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The Addams Family 2

The Addams Family 2
If I were making excuses for this film I would probably say it was a victim of being released just as cinemas were reopening/getting back up to speed after the pandemic.

However, it can't be denied that this was a lesser sequel. The first of these animated versions of 'The Addams Family' was ok while not being spectacular, but this one tries to take the family on a road trip and it doesn't quite work.

I didn't really care for the animation style, or some of the vocal performances from the seemingly now standard all-star voice cast, and it all left me a bit cold.

I hear/see no plans for a sequel, and when 'Wednesday' came along and blew the whole franchise up (for the better) I think this and the original film have become forgotten already.

The Muppets.: Bear Left Then Bear Write
Episode 3, Season 1

Bear Left Then Bear Write
I thought this was the best episode of the show so far.

I thought that there was a nice mix of the behind the scenes fun of trying to put on a late night show, combined with some nice character development material in the form of the Kermit and Fozzie plot.

Put to one side were the inter-personal relationship drama things regarding Kermit and Miss Piggy, which made the show veer from '30 Rock' to 'Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip' territory. Not a critisism, I love 'Studio 60' to this day.

The guest stars felt like they were driving the plot forward, and there was a good heart to the piece too.

Overall, much better.

The Muppets.: Hostile Makeover
Episode 2, Season 1

Hostile Makeover
Some of this works. Some of it doesn't. I get the sense that this will be the running theme throughout my episode by episode review of this show.

We've learnt in hindsight that one of the reasons that Steve Whitmire was let go as Kermit was because he questioned the direction the character was taking, and episodes like this do make me see why.

The Fozzie storyline was fun, the one with Bobo not so much, but at least they are trying to find things for all of the Muppets to do.

There's a lot to like here, there really is, but the tone of this show is unbalanced, and that's a flaw that jars heavily.

The Muppets.: Pig Girls Don't Cry
Episode 1, Season 1

Pig Girls Don't Cry
Look, it's clear to see why this didn't work.

It's a weird show. You have to suspend your disbelief and get over some of the icky moments, but if you can manage that, you start to see that this was a genuine attempt to make a modern Muppet show and that it's heart was in the right place.

I'm not that bothered about the mockumentary style, it's almost become a standard convention now, it's just having the Muppets be in one that irks slightly.

The humour doesn't all land, there is a bit of darkness here (especially with the character of the normally sunny Kermit) but it's an amiable enough show.

The Muppets.: Pilot
Episode 0, Season 1

There's always been a temptation to show a darker side of the Muppets.

Fresh off of their comeback via the 2011 film we got this TV series, that sadly didn't run very long.

I think the reason for that is while yes, there is a temptation to show a darker side of the Muppets, nobody really wants to see it.

This show has a good premise, but it ends up going down the 'Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip' route rather than the '30 Rock' one - focussing on the relationship dramas of the characters rather than the fun of them putting on a late night show.

It's a novel idea, but it's not one that caught on.

Jim Henson: Idea Man

Jim Henson: Idea Man
I thought this was great.

This is a feature length tribute and biography to the great man that was Jim Henson.

It features lots of the people who worked with him, and forms a wonderful education about who the man was and what he stood for.

The talking heads don't get in the way, and there is a lot of rare footage to be seen and enjoyed as well.

I didn't expect this to be as moving as it turned out being, and just hearing the ethos and beliefs that Jim Henson had proved to be inspiring.

I hope people enjoy this well made documentary as much as I did and that it encourages Disney to do more with The Muppets.

Doctor Who: Boom
Episode 3, Season 1

'Written by Steven Moffatt'.

Well, we've not seen that for a while at the start of a 'Doctor Who' episode.

Moffat though people forget was very hit and miss as a writer for the show, so I went into this wondering which this would end up being.

Ultimately it ends up being a bit of both. There are some lovely moments here, and it is a much better than average (based on recent form) episode.

It's got heart, it's got some nice messages, and there's good performances given.

It is however, in true Moffatt form, too complicated, Ruby becomes the saviour of us all (much like Clara and *shudder* River Song always seemed to be) and it feels like he's reaching back into his bag of tricks.

On the whole though, this was good and enjoyable stuff.

Doctor Who: The Devil's Chord
Episode 2, Season 1

The Devil's Chord
Do you remember in the 'Joey' spin-off it felt like Matt LeBlanc was playing a character called 'Joey' who bore no real resemblence to the character who had appeared previously on 'Friends'?

That's how 'Doctor Who' feels for me right now. It's called 'Doctor Who', but feels very different to what has come before, almost like a new show that has just had the title tacked on because it's a notable IP.

Whether people can get on board with that remains to be seen, and this is certainly a very divisive episode. The Doctor already saying he can't save us, the musical number...imagine the 9th or 10th Doctor saying and doing such things...

It was a bit hit and miss for me. The Beatles involvement didn't really work, but I did like the villain and any slower moment scene involving The Doctor and Ruby.

On the whole, it's fine. Judged up against the dire Whittaker/Chibnall era it's a masterpiece, but it really will just come down to whether you can embrace this new era.

Every Day

Every Day
Angourie Rice is a compelling lead. She is an actress that is going places. In years to come this film will look like her baby pictures, because she will go on to far, far better things.

She has to pay her dues though by appearing on the way to that stardom by being in rubbish like this.

Adapted from a YA novel (there's a warning sign if ever there was one), this isn't very good. It borrows too liberally from other source material and ends up having no voice that is authentically its own.

It doesn't work, and if it weren't for Rice I think it would have sunk completely.

Overall, nothing out of the ordinary.

Spoiler Alert

Spoiler Alert
Jim Parsons, like many an actor before him, faces a problem. What do you do next after being on a mega hit sitcom?

Having played a straight character on 'The Big Bang Theory' it will also be jarring for some to see him play a gay character (Parsons is gay) here.

For me I could get behind the story and the script was good, but Parsons stood out like a sore thumb. I just could not see beyond Sheldon Cooper. It doesn't help that Parsons leans into some of that characters mannerisms here too.

Overall, this wasn't a great film to begin with (Sally Field is awful in it) but the 'Parsons factor' and the ghost of Sheldon Cooper loomed large.

The Kelly Clarkson Show

The Kelly Clarkson Show
Not that she needs a career boost, her musical career is flying high (unlike Jennifer Hudson, who seems to be using her own chat show as a way to boost it) Kelly Clarkson seems to have forged a good second string to her bow with this chat show.

It's un-pretentious, it's good fun and Clarkson is getting better in her role as time goes on. She has at the time of writing just won a Daytime Emmy, and this seems well-deserved because this show is a bit of a gem.

Long may it continue, long may Clarkson develop in her role and seek further opportunities that may come from it. Her talent allows her to do so, her human touch reinforces it.

dinnerladies: Moods
Episode 4, Season 1

This show never really did much for me.

I know, I know, I'm sure the negative feedback will come piling through, but it just doesn't.

For all this show is funny, there's a darker edge running through it like a stick of rock that leaves a nasty aftertaste. This for me is true with a lot of the late great Victoria Wood's work sadly.

This has its moments, every episode of the show does, but it's just not my cup of tea in the same way that 'Fawlty Towers' and 'Gavin and Stacey' aren't.

I'm glad though that others on this site seem to have enjoyed it though of course, because the quality is there.

In for a Penny: Episode #6.5
Episode 5, Season 6

For just sheer fun factor value you won't find a better show than this on telly. Certainly not on ITV, a network that seems scared of their own shadow, let alone try to entertain people.

It's broad (too broad for some people it seems) it's fun, and it's held together by Stephen Mulhern as host brilliantly. Who else could you see hosting this? Nobody.

It's just a shame that ITV seem to want to bury it. If it gets any earlier in the schedules it'll come after the lunchtime news.

Typical. We get twaddle in prime time and then gems dumped elsewhere.

I hope this show runs for a long time. It deserves to.

Top Gear: Episode #23.6
Episode 6, Season 23

Farewell, Mr Evans
Chris Evans is a host with a long reputation.

He thought he was a good fit for 'Top Gear'.

The world thought differently. The truth was he was a square peg in a round hole. Everyone could see it.

Perhaps he could too when he watched the footage back, and he deserves some credit for walking away when he did.

For all his dashing about, for all of his clear enthusiasm, Matt LeBlanc was more engaging just by standing still half the time.

So credit for Evans for leaving when he did, he could clearly see what we could all see.

LeBlanc would continue as the host with a couple of other dud sidekicks moving forward.

The Parent Trap

The Parent Trap
You almost feel sorry for Lindsay Lohan. Her whole career (at least in front of the camera, she seems pretty infamous off of it) is made up of a handful of Disney films made in the late 90's and early 00's.

This is fine. Lohan is the centre draw here, playing both of the two kids, but the film isn't up to much at all, and certainly doesn't hold much weight under scrutiny.

It's too long for a start. It drags on for over two hours, meaning there are far too many slow moments, and I'm not sure the supporting cast do much to help Lohan carry it over the line.

She has talent, she has the ability to carry the humour and the charm, but it was asking too much of her to carry this.

The Wonderful World of Disney: Life-Size
Episode 8, Season 3

This is fine.

As a vehicle for Lindsay Lohan (and I suppose you could say Tyra Banks) this is fine.

It delivers all the charm and humour you would expect for a Disney live action film, and Lohan was able to deliver both in spades at this age.

It's not a film that holds up to much scrutiny though, and I can't say it's one that I would rush to watch again.

It's held together by Lohan and that's a big ask. For all her looks, Banks is not much of an actress, and that shines through for all to see.

Overall, this is decent but rather unspectacular entertainment and I'm surprised a sequel (though Banks had a go at this already) is planned.

Get a Clue

Get a Clue
They might as well of called this 'Nancy Drew', hadn't they?

That's what this is. It follows at the plot beats and elements you'd associate with that brand to a tee. Perhaps Disney didn't own/couldn't get the rights.

What it is though is an opportunity for Disney to make use of Lindsay Lohan and her suitable range of popularity/charm/appeal.

She's good here, in not really that good of a film. What a shame she couldn't really find a decent source of material to work with once she great up. Here her potential shines through.

Overall, this isn't a bad film, it very much is what it is, but it could have been better.

Britain's Got Talent: 2024: Live Semi-Final 2
Episode 10, Season 17

2024: Live Semi-Final 2
I made the choice to skip the audition stage this year.

Something about Bruno being a judge and not looking like he fit in, combined with the rules going out of the window and everyone seemingly suddenly having multiple golden buzzer acts put me off.

The live semi-final's though are always good value though, so I returned to the show for these this week.

I liked what I saw. There was some nice variety on show, and some stand-out acts.

It all makes for good family entertainment, and proves to be oddly engaging too.

Whether the potential winner came from this semi-final I don't know, but I'll wait to be amazed as the week goes on.

Britain's Got Talent: 2024: Live Semi-Final 1
Episode 9, Season 17

2024: Live Semi-Final 1
I skipped the audition stage this year.

Something about Bruno being a judge and not looking like he fit in, combined with the rules going out of the window and everyone seemingly suddenly having multiple golden buzzer acts put me off.

The live semi-final's though are always good value though, so I returned to the show for these this week.

I liked what I saw. There was some nice variety on show, and some stand-out acts.

It all makes for good family entertainment, and proves to be oddly engaging too.

Whether the potential winner came from this semi-final I don't know, but I'll wait to be amazed as the week goes on.

Britain's Got Talent: 2024: The Live Final
Episode 14, Season 17

2024: The Live Final
So, here we go - The Live Final of 'Britain's Got Talent 2024'.

What a final it was. It got better as it went along, with some of the lesser acts being rattled through early in the proceedings that you knew deep down didn't have a cat in Hell's chance of winning.

The press seemed to know who they thought/wanted to win all along, so it's a shame that they got their wish, because actually I thought there were some better acts there on show on the night.

I'm still not totally convinced about Bruno as a judge on the show, but on the whole this has been another good series of 'Britain's Got Talent' and I look forward to the next.

30 Rock: The Baby Show
Episode 9, Season 1

The Baby Show
This was good fun.

Very silly indeed. This is the sort of episode that requires no real thought, you can just let it wash over you.

I like the Liz Lemmon character. She's sort of like Mary Richards on 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' - she's a straight character to the crazy colleagues around her, but can be funny in her own right.

It's still very much a show in development, it doesn't all work, but it at least makes the world of making a late night comedy show look fun.

'Studio 60' was amazing, it's one of my favourite shows of all time, but you can't really say it always did this.

This episode was silly but fun.

Doctor Who: Space Babies
Episode 1, Season 1

Space Babies
In 2005 Russell T Davies gave us 'Rose', a massive reset episode of 'Doctor Who' aimed at charting a new course after the show had gone into serious decline.

'Space Babies' feels very much like it is trying to do a very similar thing. I don't think anyone, even the biggest most loyal fan, could say that 'Doctor Who' has been good for quite some time now.

It's a show that's very easy to be cynical of, and I think everyone has their 'era' that is theirs and they are very protective of, but that doesn't help it moving forward.

I thought this was a good reset/reboot/start to the Disney+ era. I thought Gatwa is good in the role of the Doctor is that Gibson is the more spirited companion we have had in a long time,

The plot was simple (perhaps a bit too simple) and travelling with the Doctor seemed fun again, something it really didn't with the dour 12th.

Time will tell whether the show can build on this good start, but for now I am willing to give it a go.

I hope others (especially those who bang on about being 'devoted' fans) can do the same.

Morecambe & Wise: In Their Own Words

Morecambe & Wise: In Their Own Words
There have been a lot of documentaries made about Eric and Ernie, our beloved Morecambe and Wise. Many of them featuring the views of talking heads that probably actually have no real clue what they're on about.

This one however is something different. Other than a very brief appearance from Jonathan Ross to bookend the piece, this is very much the story of the duo told by the men themselves.

That elevates things hugely. This is well-made and well told, and refreshingly doesn't hide away from perhaps the duos lesser moments.

I think this has to be up there with the best documentaries made about the pair.

Britain's Got Talent: 2024: Live Semi-Final 5
Episode 13, Season 17

2024: Live Semi-Final 5
After a few nights back to back of Semi-final coverage it does all start to blur into one a bit.

I didn't see the audition episodes this year, so cannot comment about whether there were better/more deserving acts that "simply should have been put through and it's a crying shame/outrage that they didn't'" as I'm sure social media will be screaming, but from what I have seen this seems to be very much your standard 'Britain's Got Talent' fare.

I thought there were some good acts amongst the mix here tonight, and that the show offered some genuine variety.

Quite who told Alesha Dixon it'd be a good idea to attempt to relaunch her music career needs their head felt though. Dire.

Britain's Got Talent: 2024: Live Semi-Final 4
Episode 12, Season 17

2024: Live Semi-Final 4
After a few nights back to back of Semi-final coverage it does all start to blur into one a bit.

I didn't see the audition episodes this year, so cannot comment about whether there were better/more deserving acts that "simply should have been put through and it's a crying shame/outrage that they didn't'" as I'm sure social media will be screaming, but from what I have seen this seems to be very much your standard 'Britain's Got Talent' fare.

It might look a bit tired at times, but the format is stronger than the moving parts, and 'Britain's Got Talent' continues to be good old-fashioned entertainment.

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