
IMDb member since April 2010
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Emma Smith: My Story

Emma Smith: My Story - and it really is in her own words
Cinematically this is a low budget film. But when one really knows how this movie came to be, I can only applaud and respect the Joseph and Emma Smith family for making such a fine and accurate portrayal of their progenitors. Much of the dialog came directly from journals of the children Emma raised who wrote what their mother told them about the events discussed. This film had NOTHING to do with the LDS church today, and is not "propaganda" for any organization. From all of the research I have done on Joseph Smith I saw nothing amiss; on the contrary I believe it minimally accurately portrayed the wonderful person that had such a profound and positive affect on thousands of individuals. If anything it very much under portrayed him, but this was not about Joseph, it was about Emma. I found it to be very even keeled in portraying her and the unspeakable difficulties she endured. The parts I enjoyed the most was the very touching and real love that existed between her and her husband. My 4th great grandfather (Bishop Frederick Kesler 1816-1899) knew both of the real people portrayed in this film, and kept a very detailed journal which I have transposed to computer (1600 pages). There is not single negative word written about either. On the contrary, all evidences of eye witnesses recounted there-in speak entirely respectfully of Joseph, and Emma. My great grandfather also married many young women who were respectfully named Emma. Both shadows of Joseph and Emma stand very tall and majestically on the people who really knew them for generations. This film by all the factual documents I have encountered is entirely accurate. From all accounts I have read, a true accurate portrayal of the character and stature of either Joseph or Emma is probably impossible, as most who knew Joseph said they had never known a greater more dignified and kind gentleman. Well cast, the Emma character seemed to approach the stature of the woman that could endure what Emma really did.

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