
IMDb member since March 2003
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    21 years



Tries very hard and pretty much succeeds.
This film tries its hardest to deal with the LA Riots from all sides. it

kind of fails a bit but mostly it's a great film. It's got Melvin Van

Peebles in it, what mroe do you want? A proper late night TV film that I have now seen 3 times just by

chance. Mario Van P is his usual SUPERHAM self and Luke Perry

puts in a good performance as a "cop/Vanilla Ice from Cool as Ice

lookalike" and it's all good fun in a hard hitting issues based film

kind of way. I like the way they incorporated news footage. That works.

The latino quarter of the film is the weakest cos the main kid sucks

the proverbials in a major way.

Watch it, it's good.

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