatly, and nobody knows what or why. Also, there is the Christmas shopping season about to arrive.

The story has a predictable ending, but it is not all sweetness and light, especially when you find out what was bothering the proprietor. Still good as a story.

Ordinary People

As Great As All That?
I saw this movie as a teenager, when my church's youth group was taken to a movie theater to see it. The story is based on a novel about an upper-middle-class family in turmoil after a tragedy. There is the weak father, the furious and stone-hearted mother, and the surviving teen son, the older one having died in a boating accident. The surviving son is secretly seeing a psychiatrist, and not one in a fancy office either.

I would find out this was Robert Redford's directorial debut, but this seems, as other reviewers have pointed out, more like a TV movie than a big screen accomplishment. The mother hates the younger son and has the feeling the wrong one died, though the reason why is not explored. There are arguments when the grandparents come to visit and on a golf course, where the family cannot even temporarily stop fighting. The real problem is that we never learn why the mother feels as she does about everyone else, making this movie unsatisfying.

Scooby's All Star Laff-A-Lympics

Good Parody Of The 1976 Olympic Games
I was disappointed in the previous "Yogi's Gang" series, but this successor cartoon, a parody of the 1976 Olympic Games, makes up for it. Again many Hanna-Barbera characters are brought back and new ones added, and they are divided into three competing sports teams, the Yogi Yahooies, the Scoobie-Doobies, and the Really Rottens, the latter composed of villainous characters who try to win by cheating.

This is not a morality play, but simply a comedy with the various teams competing in various Olympic-type events. The Really Rottens, invariably jeered by the audience, try to cheat every time, and usually fail, but sometimes they get away with it. Basically a period piece for the tykes, but still enjoyable.

Yogi's Gang

Yogi's Morality Plays
I was a tyke when this came out but had already seen plenty of old cartoons and was intrigued with the idea of so many characters from older Hanna-Barbera cartoons gathered into one show, namely taking place on an ark-like helicopter traveling to different places. But this is not a travel show, but a situation where they travel to different places and meet a new villain each time, supposedly a good person but secretly representing an evil (dishonesty, sloppiness, wastefulness, etc.); and Yogi and crew are initially taken in by these people then realize the consequences.

While there is fun in how the villains trick Yogi and crew into misbehaving and rationalizing such behavior, the problem with the show is that you would think Yogi and company would be wise enough not to be tricked so easily in many instances, and even little kids are aware that sometimes the villains win and the good guys fail. And the cartoons Yogi and company originally appeared in were not morality plays themselves.

So how did this cartoon even come about as it did? Another reviewer pointed out that the group Action For Children's Television was formed in 1968 to lobby the television industry to move commercial television from entertainment to educational, and it had some success in the 1970's, though that would change when television would become deregulated. Even those who hate Ronald Reagan should thank him for making cartoons entertaining again.


Shouting And Yelling And Little Else
This is supposed to be a period piece satire, how one news anchor is very upset about how terrible television news has become, and screams about it on the air, and how every other performer in the movie is also shouting when they say anything. It got to be too much and I had to turn it off.

I get the idea, but it is done in such an over-the-top way it gets more ridiculous and the intended message is lost. Yet this movie gets high praise and even got Oscars. For what, criticizing television, which is a competitor to Hollywood movies for entertainment? Overacting can be funny, but not when it is meant to be taken seriously. This would have been perfect fodder for Mystery Science Theater 3000 if they had dared to do it.


The Psychologically Damaged Detective
The movie opens with police detective John Ferguson on a rooftop and literally clinging by his fingers to stop from falling to death. Then another policeman comes to his aid-and tragedy occurs, finally causing Ferguson to have to retire due to emotional damage.

But a rich businessman friend of his tells him of his wife behaving strangely, evidently having her own psychological problems, and he hires Ferguson to be by her side to find out what is happening and if anything can be done about it. A quasi-romance develops between her and Ferguson, but complications ensue...

The beginning of the movie does a great job in depicting how frightening heights can be, though most of it is about how Ferguson's psychology is affected and how he tries to heal himself. But many strange but logical twists occur before the movie ends-in an unexpected but credible way.

A Man for All Seasons

The Other King Henry And Thomas
The movie "Becket", which was about chancellor Thomas Becket being coerced by his king Henry II into becoming Archbishop of Canterbury, was based on a largely fictionalized play (Becket in real life was also of Norman stock like his king, not Saxon as in the play and movie). I saw this movie in a high school class, also based on a play, but this time closer to reality and taking place centuries later, this time with Henry the Eighth and Thomas More.

Henry II was hoping for Becket to be his obedient puppet cleric, only for Becket to defy the king and become loyal to the Church instead. In this instance, Thomas More is still loyal to his king but cannot abide by the king's decision to break the Catholic Church in England away from papal authority when the Pope refuses to grant the king a divorce from his wife when they cannot have children, putting the kingdom at risk for civil war. King Henry is in such need of More's approval that he applies all sorts of pressure on More to change his mind, but More will never do so, even under the threat of death. The story shows More as the principled hero while everybody else is selfish and corrupt.

Since high school I have seen a number of articles about how More was not so saintly and how the pope at the time was not well-regarded. Still, it works well enough as a movie, if you realize that it is basically fictionalized as well.

I Love Lucy

Started Well Enough, But Would Get TOO Crazy
The Simpsons were originally a set of cartoon shorts on the Tracy Ullman Show, with essentially a standard family sitcom scenario of a dense husband, the smarter wife, and two kids who are meant to be smarter than the adults, as has been repeated in other comedies over the decades. What does this have to do with I Love Lucy? Homer Simpson, the husband, would end up becoming TOO stupid and alienating the fans. Similarly, Lucy Ricardo would become too much herself.

The show had the original scenario of Lucy and Ricky Ricardo, the latter a Cuban immigrant who runs a musical band for a living, living in an apartment building next to their elderly neighbors the Mertzes. Lucy would get into a number of scrapes and would end up being bailed out by the others, often to their consternation. Later on in the series, Lucy and Ricky would end up having a baby son.

The show started well enough, but as time went on, Lucy would get into more and more ridiculous scrapes causing more and more headaches for everyone else, even making her husband think she was in mortal danger and causing him to panic, or trying to join his band as a singer when she couldn't sing. Lucy would evolve from being comical to becoming genuinely annoying. No shock that my elder sister did not love Lucy.

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold

I purposely rented this movie as a look at how spies really worked, as an alternative to unrealistic James Bond sound and light shows. Unfortunately this movie is supposedly meant to depict real espionage, but it ended up being too dark and too slow-moving, making the story confusing rather then interesting.

Leames is a ranking British spy, supposedly drunk and embittered, and the East Germans are interested in the secrets he has, so they try to recruit him. He goes to East Germany, only to have a female British librarian (also a spy) fall in love with him, which I found hard to believe given his personality. (Who did she think he was, Richard Burton?) She follows him there and they get involved in a dispute and eventual hearing between several East German intelligence agents, one an open and loud antisemite. (Which I didn't think someone could get away with in East Germany.) One can see real life spies as not being James Bond supermen, but not as Keystone Kops either.

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