
IMDb member since April 2010
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    IMDb Member
    14 years



I thought this show was going to be another comedy about a family like "Modern Family" but looked worth watching because it had a good cast. I watched it and was surprised to see it was more serious but also funny. It is a really good show because it is different than other family shows. It has real life situations that families have to encounter so its easy to relate to and serious but funny at the same time. It is very entertaining and has a lot of twists that you don't see coming. Dax Shepard's character is really funny and plays a serious role at parts. The slight humor each character brings to the table makes the serious aspect of the show even better. It's only on its first season and I hope it continues after this season. In a way it reminds me of my crazy family and family is such an easy thing to make into a TV show because they can vary so much and have so much wrong with it but still fun at the same time. I really like this show and all its twists and I can't wait to keep watching it this season.

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