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The Strangers: Chapter 1

Makes "Prey at Night" look like a masterpiece
Bro please.... this movie was so trash. You guys thought the Strangers prey at night sequel was bad? You'll appreciate that piece of beautiful artwork now after seeing this pile of trash.

What was bad?

-intro was actual trash, no creativity (like this whole movie) just a guy running through the woods

-the acting is terrible, no emotions, just sloppy work

-car broke down, so they get an airbnb mansion in the middle of the woods...shocker

-copying the same exact scenes from original except this version looks like a middle school film student made it

-a good 45 mins could be trimmed from the main girl walking around in circles in the airbnb with nothing going on

-ugh again with the acting but did not vibe with the girls acting at all

-smoking inside an airbnb that you dont own is incredibly rude....

-playing the same music from the record player thats in the'll make you miss the original

-the main girl barely reacts when she sees one of the strangers in the airbnb lol

-main characters are eating burgers and laughing like they didn't just see a stranger in their airbnb 10 mins prior to....cmon bro such a joke

-so many windows they could have escaped (i.e. They climbed through the floor vent to escape rather than the window behind them and took 10 mins to decide also)

-the nail through the hand was sooo overdramatic and corny

-everyone taking too long to make decisions bro cmon

-the main guy crashes the car immediately when he starts laughable

-the main girl is hiding from the killer in the woods and make herself obvious by using her phone right there cmon..

-main guy chooses not to shoot one of the killers but had no problem shooting an innocent person 20 mins before

-ending was the exact same as original..just the acting was worse

Overall, this movie was a pile of trash and isn't even good enough for Lifetime. The original (2008) and Prey at Night (2018) are far superior. There was no creativity whatsoever and was just a copy of the original but made with no care at all. The acting was also terrible.

The Strangers: Prey at Night

We forgive you...the remake is trash....
God this movie is so much better than the remake. Everyone be hating on this movie when it first came out and that's ridiculous. This film tried way harder on the tension and scares. Music was far better and the acting. Even the dumb decision the characters did in this movie were not as dumb as the ones in the remake did. The remake was travesty and this is far superior.

Like I said my point but but I have to fill out more because of the required characters lol. What else you want me to say? This movie so much more entertaining and scary than the trashy remake. There I said it. Almost done. Ok I made it.

The Nun II

Left to text 3 times cuz I was so bored
Bro come was just so boring and nothing was happening. The nuns were just sitting around talking the whole movie. Nothin was scary and I ain't even gonna lie...I just saw the movie and I don't even remember it because I was so bored and nothing was happening except nuns talking and walking around being nuns idk bro not my vibe and I like horror movies... tbh I wanted to see saw x but this chick I was with wanted to see this trash and I knew it'd be trash because the first one was trash...this is slightly better trash tho but trash is still trash

The film's potential might have been squandered by a slow-paced narrative. A good horror movie should keep you on the edge of your seat...not running to the bathroom to text on ur phone.

80 for Brady

One of the cringiest movies I've ever witnessed
Cant believe this movie was made, went in with low expectations and came out with it being worse than I expected. The script was terrible and everything the actors did was cringey. The humor was completely dry and the actors put nothing into their roles, all the old ladies were basically just talking not even acting. Stupid "funny" scenes that were cringey like how does anyone feel an edible 20 seconds after eating it? Please stop. When they had to "dance" to get through security was killing me. There is an ending scene where the main old girl started talking to Tom Brady during the game giving her life story so he could win a play? Bro I was cringing so hard I had to close my ears and eyes for the duration of the movie because the cringe was so unbelievable.

Scream VI

Good movie trash ending lol? (spoilers)
First off, I like the scream movies but disliked Scream 5 but this was atleast better.

The movie going to NY was a great idea because it was getting boring in woodsboro and I was done with it. The kills were good & vicious but the killers were just a letdown again. Like can we get a good motive and not something rehashed plz? & not have the killers explain their lame motive for 20 minutes so they can be killed? Also, many incidents where someone is stabbed but they get up like nothing happened? Way over the top in this one.

THE KILLERS: The killers turned out to be the family of Ritchie (the killer in Scream 5). Like bro plz? They need to create better killers with better motives. They made an assumption towards the end that Kirby was the killer before the killers were revealed and that was the biggest shock. The killer being Kirby would have been a much crazier ending & it was a letdown that this wasn't the case.

Cocaine Bear

Not funny at all ?
The concept of this movie sounded so great so I was so pumped to see it but it was actually trash?

The whole movie wasn't funny at all & focused on two little kids wandering the forest? Really? The bear did a bunch of cocaine but barely did anything the whole movie? Are you kidding me? Make the bear tear trees down, go crazy? No, the bear didn't do anything. Also, the little girl staying in the cave the whole movie when she could've escaped was actually trash?

The movie was very gory which made it even more odd because they tried to have a comedic effect the whole time?

Please skip this movie, the concept sounded so funny but they ultimately failed. Not funny at all & just unnecessarily gory. Was thinking about leaving the theater but I didn't wanna wake my friend from her nap.

Knock at the Cabin

An actual joke ?
Are we serious right now? What of this movie was good? Slow at the start and slow at the end. There was no good payoff and unanswered questions? And no climax whatsoever. The news on tv looked like a PowerPoint I could've made?

So these random people meet up on a message board and had the same dream?

What was the deal with the homophobic bar guy that started a fight and how does he fit in the storyline?

What was the point of the flashbacks?

What was the point of everyone killing each other?

& what was the point of this movie?

I was expecting a twist ending honestly with this director but no it was just a trash storyline with no good payoff at the end. Might be worse than last airbender? The only person who could beat making a worse movie than that is this director.


Nope! Try again! Keke was good tho
The film got boring to follow as the whole "perfect shot" plotline was kinda dumb (should've been more horror). Keke palmer stood out (very well) but Daniel did not.

The chimp background story was the absolute best part for me but other than that....

It wasn't scary at all and got kinda boring, the best part was the aliens sucking the humans up, that was done excellent. The ending was straight trash tho....theres no way the main guy got away on a horse and mysteriously appears right at the end alive...typical hollywood. The film should've been cut by 30 mins and focused on more horror theme elements rather than the whole purpose of the movie was trying to just get the "perfect shot".... Gimme a break...40 people from your town have been taken and you just want a picture? Ight.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Characters were a massacre
The characters were annoying and rude, how are you gonna barge in someones home & tell them to leave when you were clearly in the wrong. I'd be pissed too leatherface. Characters make weird decisions like have one of the friends go to the hospital with this complete stranger...ok? Bushy hair girl was annoying & had no reason to have hair that bushy. Her driving was pathetic & it looked like she crashed in the wall on purpose (bushy hair got in the way?). Bushy hair girl also saw a dead person & ran to the back of the bus & didn't tell anyone. I am not a fan of bushy hair girl. Anyway the plot was weird & should've been trashed. The character coming back from the original was dumb & got chainsawed up but someone came alive to give a final shot? The party bus scene was so dumb too, no one would take out a phone & immediately start recording like those 20 people did when leatherface walked on the bus & the all sat their like spam bots to get killed.

Anyway there were only a couple good things . This leatherface was extremely violent & the gore scenes were great. Also, seeing bushy haired girl get her head chopped off right before the credits gets a plus in my book.

Overall, stick to the 2003 remake or 2006 prequel, they were much better.


Screaming at the acting (minor spoiler)
This movie was mehh...


1. The main characters (Sam & Tara) had poor acting which took away from the movie...worst part

2. How can a hospital be so empty & can we get a set change plz

3. 18 year old gets stabbed 50 times but can fight like a black belt in finale

4. The killers reasonings for the crime are just not good enough

5. Literally why even name this "Scream" when it is clearly a "Scream 5"....if you haven't seen the og scream then you will be confused

6. Sam's acting was just soap opera bad...

7. Do all killers spend 20 mins explaining their motives to the protagonists until they can rebound or is that just in Scream movies? Lol

8. Big party scene & no one smokin dope? Unbelievable already


1. The OG characters were spot on & are good actors (which is why I was decent on rating)

2. Some guy was eating pizza hut and I like pizza hut.

Sorority Sister Killer

A beautiful work of art!
This film was outstanding. The story was so great and the acting was some of the best I have ever seen (trust me). The twist ending was absolutely stunning. Have you ever seen "The Sixth Sense"? This movie had a bigger twist than that and was way more suspenseful! All the scenes were so realistic & 1000% believable. They should have put this in theaters because it is a theater-worthy, high-quality film. This is probably in my top 5 best movies of all time!

Don't Breathe 2

Unnecessary sequel with plot holes! (Spoilers)
I don't know why they made this movie but the storyline is so weird dawg. You got intruders trying to kidnap their daughter only to use her for heart surgery? Weird

Here are some plot holes that bothered me:

1. Why would the intruder even risk killing the daughter by electrocuting her if the whole point was to keep her saved for her heart?

2. So many times where the intruders could have just shot the old man but refused to and one scene where one intruder said "I wont use my gun" why did you even bring it then?

3. Can you even give a childs heart to a grown adult...?

4. They need to save the mom because she can cook the meth...? Why doesn't she just take one for the team and teach everyone lol

5. A heart doctor doesn't make enough money so he has to get hired at a meth lab?

6. Old man cries when he's about to kill a dog but is fine with killing a bunch of humans...?

7. A blind man did all this? Nah. It'd be hard to do it with eyes

Overall, first movie was good but this one is a pass.

Army of the Dead

Ehh.... Too much hollywood & the daughter ruins the movie (Spoilers)
It was really basic and hollywoody. They could have done really good with the movie but the father-daughter scenes were getting out of hand. The daughter attempting to rescue one of her friends was just completely outlandish and took away from the storyline. If they never took the daughter in the city with them, the movie would have been so much better. The short-haired blonde girl was the best character and should've been more focused on her than the daughter. The movie was too long for what it was and "Dawn of the Dead" is superior.

Black Christmas

The most underrated slasher movie ever made!
This film is great! This feels like a classic slasher movie with the deep story telling and suspenseful moments. The whole movie is a wild ride and entertaining all the way out. The film has a beautiful color and brilliant vivid scenes that will captivate you into a whole new world of Christmas terror. We gather the family every year to watch it on Christmas Eve! An absolute masterpiece and has been overlooked by everyone.

Spiral: From the Book of Saw

Extremely Predictable... Lame twist ending that ruins the movie
I typically like going to the "Saw" movies but this one had such a predictable ending that is was laughable. It was a typical hollywood ending and it ruined the film. I knew immediately who the culprit was as soon as they entered on the screen and you will too!

However, The traps were good but you could tell the twist within the first 20 minutes of the movie and it really just killed killed the vibe.

I also saw this in IMAX & it did not feel worthy to be in IMAX i'm sorry to say....

I would wait til this hits streaming services or when it hits the $2 bin at Dollar General in a couple months...

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