
IMDb member since April 2010
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Up All Night

A show that gets better with time!!
There are shows that are exceptional right from the word go!

Then there are shows that start with potential and deteriorate badly.

This show is neither of the above. While it is not exceptional from the word go it does start with obvious potential. However, it does not deteriorate and instead goes above and beyond the potential it showed in the first place.

I just watched the season one finale and it was an absolutely sublime 21 minutes of television.

I know that there are tons of shows out there to watch and you may have watched the first episode or two of this show and thought "this is not as funny as the cast promises" and then again you may have seen the potential but decided that you didn't want to waste your time seeing if it lived up to its potential. But trust me this show does get to the point of being as funny as you'd expect the ensemble cast to be and as I said already more than lives up to its potential.

This show is very much worth watching. At the start I would maybe have given the show a 6 or 7, I wasn't quite sure. But now after getting used to the characters and having watched them mature and deepen, especially in the last few episodes, I would easily rate this show at a 9.

The first season finale episode itself is worth 10 out of 10 and had me in tears. It was brilliant and well worth making your way through the whole of the first season just to experience. A point had to be dropped because that quality wasn't there from day one (or maybe it was and I just didn't understand the characters enough yet).

So if you've tried the show already and decided to move on before it hit its groove or if you've never watched the show yet, I heartily recommend watching every episode of this show and I do not believe you will be in any way disappointed.

Blue Bloods

What a great show!
I'll be honest at the outset and say I've given this show a very solid 8 out of ten. Now I'm not sure if you're thinking that that doesn't jive with the heading on this review, if you are please remember two things 1)If I could give half points I would have given 8 and a half and 2)I'm very hard to please when it comes to movies and TV.

First I'll start with Donnie (oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh! {nkotb reference}). I absolutely loved him in Boomtown and was very disappointed when it got cancelled because the show as a whole was brilliant and original and I tuned in every week without fail (RIP Boomtown). Wahlberg does not disappoint in this show either as the thoroughly committed to doing the right thing detective, brilliant and first class as usual.

Selleck as the (nearly) patriarch of the family and the definite patriarch of the police department cannot put a foot wrong for my money either.

Someone mentioned it already, but the whole debating of decisions over the Sunday roast is a brilliant show device with which the audience is exposed not only to the logic employed by the cops but also to the points that can be made by the devils advocate. Thoughly entertaining, and not visited nearly enough in other shows.

One of the strongest selling points of this show is the lack of formulaic clap trap that you find on other shows (granted there is some form to the show as in a crime has to happen in order to be investigated) and the originality in which the show goes about bringing its stories to the audience.

Last but not least is the emotions and feelings in the show. It's much more effective than most cop shows I've watched at tugging at the heart strings and it really is worth watching for all the above reasons.

I hope you enjoy this show!

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