
IMDb member since May 2010
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My Girlfriend's Boyfriend

Lamest movie on the planet Earth
Horrible, retarded movie. 1 out of every 10 couples cannot have children naturally. Why would this be such a "horrible" secret to have to keep or hide from someone?!!??! What about IVF, ICSI, Adoption, Foster Care, etc.? Are you retarded? At the end when she says "I'll never be a mother." What an idiot! Does that mean all adoptive parents are not mothers/fathers? LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME movie and LAME message. Excuse my while I go poke my eyes out from watching a piece of JUNK movie.

Shame on you Alyssa. SHAMMMMMMMMMMMME!

Not only is the message bad, but the acting is deplorable. Save a couple hours of your life and watch a cat take a nap instead. It'll be a better use of your time. I PROMISE.

Sucker Punch

WAY over hyped in Trailer
I went to see this movie purely for the action sequences and special effects based on the trailer. I ignored the IMDb rating of less than a 7.0 and spent my money at a movie theater to see it ANYway. Bad move. The movie story is drawn out--they have to get 5 things to get out of the asylum. It takes almost the entire movie just to get 3 of them and all of the fighting sequences are just fluff between this story line. They have absolutely no purpose to the actual characters or story line in that they don't further the real life story. Instead, you just get to go into her dream life while she's being "used/sexually enslaved." After the second item is captured, these "going into her alter ego/mind" got very old, very quick. Too bad that only got us to 2 of the 5 items they needed to get out. We still had 3 more left?!!? Sheesh.

Lesson learned--don't ignore IMDb's ratings. I was hoping for more--I went to see Avatar JUST for the action and effects; not the lame story line and I thoroughly enjoyed that movie. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for Sucker Punch. The action scenes weren't good enough to overcome such a deplorable story line. The real irony is that the sucker punch is, the actual movie. The first punch is the price of a movie ticket. The sucker punch is giving you a crappy movie after paying so much. BLAH! And the whole story being about women who are being held as sex slaves/forced prostitution--really? It was just too dark and depressing of a story line which D R U G on and onnnnnnnnnnnn. Blyeahgh! Thumbs down!!!! Who wants to watch stuff about fake sex slaves when we see it all the time in the news these days. It's bad enough that it happens in real life. I don't want to have to pay money to go see a movie based on it.

There were a FEW good action sequences. But how many times can a woman do twists in the air to avoid being shot by a bullet? I counted 3 in one sequence. 3! Think of a different move already. It was overplayed beFORE the FIRST time you saw it in this movie (thanks to several other movies including the likes of Kung Fu Panda for goodness sakes).

Capitalism: A Love Story

incredible. a great movie for young, future voters. i think that most people don't know what is even going on in the economy, government, and how they can have an affect on their entire neighborhood, environment, and life. this show was excellent. if you're thinking this is just another Michael Moore show with him exaggerating everything, you'll definitely get that feeling here and there--but the whole point is to show you something and i think he did a great job of doing it. you always have to take what he shows with a grain of salt, but in this show, i'd say you don't have to worry too much. most of us have been directly or know someone who was directly affected by the recent past economic crisis. speak up--hold your ground, cast your vote, and let's make a change in our country. go Roosevelt!

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