
IMDb member since April 2010
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    14 years


The Kissing Booth 2

Decent Time Waster
Wasn't too bad. Saw the first one and liked it all right. But the more this movie went on, the more annoyed I became with Elle. I don't know if it was the actress' (Joey King) portrayal of the character, but her acting felt and sounded quite wooden at some points.

And to top it all off, her wig was very distracting. Could Hollywood NOT find more realistic looking wigs?? You know it's bad when you can tell right away that it's a wig! I know it's a petty thing to point out, but if I have to look at her for almost 2 hours, I don't want to be distracted by HAIR!

Overall, it's a good for a time waster, if nothing else.


Classic Anna Kendrick
Watched this show on Quibi and I want more! Anna is HILARIOUS (as always) and the banter between her and "Barbara" is fresh, funny and quick witted. The only downside to this show is that each episode is way too short!

If you're a fan of Anna Kendrick, definitely check this show out if you can. Quibi has a 3-month free trial, and it's absolutely worth checking it out!

American Son

The Low Ratings Are Correct!
I'm all for equal rights, but there was just too much self-righteousness in this movie, mainly on the part of the overbearing mother! While she did have some points, she was just too adamant that HER point was the ONLY point. She does constantly play the race card, which I know is the point of the film, but seriously...! Ironically, it felt like the only one in the movie was her.

I do enjoy "talky" movies, where the characters mainly just sit and talk, but this one quickly became a hard pass for me!

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