
IMDb member since April 2010
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Everything Everywhere All at Once

Everything Sucks All at Once
The fact this movie has such a high rating makes me wonder how so many people thought this was a good movie. Did we even watch the same film?

The highlight of the movie is the ending (it's not great but at least there is a positive message) but everything else is just not good. The over the top aspects littered all in the movie just didn't do it for me. I'm not opposed to weird things and odd stuff happening as long as it makes sense or at least enhances the movie. This movie just had weird and, to me, very corny and cartoony things happening that made the movie feel lame and not intelligent, which a complex storyline should have. Just putting weird stuff for the sake of it doesn't make it work well and doesn't make the movie good.

I went into the movie not hearing about it from anyone who had seen it so I guess my expectations of the direction they were going to go was not in the right mindset. There were even a few parts that probably would have been funny if I wasn't so unimpressed with this film and that I spent over 2 hours on another movie that is hyped up and again was not good.

I give it 4 stars just because it is creative and the directing must have been difficult with so many odd things changing and happening all at once. But that is really being generous because I just didn't like the movie. The basis had potential but I think the director just really fell short on his delivery of concept. And if that is what the writers were going for then I am surprised people wanted to make it.

The Heartbreak Kid

Why the Hate?
I really enjoy this movie. No it's not in my top Farrelly Bros movies but a 5.8? 7.5 for me. I get sometimes remakes are judged more tough but where this isn't Dumb and Dumber, TSAM or Kingpin, it's a funny and entertaining movie.


Won't blow you away but still a 7
This movie is not up to par on the series. I wasn't blown away after watching but not disappointed either. Still it was nice to see the boys back on the screen and thought the ending was a good fit.

The Last Blockbuster

Could Have Been Much Better
This documentary was just ok and I feel like they could have made it a lot better. It lacked informative information and I would have liked if it had focused more on the history of Blockbuster itself instead of spending so much time on the last open location. The family seemed like good people but I found some of the other people in this doc annoying and uninteresting.

Weekend at Bernie's

6.4 is a Shame
I can't understand why this movie only has a 6.4 rating. If you go into it expecting an Oscar winner then the expectations are off. This movie cracks me up every time I watch it. Yes it's stupid, but most great comedies are.

Terry Kiser absolutely kills it in this movie. I'm surprised he never went on to do anything notable. The character of Larry is Andrew McCarthy's best and makes the movie.

Good script but the facial expression a dead Bernie makes it classic.

The Good Doctor

Changed my rating from 9
As with a large percentage of other reviewers, this show used to be amazing. Now it's just a lib fest and shoving the leftist mindset down you throat. I expect there to be liberal things but this show is now completely littered with all that garbage and just deleted from recording. Can't do it anymore.

Forrest Gump

There are many great movies but to me, if I had to pick the all time best movie, it would be very difficult not to say Forrest Gump. It's basically a flawless movie between the screenplay, acting, mix of drama and comedy, and is the role Tom Hanks was born to play. It's hard to believe that John Travolta was who the producers originally wanted but he had chosen Pulp Fiction. I'm pretty sure that worked out for everyone because Travolta was perfect for Vega as well.

What's great about this movie is its a feel good story of a man who wasn't born with the best abilities but went on to live a remarkable life. It's an example of the old adage "It's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog."

When people say that Citizen Cain is the best movie of all time, it's an absolute slap in the face to movies like Forrest Gump. If you haven't seen the movie then that should be the next thing you do.

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